How to survive the Night 1 spiders onslaught and get the perfect achievement for it.
Quick Notes
This guide assumes you have already gone inside the house up the hill.
In short, here are the following things you need to do to make sure none of the spiders managed to get inside your house:
- Barricade 3 windows with metal bars using nails.
- Put 2 bear traps outside the house.
- Use appropriate repellent to spray at night at max efficiency.
- Close all doors (luckily spiders don’t know how to use the door handle so you can leave them unlocked).
The guide also does not make use of the car in this stage. You can opt to use it to travel between the house, the broken bridge (don’t repair it completely though, you’ll know why later), and the roadblock if you want.
There are also many items that may not see any use of until the next day. The guide does not concern with them but you can pick them up in advance if you still have time to spare (which you definitely are going to have).
House Looting
Nothing much to loot in the house for this scenario.
- Broken hammer in the storage container. Just leave it in there for now.
- Spare key in the kitchen so you can unlock the doors.
Put the key back in the storage container once you’ve unlocked the doors. You won’t need it until possibly Day 3.
Inspect the dead guy near the car for the bite mark. There are 4 possible marks and it’s different for each playthrough. Mine looked like this:

Grab the wrench next to the other dead guy. Inspect him if you want to read the note on how to deal with the spiders.
If you want to use the car, inspect the blue car and use the wrench on it to get the fuel coil.
That’s it for the moment.
Broken Bridge
Go straight to the other side of the bridge for now. We’ll get back to it later.
Gas Station
Here we are at the gas station. Now if you go straight to the shop, you’ll see this:

Can’t exactly do anything with this nerd around. Time to distract it.
Go to the parking lot (the one with the fuel container) and pick up the rock.
Now go to the back side and throw the rock at the dishes. This will lure the spider over and you’ll automatically go back outside.

You can go back to the shop and get the following stuffs:
- Hunting Rifle (you’re forced to pick this)
- Gas can
- Crowbar
Those are everything you need. Feel free to get the other items in your spare remaining time of the day.
When you go outside, the spider will already be waiting for you. Use the Hunting Rifle on it (you won’t die in this situation, the spider will just patiently wait right next to you to be shot at).

Go back to the backside and get one metal bar. You won’t be able to carry the other two due to their weight, we’ll come back for them later.

Go to the fuel container, use the gas can on the valves, then the wrench to get petrol from it.
Broken Bridge
You can go back to the broken bridge now. Click on the shovel on the back of the car wreck to get a wooden handle. You’ll need it to fix the hammer.

And again, if you want to use the car to travel around, use the wrench on the broken car to get a wheel.
Back to the House
- Store every items you have in your backpack to the container except for the crowbar.
- Use the wooden handle on the broken hammer.
Time to go back to the roadblock.
Car Wrecks
Click on the car wreck to the top right.

Use the crowbar on the Pest Control truck to open it and get in.
Pick up the 2 beer traps and open all the lockers (use the crowbar on the locked one).
There will be a yellow note telling you which repellent can to use. Pay attention to the amount of teeth and where their longer teeth are.

In my case, the spider has 4 teeth total, with 2 long one in the middle, thus I should pick up the B-11 can.
That’s everything you need from this place.

Go back to the house, move all items from your backpack to the storage container. Make a little trip back to the gas station for the 2 remaining metal bars. Now you’re ready to turn the house into a fortress.
Fortifying the House
Repellent spray:

Pour gasoline from the gas can to the power generator. Set it to water pump mode then pull the cord 3 times to start it.

Use duct tape on the broken pipes, then put the repellent can on the water pump.

Set the water pump mode to “Overnight mist spray irrigation” and play a little simple game of Lights out to get the pump to full efficiency.
Just click the 4 buttons from the position of my cursor in counter-clockwise direction.
Beer traps:
Setup the beer traps outside the house by simply drop them to the ground.
Window barricades:
Use the crowbar on the greenhouse to dismantle it for nails and broken wood. You can do it up to 4 times, and for our purpose, 3 are enough.
Now go back inside the house, place all the metal bars you’ve got on the 3 windows, then use hammer & nails to firmly hold them to the door frame.
Fun fact: spider is the only threat that force you to use nails to hold them off. Otherwise, there’ll be always one of them managing to break through for each window using duct tape instead of nails, and you don’t want that to happen if you wish to get that precious perfect achievement.
“What if I want to build the bridge for my car to pass through the broken bridge? I need 2 nails for that!” you ask? On Day 2, you can take down the barricades with the crowbar to recover the nails for it (the metal bar is lost though, spiders are too rough on it)”
If you get thugs for Day 3 as a threat, don’t worry. You’ll surely find a metal bar in a certain location and only need to barricade the window near the front door. Yeah thugs can’t jump nor climb up to the 2nd floor unlike those scary mutated spiders. Thugs also can’t break through the metal bars affixed with duct tape.
Don’t forget to close the doors!
Enjoy the Result!

Extra Notes
- You can bring a hammer and a nail to partially repair the broken bridge. This way you won’t have to spend extra time going through the ravine for later dates. If you don’t care about “not using the car for the entire playthrough” achievement, feel free to completely repair it.
- The remaining items in the gas station are only useful in some scenarios for later dates. The window nets are useless for the remaining days though, so don’t bother with it.
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