Another full guide to completing all achievements including DLC.
Darn It, They keep BREAKING
Perform 33 Unique Glory Kills in a single save slot
You should naturally gain this achievement as you play through the campaign, if for some reason you don’t then replay a mission or two and go glory kill crazy.
Crystal Craving
Upgrade Health, Armor, or Ammo
To upgrade each of these categories you will need Sentinel Crystals, you will gain your first sentinel crystal on Mission 1: Hell on Earth, then simply put your point/s into one of the three categories.
Complete Hell on Earth
This is part of the campaign and cannot be missed, you will gain this achievement when you complete the first mission Hell on Earth.
Bonus Stage
Complete a Slayer Gate
You will come across your first Slayer Gate on MIssion 2: Exultia, these are small battle arenas that will test your skills and will require a key to unlock, there are 6 gates in total for you to complete and earn a reward. Complete one of them to earn this achievement.
You will find the slayer gates within the following missions:
- Exultia: The key is located just outside the gate on a rock platform high above.
- Cultist Base.
- Super Gore Nest.
- Arc Complex.
- Mars Core.
- Taras Nabad
It’s a Magic Number
Kill 666 Demons
Simply kill 666 demons throughout the entire campaign, you should gain this naturally before you complete the campaign.
The Hunters Became the Hunted
Kill the Doom Hunters
Kill all the Doom Hunters on Mission 4: Doom Hunter Base.
This One’s my Favorite
Complete a Praetor Suit Perk category in a single save slot
For this achievement you will need to gain Praetor Suit Points to use in Perks, then use those points to fill one category. To gain points you can complete mission challenges, find secrets and by using Sentinel Batteries in The Fortress of Doom. Remember, you can replay a mission to continue progress towards any points.
Extra Extra Lives
Pick up 20 Extra Lives Total in a single save slot
You will find extra lives throughout the campaign, they are small green helmets with with 1up above them and are usually hidden as secrets, you should be able to gain more than 20 as you play through the campaign if you explore a little, if not just replay any missions to gain any that you may have missed.
Spend 8 Sentinel Batteries in the Fortress of Doom in a single save slot
You can find Sentinel Batteries throughout the campaign and also gain them as challenge rewards, once you have them you can head into The Fortress of Doom and insert them into the slots next to the locked rooms to open them, use 8 of them in your campaign to gain this achievement.
Interplanetary Fracking
Blow a hole in Mars
This is part of the campaign and cannot be missed, you will gain this achievement on Mission 7: Mars Core.
Thumbs Down
Best the Gladiator in the Colosseum
This is part of the campaign and cannot be missed, you will need to kill the Gladiator boss on Mission 8: Sentinel Prime.
King of the Crystals
Fully upgrade Health, Armor, or Ammo in a single save slot
Each time you obtain a Sentinel Crystal put the points into Health, Armor and Ammo only, you will need a total of 12.
Reforged and Refueled
Acquire a new Crucible in Taras Nobad
This is part of the campaign and cannot be missed, you will acquire the Crucible at the end of Mission 9: Taras Nabad.
Kill the Khan Makyr
This is part of the campaign and cannot be missed, you will need to kill the Khan Maykr boss on Mission 12: Urdak.
Breaker of Gates
Complete all Slayer Gates in a single save slot
There are 6 slayer gates in total throughout the campaign, you do not have to complete these during your first run, so feel free to finish the campaign and return to the slayer gates another time when you have upgraded and are stronger in battle.
You will find the slayer gates within the following missions:
- Exultia: The key is located just outside the gate on a rock platform high above.
- Cultist Base.
- Super Gore Nest.
- Arc Complex.
- Mars Core.
- Taras Nabad.
The Once and Future Slayer
Complete the Campaign on any difficulty
As the title says, just finish the campaign.
