You don’t have to manually install the H patch or mod the game to uncensor it, you can just use HF Patch to do it automatically and add a ton of new content along the way. This guide tells you what exactly it does, how to get it and how to install it.
Guide to Unlock All Content
About HF Patch
A patch for AI-Shoujo and AI-Syoujyo (AI*少女, the original Japanese release) with all free updates, fan-made English translations and essential mods. It will improve performance, add features, fix common issues, and allow you to load character cards and scenes found online. All this while still keeping the original, uncluttered feel of the game.
All content is tested and fixed (or removed) as needed before each update. HF Patch can repair many common problems, try it if you have issues with your game or mod setup. By default, it cleans the game before applying new mods, providing a stable platform for further modding. You can apply HF Patch over any game installation or repack without issues.
HF Patch does not contain the full game, paid expansions or any other pirated content. You have to buy the game and expansions separately.
- You can see more info and the source code here.

What’s Included?
HF Patch includes and installs by default:
- Full uncensor with multiple different models.
- H patch.
- Free updates for AI-Syoujyo, including Studio (with full fan-made translation).
- Fan-made translations and automatic machine translations to fill in gaps in official translation.
- Most commonly used plugins and pretty much all modded clothes, it allows you to load almost all character cards available online.
- Fixes for common issues with the game and mods like botched mod installs.
- You can see a full list of what HF Patch contains by checking the [Components] section in the source code.
- Note that HF Patch does not contain the full game, paid expansions or any other pirated content. The full game needs to be already installed for the patch to work.
How to Install It?
- Buy and install AI-Shoujo.
- Download the latest HF Patch release from here. You should get a single .exe file and 2 or more .bin files. You can place these files anywhere you want.
- Install the latest HF Patch by running the .exe and following the wizard.
- Done! You can now start the game launcher as usual and you will notice some new options straight away. You can remove the downloaded HF Patch installation files now if you want to save some space, but consider keeping them in case you need to fix your game in the future.
- Note 1: By default the game is located in SteamSteamAppscommonAI-Shoujo (you also find the installation directory from your Steam library, click Properties and View local files).
- Note 2: The default settings should work well for most users. If you want to get the full save, scroll down to the bottom of the “what to install” list.
FAQ / Notes
- First of all, check the FAQ on the wiki here.
Notes for HF Patch, I strongly recommend reading them!
- You can configure many plugins by Pressing F1 and then “Plugin settings”. You can also see most of the plugin hotkeys in this menu (and change them).
- You can prevent Steam from showing you play the game by starting the .exe manually (not from the Steam library). Make your games private to be extra sure. The game can also run with Steam turned off. Just know that we won’t judge you for your hours played.
- If you verify game files in your Steam client, you will lose many features and have to re-run HF Patch to get them back. You can do this if you have issues as it will restore game files but not remove any of your data.
- Included fan translations are only used to fill in the gaps in official translation (DLC, studio, mods).
- Installing HF Patch will add free updates for the Japanese release, which contain Studio (separate exe file). For many people this is the only mode they use (apart from character maker to make characters for use in studio), so it is highly recommended that you check it out. You can see other people’s creations and download their studio scenes from the DC server.
- The HF Patch download does not include content mods for Studio, they have to be downloaded separately because of their huge size. You can tell HF Patch to download them at the end of the installation.
- HF Patch does not contain the full game, paid expansions or any other pirated content. The full game needs to be already installed for the patch to work.
- If you have installed a previous HF Patch or separate mods it is recommended to remove all mods when prompted. This will prevent any potential mod conflicts or outdated mods causing problems.
- It’s recommended to install all content mods if you plan to download character cards – they are required by many cards and scenes.
- All DLC/patches are optional and not required to install HF Patch.
- You can run this patch as many times as you want and nothing will break. All mods are optional to install, and most can be removed by running the patch again.
- It’s recommended to install all content mods if you plan to download character cards – they are required by many cards and scenes.
- You can use this patch to fix many broken game/mod installs.
- Older versions of BepInEx will be automatically upgraded, and most botched installations should get fixed by running this patch. Warning: If you have a very old BepInEx folder remove it when prompted!
- Most mods are in plugin and sideloader form to avoid modifying game files. You can run HF Patch again to remove them.
- Please leave the modders some positive feedback or help them in some other way!
- There is no warranty on this patch or on any of the included mods. You are installing this patch at your own risk.
Solutions to Common Issues with the Patch
- If after installing the patch you have issues running the game, restart your PC and try to install the patch again with default settings.
- If after installing the patch Studio hangs when loading, start KKManager (it’s in a folder in game directory) and click “Look for updates” at the top, then tell it to update the Studio modpack. Or press the update button in the launcher.
- If you have trouble downloading by using the magnet link, try updating your torrent client or use the latest qBittorrent (it’s known to work well).
- Make sure you downloaded ALL parts to the same folder and that the parts all have the same name. You need ALL parts for the patch to work. If the installer asks you for another disc it means that your download was not extracted correctly and is missing files, or you renamed or removed some of the extracted files.
- If you see any messages about corrupted files you’ll have to re-download the offending part (or all of the parts). If you downloaded the torrent, most torrent clients can “force recheck” the downloaded files so you don’t have to re-download the whole thing.
