Wizardry Variants Daphne – Ancient Mausoleum Tips + Map

Helpful Tips for Ancient Mausoleum

After some tests in the Ancient Mausoleum, I discovered that there’s a point in fighting as many enemies as possible in there.

  • First, because it costs a ton of fortitude to get there but mostly because you can find more than the one-time find bones.
  • Each battle has a set chance to drop a Treasure Chest from low grade to high grade.
  • Low Grade chests: Azureous Ore, Minor potions
  • Medium Grade chests: Class Equipment Junk from what Class Mausoleum you selected
  • High Grade chests: Adventurer’s bones (Yeah you read it right I was so happy when I found this)
  • Also for those that are not in the know: Each character’s bone can be found only 1 time each.
  • Once the number of bones left are fewer and fewer, there will also be Class Equipment Junks.
  • Once the bones found is dried up for that Class Mausoleum: only Class Equipment Junk will be found.
  • What I never tried and someone needs to confirm this: If the God of Death Blessing increases the % of Drop rates for chests.

Also, the big bad Undead Centaur may be scary but he is manageable with the right team and Undead Bane weapons. I also think his value is not the XP he gives but the higher % drop rate of Chests. (Thanks to CoffeeGamer.com for the additional information).

Preparations for Your Mausoleum Runs

  • Party Level 20 (Level grade is better).
  • Equipment +4 to every character (+5 is better). Every weapon should have the “of the Bane” affix or else you won’t do much in battle.
  • Priest with Way of Priest for reducing support and healing MP costs (Emil has it before but I’m pretty sure Galina at level 25 would be better since she increases Insta-Kill Tolerance to Evil Adjacent allies and herself). Be sure to put Gerulf and another evil character on her sides. MC might count in any Synergy but it has to be tested.
  • Priest with at least Marein for Undeads and Centaur count as one!
  • Any Insta-Kill Tolerance items, Bondmate (Bunny), Well of Mind Bonuses will help. I think Evasion might help as well to dodge enemies’ skills.
  • Beware of the Centaur and the skeleton guards that might join him because they each have a skill that might Insta-Kill a party member if it succeeds.

Bonus From Uncommon Harken Blessing

If you happen to choose a Harken Blessing that has a blue (uncommon) or purple (rare) name, your MC gets to revive for free without costing any Flame of Resurgence at all. I died like 5-6 times before I could succeed in a hard battle (first 2 Ent battles then Mimic on the Beginning Abyss rerun number 2). It lasted until I changed floors the last time I used it (blue color).

Ancient Mausoleum Map

Click to enlarge…

Mausoleum Remains

AbeniusFighter Called the Glintblade
AdamMage Called the Millenial Lord
AlexSmoldering Knight
AliceGirl Called the Dark One’s Maiden
AmeliaCunning Thief
AshaSingle-Minded Mage
BakeshUnleashed Thief
BarbaraDuty-Bound Knight
BenjaminRousing Warrior
ChloeBrave Warrior
ClarissaFaithful Knight
DanielBrawny Priest
DebraHeroic Outlaw Called the Beastfolk Wraith
DinoCapricious Mage
EckartProud Knight
EldaWild Warrior
EldoradoLoyal Knight
EliseValiant Warrior
EmilUnwavering Priest
EulaliaDevoted Knight
FlutArdent Mage
GalinaPuritan Priest
GandolfoSavage Warrior
GastonRaging Warrior
GerardKnight Called Thundersmiter’s Protection
GerulfMiner Who Awakened a Volcano
JarmilSketchy Mage
JeanSooth Thief
LanavailleKingdom’s Blademaster Princess Savior
Lanavaille: WPWandering Princess of Battle & Love
MarianneCovetous Priest
MilanaLone Thief
OliveStalwart Warrior
OpheliaDeft Thief
PhilipCunning Thief
Red BeardPriest Who Rebelled Against the Gods
RinneShinobi Whispered to be the Decapitating Camellia
ValdorDevout Priest
VivianaErrant Thief
YekaterinaMage Possessed by the Skull
Helena Stamatina
About Helena Stamatina 1028 Articles
My first game was Naughty Dog’s Crash Bandicoot (PlayStation) back in 1996. And since then gaming has been my main hobby. I turned my passion for gaming into a job by starting my first geek blog in 2009. When I’m not working on the site, I play mostly on my PlayStation. But I also love outdoor activities and especially skiing.

1 Comment

  1. The adventure bones you got from the high grade chest was likely from the generic drop pool. Any chests dropped from mobs can contain bones, but really rare.

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