Vilde – Official FAQ

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Is there a demo?

Yes, we are thrilled to announce that a demo version of Vilde will be available in the winter of 2024. We’re eager for players to get a taste of the dark and immersive world we’ve created.

  1. What were your inspirations?

Our inspirations stem from a deep fascination with Norse tales and a love for classic roguelike FPS games. We’ve sought to blend these elements together to create a unique gameplay experience that’s challenging, rewarding, and infused with mystery and wonder.

  1. How much RNG is in the game?

RNG plays a significant role in Vilde, helping to ensure each run feels fresh and unpredictable. However, we’ve balanced this with player agency, enabling you to strategically build your character over time. With a bit of luck, you might even stumble upon the ingredients for an ultra-powerful “god build.”

  1. How long is the campaign?

Vilde is not based on a traditional campaign structure. Instead, the length of each game is determined by your skill level, the choices you make, and a little bit of luck. Furthermore, the game is highly replayable, offering new challenges and experiences with each run.

  1. Can I remap controls?

Absolutely. We understand that every player has their own preferences, so we’ve included the ability to fully remap controls in Vilde.

  1. Does it support 4K / Ultrawide monitors?

Yes, Vilde supports both 4K resolution and ultrawide monitors. We want our game to look its best on your setup.

  1. Does it run at 60 FPS?

Indeed, Vilde is optimized to run at a smooth 60 FPS to ensure the best gameplay experience.

  1. What engine did you build it in?

We built Vilde in Unreal Engine 5. This powerful engine has allowed us to create a visually stunning and deeply immersive Norse-themed world.

  1. Is there multiplayer or co-op?

Vilde supports up to four-player co-op, allowing you to delve into our mystical realms with friends. However, if you prefer a solo experience, you can certainly play alone.

  1. Any plans to support Linux / Mac?

At launch, Vilde will only be available for Windows. However, we are always listening to our community and will consider expanding platform support based on demand.

  1. Will there be modding support?

While we have focused on creating a rich, standalone experience for Vilde, we understand the value that a vibrant modding community can bring to a game. We will share more information about potential modding support in the future.

  1. Does it support controller / keyboard?

Yes, Vilde supports both gamepad and keyboard-mouse control setups. Furthermore, you can fully remap your controls to suit your personal preferences.

  1. When will it be released?

We are excited to announce that Vilde will be released in 2024. We can’t wait for players to experience the epic world we’ve created!

  1. Will there be achievements?

Absolutely! We’re actively working on a robust achievements system for Vilde, designed to offer an additional layer of challenge and satisfaction for our players. However, we’re still finalizing the details. Please stay tuned for more information, which we’ll share closer to the game’s release.

Jan Bonkoski
About Jan Bonkoski 960 Articles
Jan Bakowski aka Lazy Dice, was always interested in gaming and writing. His love of gaming began with The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time (Nintendo 64) back in 1998. He’s been making game guides since 2012. Sharing his gaming experience with other players has become not only his hobby but also his job. In his free time, he plays on Steam Deck.

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