- If your antivirus is flagging the .exe file make sure that you’ve downloaded the patch by following links in this post. If you are sure the download came from the right place, it’s most likely a false positive (it’s a common issue with non-signed application installers).
- On slower drives it can take a few minutes to finish verifying the files since it has to read and hash a lot of data. If you can see it’s doing something in task manager then just let it run.
How do I unlock more sex positions?
By raising the “heart” level with the Islander. Max positions with level 3 and 4 heart.
Also, certain items such as a couch, bench, bed, table, even a tree or wall, will open up other positions.
How to feed?
- Put stuff in the cooking storage. then tell her to go cook something. sometimes she will go cook then eat sometimes she will say she isnt hungry and refuses to eat even when she has 0% in her tummy. find the same on a lot of things u advice her to do. most of the time she says she is busy maybe later then she collapses cause she is exhausted or hungry or sick. When that happens u might as well restart cause once she becomes sick u cant do anything as u cant interact with her to give her food or medicine.
- When she collapses all u can do is pick her up and carry her to a bed pref 1 that has a roof over it then put her to bed. But then she will stay there forever and then die as u cant give her anything.
- She is very stubborn and mostly refuses to do anything u ask her to do. Even asking her to follow u hardly ever works as she wants to go and do her own thing.
- Best option is to save the game before interacting with her to get her to do something. then if she refuses just reload and try again and again till she does it. Think it might be a bug as u can make or buy medicine and stuff but u cant use it on her when she needs it.
How to find Quailshrooms?
Ground foraging in the forest area between the forest camp and the ruined city path.
Farming. you get shrooms as a by-product of harvesting, Mellon, Banato, Redfruit.
Can also be bought by trading with Shawn. (Chance, does not always have them).
Took a closer look when harvesting. The shrooms can confirm are harvested with Melons.
My setup is a house in forest. the city land serves as my large farm area. This includes a chicken pen and about 14 2 x 4 farming plots. 3 of them are for melons.
One harvest pass over all 3 got me about 14 shrooms.
And yeah I meant Shan.. but my use of the creation has perfected bucket list kinks, so I only trade with her.
Either way. I find farming is a more reliable way to get Shrooms.. or pretty much anything else. And if you haven’t already.. check out the recycler machine. Good way to use up extra stuff to get random items.. 10 to 1 but still handy when you have a mass farm going.. lots of extra stuff you can recycle.
How to find Cubie?
Finding the secret lab is your last quest to install the 4th girl into your game. Secret lab is located in the “Ruins” between the “Ship Launch Room” and the “Third girl” Terminal room. Look on the map for the”POD” in that area. PODs are where girls are spawned using the data terminal. As “rt2” stated above me, you need a girl to follow you to the secret lab to open the door.
I found the lab first, then called (using phone) to get a girl there. It helps if one or more girls have Super Sense as one of their “Normal ” skills so she can easily find you. Inside the secret lab you will find at least three very good spawn points for collecting items along with Cubie. Cubie requires a battery. Unless you are using a cheat and have unlimited battery supply, then gaining a Cubie is not worth the effort unless you want to craft a “Tank Cat” which is fun the first time, boring afterword.
Where’s the exe. file?
Eso te pasa por que te tocas por las noches. la ceguera. que si una paja un dia, que si un filtro para quitar censuras otro dia, que si un dia pruebas el furry, que si un dia acabas viendo videos de chinas que pisan bolas.. al final, un chingo acaba en tu ojo y pierdes la capacidad de ver lo evidente, que si no encuentras una respuesta, no preguntas, investigas.
Ese aviso le sale a todo el mundo, es el smart screen, no hace falta ser informatico, con googlear un poco encuentras la respuesta.
Everytime i tried to install it, its always not responding. Is there a fix to this?
After installing this patch all of my menus are now half off the screen. It has made the game unplayable. I have tried changing the resolution, but it goes from bad to worse. Anyone know how to fix this?
Now everything works fine! I had to add winhttp.dll via protontricks manually (just a hint for other linux/proton users).
First of all, thank you for this patch. You wrote “You can configure many plugins by Pressing F1 and then “Plugin settings”.” but the F1 key does nothing more than opening the normal “smart phone menu”. How can I activate the included mods? I do not see much difference except in the Initial Settings.exe.
try the pause break button above page up
Me he descargado el parche (torrent de 9Gb) desde el enlace que hay aquí publicado (en https://github.com/ManlyMarco/AI-HF_Patch/releases).
Al intentar ejecutar el parche, me ha salido un aviso de windows 10 diciéndome que windows defender lo considera una amenaza, y se recomienda no ejecutarlo. Puede tratarse de un virus, o algo similar? No me atrevo a instalarlo. A alguien mas le ha ocurrido? Gracias!
Help! I’ve been trying to find a good place to put it. So far I’ve done AI-Shoujo_Data, abdata and the whole folder of contents of itself but it doesn’t notice it. Do I really just place these files anywhere I want?
I gotta thank you again for putting this together. Without mods the game is totally lackluster.
I already have H patch installed, do i have to uninstalled it before getting hf patch?