Semi AFK Strategy
By Eternal.
I call it carrot toy strategy, the thing is to check the board and always search for one of the two tasks: Carrots or Porcelain Doll and whichever comes first to 3x amount you stack it to 4x and then the other 2x slots you hold for the other one.
As a start you would either have 4x carrot and 2x porcelain doll OR 4x porcelain doll and 2x carrot.
And why? Because the place that you deliver the carrots is the same place that you buy the dolls for delivering at the farm. and the farm is near the place that you buy carrots.
Plus, those two tasks are high EXP ones, they always wield like 1K exp each or near. Beef Joints for instance are low exp tasks.
Before you begin, we recommend reading a starter guide for Merchants on Goblin.tips (from 0 to 40 levels) with helpful tips.
Example of Good Start:
- Carrots have slightly higher chance to show up (my feeling says that) so fill up a entire inventory of carrots and go to the board.
- Get all the available carrots or porcelain dolls task (but remember, always follow the rule of 4x / 2x) in the case, 4x carrot, 2x doll. Ok.
- Now, go to the place that you deliver the carrots. Deliver all of the 4x carrots tasks and then buy your Entire Inventory of dolls.
- Now teleport to crenopolis market and go for the board, you already have 2x Porcelain doll task at this moment, so you only need to get another 2x Porcelain Doll, and you can also get 2x carrots on the meanwhile to prepare for the next run.
- Got 4x porcelain doll and 2x carrots? Great. Now teleport to crenopolis outskirts and go north for the farm map so you can deliver the dolls there. deliver the 4x dolls tasks.
- Now, enter crenopolis trough the gate and go for the carrots npc, buy a full inventory of carrots.
- Now teleport to the market, at this time, you already have 2x carrots tasks and a full inventory of carrots, you only need to accept another 2x carrots and another 2x porcelain doll tasks.
Got them? Alright, now just repeat the process. This strategy is semi AFK and I consider it wonderful.
Note: Not to mention that the Porcelain Doll has also synergy with Pumpkins. because the place you deliver the dolls is the same place you buy the pumpkins, so the doll task can be joker, and whichever carrot or pumpkin comes first you get them.
Should definitely just do beef if you need a filler since you run west anyway, carrots/plates and added soap if you can snag a few of them. You just need 4 carrots/plates to pick and deliver close to each other. I would 100% avoid anything in the ogre area as nothing out there seems to be worth.
Opening the level 4 door makes the carrot/plate quicker too down the back ally.
I avoided leaving the town until I got around 55 Merch
The shortcut from 55 merch is excellent. But until then (and after this 0-40 gude) I still suggest abandoned
im 61 now, never really touched badges, ribs or meat wrap. either combo carrots plates, carrots dolls, plates dolls. work in pumpkins and beef joints depending on other bounties. if its less than 30 secs i wait for refresh, if not i deliver beef joints
i really liked soap too, great exp. later levels youll have to be in that area more with pizzas, watches and bananas