Play as Geralt de Rivia, popular known in the streets as Geraldo da Ribeira.
Geralt of Rivia
- Body Type: 4
- Identity: Male
- Voice: Voice 7
- Face: Head 1
- Skin Colour: Pallid Tone 1
- Scarring: Scar 1
- Maturity: about 50%
- Freckle Quantity: 0%
- Freckle Intensity: 0%
- Vitiligo: 0%
- Genitals: Penis C
Body Art
- Tattoo Style: No Tattoo
- Piercing Style: None
- Eye Colour: Topaz 2
- Eye Makeup Style: Makeup 7
- Eye Makeup Colour: Black
- Eye Makeup Intensity: 40
- Metallic Tint Level: 22
- Glossy Tint Level: 25
- Lip Tint: Red 1
- Lip Colouration Intensity: 0
- Metallic Tint Level: 0
- Glossy Tint Level: 0
- Hairstyle: Elysium Fan (from the bottom up, 1st of the 5th row)
- Hair Colour: Blonde Ash 1
- Highlights: Natural Blonde 1
- Highlights Intesity: 0
- Greying: Grey Neutral 1
- Greying Intensity: 50
Facial Hair
- Hairstyle: Groomed Rascal
- Hair Colour: Blonde Ash 1
- Greying: Grey Neural 1
- Greying Intesity: 50

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