Stats Guide
- AGI – Agility. Increases your chance to disarm attacks, flee, and dodge enemy attacks. It also increases a character’s ability to disarm traps without them going off.
- INT – Intelligence increases the effectiveness and success rate for all magic spells.
- LUC – Luck increases your resistance to status effects and the chance for rare items to drop from enemies. It also increases a character’s ability to disarm traps without them going off.
- PIE – Piety increases the effectiveness and success rate for all priest spells.
- STR – Strength increases physical damage done and the hit rate for all physical attacks.
- VIT – Vitality increases the amount of hit points a character receives when they level up.
Race Guide
These are the baseline stats for each of the races, sex is meaningless.
- Human: 8 STR, 8 INT, 8 PIE, 9 VIT, 8 AGI, 9 LUC
- Elf: 7 STR, 10 INT, 10 PIE, 7 VIT, 9 AGI, 8 LUC
- Dwarf: 11 STR, 6 INT, 10 PIE, 11 VIT, 6 AGI, 7 LUC
- Gnome: 5 STR, 14 INT, 11 PIE, 5 VIT, 5 AGI, 9 LUC
- Porklu: 6 STR, 6 INT, 5 PIE, 6 VIT, 12 AGI, 14 LUC
Class Guide
Remember when creating your party that good and evil characters will not work together!
Fighter: 12 STR
- Special Ability: Trick Attack (Costs one turn, but makes Fighters pummel enemies with random hits in the next.)
- Note: A good meat shield and general damage dealer, don’t snub you nose at this class due to it’s low requirements!
Mage: 12 INT
- Special Ability: Focus (Allows the mage to charge a spell for one turn to increase its effectiveness.)
- Note: Samurai’s and Lords can only learn the top to spells listed in a level block while the Mage can learn all of them giving them twice as many spell options.
Priest: 12 PIE, alignment evil or good
- Special Ability: Exorcise (Kills ghosts dead!)
- Note: This class can identify traps, the success of which is determined by their piety.
Thief: 10 AGI, 12 LUC, alignment evil or neutral
- Special Ability: Hide/Backstab (Can hide in the shadows one turn and then the next turn perform a deadly Backstab assuming that the character has not been detected.)
- Note: Always take a thief! They can disarm treasure chest traps which makes getting treasure way easier and a lot less painful.
Bishop: 13 INT, 13 PIE, alignment evil or good
- Special Ability: Appraisal, Magic Wall (Magic Wall that prevents damage to the party when used. Appraisal allows you to identify items for free which is required to use them, also can detect cursed items.)
- Note: You should always have a Bishop even if it means they just hang around the INN and never goes adventuring as they can identify items for free which will save you a ton of money in the long run!
Samurai: 15 STR, 11 INT, 10 PIE, 14 VIT, 10 AGI, 9 LUC, alignment neutral or good
- Special Ability: Sougeki-Hamon no Jin (an attack that does multiple strikes to multiple random
- enemies.)
- Note: Most people use multiple Samurais in their parties because they are a good source of attack spells which free’s up the Mages to use their spells on most fearsome foes.
Lord: 15 STR, 12 INT, 12 PIE, 15 VIT, 14 AGI, 15 LUC, alignment good
- Special Ability: Huge Shield (The shield allows them to take hits from enemies in place of other party members.)
- Note: A very useful tanking class.
Ninja: All stats 15, alignment evil
- Special Ability: Hide/Backstab (Can hide in the shadows one turn and then the next turn perform a deadly Backstab assuming that the character has not been detected.)
- Note: Better at killing than the Thief but worse at disarming traps. Most people still consider them a straight upgrade to the thief due to them being able to use better weapons.
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