A short guide on obtaining the 35 achievements within the game.
All Achievement List
Hey there, little one
- Pick a nickname for Cedani.
Simple, once given the choice, choose whichever name you would like.
Just don’t hurt yourself!
- Practice sword fighting with Asalia for the first time.
Once the event happens you get the achievement.
Cold heart
- Tell Lorsulia she will be fine, instead of “I Love You”.
Prior to sending Lorsulia off with Ivo you are given the text choice.
Ooof, what’s that smell?
- Pet Dusty three times.
Simply pet Dusty on the wall by Lorulia three times.
This couldn’t end well
- Get through the wedding night.
Main story line event.
Let’s throw a party!
- Buy all upgrades for wedding.
During each weeks summary, purchase each of the upgrades on the left.
A fine saddle for a hedgehog
- Buy a rooster for Cedani.
During the early stages of the game, Cedani will get a pet Hedgehog, named THE STABBER.
Following this a merchant will arrive selling a Magical ♥♥♥ Rooster that appears to detect lies. Purchase this animal and talk to Cedani to give her the pet.
Little help goes a long way
- Help Stefan.
A poor drunk named Stefan will arrive petitioning the king for a single gold coin and later arrives once again asking for more coin to replace his fishing rod. Being a noble King, give him 7G and he will return a new, changed man; thus giving you the Achievement.
I have a business
- Invest in Tavern business.
In the early stages of the game a merchant will arrive with a business proposition of starting a Tavern. Simply give him the money and you obtain the achievement.
I’m an… entrepreneur!
- Turn the Tavern into a… Public house.
The same merchant returns at a later date with the problem of his Tavern being taken over by thugs and turned into a brothel. Give him his required 28G to hire guards and get this.
I believe in magic
- Buy all gemstones from fortune teller.
In the later weeks prior to the Battle of Atana a fortune teller will arrive selling stones. Purchase the 4 stones (12-15G a piece) to decorate your throne.
Empty walls
- Sell all paintings from the castle.
As you explore the castle you can find several paintings and tapestries. There are 3 within the castle that can be taken down and sold to Lord Grego, with a 4th that must be BOUGHT from a painter at a later date, then sold to Lord Grego.
- Help Lord Etton with his Dust trade.
Lord Etton will offer his alliance prior to The Battle of Radovia. Give him your assistance with the tasks he ask and you will earn yourself this achievement.
It’s time for Magic!
- Unlock Witch.
Gain the witch’s services during the main story line.
Keep the monsters at bay
- Unlock Hunter.
Final weeks prior to The Battle of Radovia the hunter will appear in your Throne Room with Cedani’s latest pet Hisser. =,[
I’m a King and a detective!
- Find all evidence and clues for Royal Trial.
A rather event filled Achievement, with some legwork.
There are 3 pieces of evidence with 3 people needing questioned to gain the last pieces of information.
The Tooth: The tooth is your first piece found once the Server points you to the Dungeon Guard.
- To obtain information you must ask an expert which leads you to your Hunter who is in your service prior to the trial. It will take him 2 weeks.
The Letter: Lord Etton, once questioned and possibly denied your assistance will lead you to look in the garden for something. Once in the Garden you will see a crack/stash on the floor by the bench. Once noticed, King Eyrk will say he needs something to pry it open. Simply grab the needles (required for a later achievement) and open the stash for the letter.
- To obtain information required for the trial, meet your General at the wall and have him investigate the letter. It will takes him 2 weeks.
The Phial: In the weeks prior to the Trial, a pigeon will arrive with a letter saying to investigate a Hidden Hut (location) and search for evidence. Send an agent and they will return with the phial.
- To obtain information on the phial, ask your Witch once she is in your employment. She resides in the Council Chamber and speaking to her will send her investigating for 2 weeks.
Thank you, old friend
- Audry takes the blame during the Royal Trial.
During the Trial choose no one and Audry will take the blame.
I will show him!
- Confront Ivo.
After the Trial and your meeting with Lorsulia confront Ivo about your recent discovery.
I’ve got this
- Buy all upgrades for Radovian Battle.
Easily missed due to wording. Prior to the Radovian Battle you are given upgrades. Purchase each of these and have a full bar (1000) for your Army and you will earn this achievement.
This was… tough
- Win battle against Radovia.
The one I love
- Give Aurelea a gift.
At week 23 Aurelia will arrive with good news and prompt King Eryk with the idea that he needs to give Aurelia a gift. This gift has 3 parts that can be found around the castle.
- Needles: Found in the Bedroom.
- Yarn: Found on the right in the Council Chamber.
- Old Fabric: Found on the roof at the Wall.
Combine the ingredients and give Aurelia the result. She deserves something!
Nothing can stop love
- Let Asalia run away with Maya.
At week 47 Asalia will wish to talk to you about her situation. Simply support her in her endeavors and you will earn this achievement. Do not lock her up.
Whatever it takes
- Make Asalia marry Varid.
At any point prior to Asalia running away with Maya. With your blessing or without. Have Asalia given to King Varid for his support in the coming war.
Got to help where we can
- Help all Radovians.
King Eryk requires support for his coming war against King Ivo and requires help from local Kings. Simply Help all Radovians when prompted (Including saving the Radovian early, for safety).
- Radovian arrives in the Throne Room asking for 5G/5S per week.
- King Beyran arrives, let him free.
- Do not hang the Radovians, and set them free.
They’re nothing but barbarians
- Refuse all Radovians.
King Eryk requires support for his coming war against King Ivo and requires help from local Kings. Simply hang all Radovians once given the choice (Including the Radovian in the early stages).
- Do not support the Radovian in the Throne Room (Black and silver dressed woman).
- Execute King Beyran.
- Execute the Radovians at the wall.
Farewell, my daughter
- Say Goodbye to Lorsulia.
Main story.
Prepared for the worst
- Buy all upgrades for the Siege.
Purchase all upgrades for the siege given to you from the Guard.
Ensure proper completion of the supplies (300 total/10 boxes).
Master of Dark Magic
Flawlessly complete the Dark Ritual.
- Complete the Ritual prompted from Aurelia during week 49 with no mistakes.
- Requires ingredients found: Glowing Mushroom (Dungeon), Spell Book (Council Chamber).
- Purchased: Betony Oil x 2 (5G a piece) , Mugwort Oil (5G a piece).
- Bear saved Cedani.
Ensure you buy the Rooster, do NOT kill the Bear. End Fight
Family matters
- Don’t lose Aurelea or Cedani.
Complete the Ritual correctly to not lose Aurelia.
Mad King
- Make Asalia marry Varid, let Aurelea die with the child (botch the ritual), kill the deserter (Radovian), kill Lord Jovan, kill Beyran, kill Radovian survivors.
The pay’s too short
- Run out of gold.
We won’t eat tonight
- Run out of supplies.
I don’t need people… oh wait
- Hit zero villager contentment.
- Refuse every request and this sparks an event.
- The villagers will arrive demanding resources, refuse and be killed.
Yes, Your Grace
- Complete the game.
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