All locations of Dragon Priest Masks shown on the map with their Enchantments described.
Dragon Priest Masks Locations
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Dragon Priest Enchantments
- Location: Valthume
- Class: Heavy Armor
- Enchantments:
- Resist Disease: 100%
- Resist Poison: 100%
- Location: Shearpoint
- Class: Light Armor
- Enchantments:
- Fortify Lockpicking: 20%
- Fortify Archery: 20%
- Fortify Alchemy: 20%
- Location: Labyrinthian
- Class: Light Armor
- Enchantments:
- Regenerate Magicka: +100%
- Location: Skuldafn
- Class: Heavy Armor
- Enchantments:
- Fortify Magicka: 50 points
- Destruction spells cost: -20%
- Restoration spells cost: -20%
- Location: Ragnvald
- Class: Heavy Armor
- Enchantments:
- Resist Fire: 30%
- Resist Frost: 30%
- Resist Shock: 30%
- Location: Forelhost
- Class: Heavy Armor
- Enchantments:
- Fortify Stamina: 70 points
- Location: High Gate Ruins
- Class: Heavy Armor
- Enchantments:
- Conjuration spells cost: -20%
- Illusion spells cost: -20%
- Alteration spells cost: -20%
- Location: Volskygge
- Class: Light Armor
- Enchantments:
- Fortify Barter: 20%
- Fortify Carry Weight: 20 points
- Waterbreathing
- Location: Bromjunaar Sanctuary in Labyrinthian after collecting all the previous masks.
- Class: Heavy Armor
- Enchantments:
- Healing
- Spectral ally
Healing – When the wearer is struck while below 15% health, there is a 15% chance that the mask will heal the wearer and any nearby allies with the Grand Healing spell, and grant a Flame Cloak for 10 seconds.
Spectral ally – Whenever the wearer is struck while below 15% health, there is a 3% chance that the mask will not only restore the user’s health, but also summon a Spectral Dragon Priest ally. The said character may use Ice Spike and Reanimate Corpse. Should corpses be absent, the Dragon Priest will instead summon a Storm Atronach.
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