Stuck? Can’t find a key? This guide helps!
Managing Darkening
This game has a game mechanic called “Darkening”. Open your menu to see current percent of Darkening. If Darkening reaches 100% game ends.
Some events and bad ends require you to get Darkening above certain point. Easy way to carefully make the Darkening level go up slowly is to find a corpse and examine it repeatedly.
Things that raises Darkening:
- Interacting with environment.
- Examining corpses.
- Being attacked.
- Unavoidable story events.
Usually Darkening isn’t a problem, but in certain very long chapters it might reach 100% if you check everything in search mode.
Chapter 1: Seal
First chapter is quite short and easy.
- Choose either option.
- Go to 1-A. Examine the lever on the desk in and choose first option.
- Go towards the 2F – 3F staircase in the top-right corner. There’s a gap in the floor, pull the lever next to it. Use the staircase and go to 3F.
- Enter Girls’ Bathroom (3F) when Darkening is 40% or higher.
- Choose either option. Choose the second option twice “Think of something else” and then the first option.
Chapter 2: Demise
In this chapter you switch between two characters. I have listed their sections as different parts.
- Examine the door in starting screen.
- Go to 3-A and examine the corpse. Scroll to the left, scroll back to the corpse and talk to ghost. Choose the first option.
- Go to starting point (hallway in front of Nurse’s Office). Pick up blanket from the floor.
- Go back to 3-A. Pick up loose board from the floor and charm in front of the corpse.
- Use loose board to cross the gap south of Nurse’s Office. Use 1F – 2F staircase and go to 1F.
- Go to the Exit on the left. Examine the corpse and the note on the wall.
- Use 1F – 2F staircase on the left and go to 2F.
- Enter 1-C. Pick up the item on the left.
- Enter 1-A. Take key from teacher’s podium.
- Use the 2F – 3F staircase in the north and go to the end of the hallway. Examine the corpse and the note on the wall.
- 1F: Examine the body at the Exit. Choose first option. Pick up the item on the floor.
- Use 1F – 2F staircase on the left. On the 2F go north until event starts.
- Examine middle faucet on the right to get some wire.
- Go north and examine 4-A door. Choose first option, enter the classroom and use the machine.
- Go to the right, stop at the hallway front of “Bldg. Super” room. Examine the corridor and choose first option.
- Pick up small chest that is on the floor and examine sliding doors.
- Choose the first option.
- Go towards the 1F – 2F staircase on the right until event starts.
- Go back to Locker Room, pick up bandages.
- Go back to the hole and choose first option.
- Examine corpse with yellow clothing twice.
- Use the left 1F – 2F staircase and go to 2F.
- Go to 2F – 3F staircase in the north.
- Examine ghosts and choose first option.
- Use the 2F – 3F staircase and go to 3F.
- Use key on Ref. Room door and enter.
- Examine the rightmost bookshelf. Exit Ref. Room.
- Exit Nurse’s Office.
Chapter 3: Encounter
This is the only chapter without search mode. I have included answers in spoilers to make it easier to figure out what choice you’re looking for.
- Choose the first option “Stand at the teacher’s podium”
- Choose the second option “Teacher’s podium”
- Choose the second option “Make a break for it”
- Choose the second option “Bag of salt”
- Choose the first option “Break the glass”
Chapter 4: Purgatory
This chapter has a lot of wandering around, so it might get confusing.
- Go to the end of the hallway with Bathrooms until you reach a dead end.
- Go to the end of the hallway north of the Bathrooms, continue until you reach another dead end.
- Go the hallway that is one step to the right and one step down from Body Pool.
- Go to he right where you have dead ends both in the north and south. Text informs you that a door has opened.
- Enter Death Room. Examine buckets on the floor.
- Choose first option.
Chapter 5: Shangri-La
Welcome to the longest chapter in the game! Three playable characters this time. Remember to save often as it is easy to reach 100% Darkening if you like to examine everything you see.