Meet Your Unmaykr
Acquire the Unmakyr
For this you will need to complete all 6 slayer gates, each gate complete will reward you with a key, once you have all 6 keys take them to The Fortress of Doom and insert them into the podium that contains a special weapon known as Demaykr, that will give you this achievement.
Kill the Icon of Sin
This is part of the campaign and cannot be missed, you will need to kill the final boss of the campaign on Mission 13: Final Sin.
They’re ALL My Favorite
Purchase all Praetor Suit Perks in a single save slot
To gain points you can complete mission challenges, find secrets and by using Sentinel Batteries in The Fortress of Doom. Just like the previous DOOM you should be able to gain all the points needed to fully upgrade everything with plenty left over, if not you can always go back and replay any missions to gain more.
Treasure Hunter
Beat all encounters and Mission Challenges, and find all Items in Taras Nabad in a single save slot
This will take some time but remember you can replay the mission as many times as you need to finish the challenges and find all of the items.
My advice would be to play the mission as normal so you can at least enjoy it, beat the encounters along the way, then replay the mission and hunt down any hidden collectables you may have missed and clean up any remaining challenges.
If Only I Could Read…
Collect all physical Codex pages in a single save slot
As you play through the campaign you will come across Codex Pages that look like burning pieces of paper floating in the air, collect them all for this achievement.
Reforged the Genie Lamp
Complete the cheat code collection in a single save slot
Find all the Floppy Disks located throughout the campaign, these are part of the collectables.
Metal Head
Complete the album collection in a single save slot
Find all the Vinyl Albums located throughout the campaign, these are part of the collectables.
Playset Sold Separately
Complete the toy collection in a single save slot
Find all the Doom Toys located throughout the campaign, these are part of the collectables.
Master all Weapon Mods in a single save slot
Just like the previous DOOM you will need to fully upgrade each of the two mods for each weapon, then complete each mod challenge to gain the mastery, once you have complete all guns you will gain this achievement. Remember, you can replay missions to gain progress on these, just complete the mission or hit a checkpoint to save any progress.
Master of Fasting
Complete a Mission with only the Famine Mode cheat on
You will need to find the Floppy Disk to unlock the Famine Mode Cheat and proceed to complete any mission on any difficulty with the cheat activated.
Running Up the High Score
Complete Extra Life Mode with 10 Extra Lives in your Inventory
This can be a tricky one. You will need to start a new save in Extra Life Mode and set it to the lowest difficulty, then complete the entire campaign with at least 10 lives remaining, this is difficult as you will need to collect the extra lives as you go and avoid losing any, once all lives are gone it’s game over and no achievement. You’re best to play the campaign as normal first and study the maps so you know what you will encounter and know the locations of the lives, secrets etc. Personally i would make this your last achievement.
Mix and Match
Play as 5 different Player Demons in BATTLEMODE
As the title says, play as each of the 5 demons in battlemode in no specific order. I will add more info on this asap if required.
Fight Like Hell
Do 5000 damage as a Player Demon in BATTLEMODE
Spend some time playing as a demon in battle mode and deal 5000 damage overall, this does not have to be in a single match, so have fun and this achievement will eventually pop.
Man vs Monsters
Play 25 BATTLEMODE matches
Straight forward to understand, play 25 matches in battlemode as the title says.
Blood Bath
Kill 200 opponents in BATTLEMODE
You will need to spend a bit of time in battlemode, kill 200 players overall and you’re good for this achievement.
Weapons Expert
Kill a Player Demon with each of the 8 Slayer weapons in BATTLEMODE
Use each of the following weapons to kill at least 1 player demon per gun, this does not have to be in a single match:
- Combat Shotgun
- Heavy Cannon
- Plasma Rifle
- Rocket Launcher
- Super Shotgun
- Ballista
- Chaingun
- BFG-9000
Truce between Demons
Heal yourself or your teammate for 50000 health in BATTLEMODE
The more you play the more you will need to heal, keep playing and healing up until you have healed 50k overall, it will be time consuming that is all.
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