- Examine door at the Exit.
- Use 1F – 2F staircase and go to 1F. Enter Music Room and examine piano.
- Go to north and enter Exit. Examine corpse in the shelf and choose the first option.
- Use southern 1F – 2F staircase and go to 2F. Use key to enter Art Room.
- Examine leftmost canvas and take palette knife. Return to Music Room (1F).
- Examine piano and choose first option. Examine shelf behind the piano and choose first option.
- Use northwest 1F – 2F staircase and go to 2F.
- Go to the hallway past Girls’ Bathroom (three steps to the right). Pick up item on the floor.
- Go to the hallway in fron of Girls’ Bathroom. Examine door and choose first option. Enter Girls’ Bathroom.
- Examine the first closed door. Choose the second option and then choose the first option.
- Return to 1F and go to the Exit.
(Morishige’s starting point is at 1 screen north and 1 to the left from 1F Exit.)
- Examine corpse on the floor.
- Go north and enter classroom 5-A. Examine shelf on the left and choose first option.
- Use bottom-right 1F – 2F staircase and go to 2F.
- Go to classroom 1-A. Examine shelf and choose first option.
- Go back to Morishige’s starting point on 1F.
- Examine the hole in the floor and choose first option twice.
- Go to Exit.
- Use bottom-right 1F – 2F staircase and go to 2F. On 2F go north and use 2F – 3F staircase and go to 3F.
- Enter Girls’ Bathroom. Pick up item on the floor.
- Use 2F – 3F staircase and go to 2F. Enter classroom 3-A and examine teacher’s podium.
- Use northwestern 2F – 3F staircase and go to 3F.
- Go to hallway in front of Ref. Room. Examine door, clues for combination are in the class logbook. Solution: 8 2 4 3 2 2
- Enter Ref. Room and examine the center bookshelf.
- Go back to 1F. Head for Locker Room and choose second option.
- Use key to open door to classroom 4-A (1F) and examine shelf.
- Head for Locker Room and choose first option. Enter Pool.
- Head for Staff Room until you are stopped by a gap in the floor.
- Use either 1F – 2F staircase and go to 2F.
- Go to hallway where three hallways cross (between Ref. Room and Art Room) and pick up item on the floor.
- Examine the corpse beyond the gap.
- Choose the second option.
Chapter 6: Mire
It’s easy to get 100% Darkening in this chapter so be careful.
- Choose either option, then pick up bottle of pills on the floor.
- Use any 1F – 2F staircase and go to 1F. Explore 1F until you enter a new area.
- Go to Girls’ Bathroom. Pick up the loose board on the floor.
- Go to Body Pool.
- Go to Death Room.
- Go to Girls’ Bathroom.
- Examine the pile of mattresses.
- Choose the second option.
- Go to Body Pool.
Chapter 7: Tooth
Stairs are the true main character of this chapter.
- Use 2F – 3F staircase and go to 2F.
- Go to the hallway in front of Nurse’s Office.
- Use 1F – 2F staircase south of Nurse’s Office and go to 1F.
- Go towards north side of the 1F until a gap in floor stops you.
- Use 1F – 2F staircase on the right and fo to 2F.
- Go north towards the 2F – 3F staircase until a ghost stops you.
- Use 1F – 2F staircase in the south to return to 1F and go to Exit. Examine ghost.
- Return to 2F and go to the staircase where ghost stopped you. Examine ghost and choose first option.
- Choose either option.
Chapter 8: Blood Drive
Last chapter, here we go!
- Examine everything.
- Choose either option until you enter search mode.
- Go upstairs, enter top-left room and pick up a key on the desk.
- Enter the top-right room, examine the box in the middle of the room. Examine the safe on the right side wall.
In chapter 2, as Mayu, between step 7 and 8… The hallway leading to 1-C is blocked and now I’m just stuck. You didn’t say what I had to do after 7 to get to 8 ?