Warhammer 40,000: Tacticus – Newbie Tips and Tricks

Useful Tips and Tricks

  • Get the first daily energy refill from an ad.
  • Use all your salvage/onslaught tokens in advance, right before your power level goes up. You could also save these rewards and the energy from battle pass rewards for hero release events.
  • Check guides on Nandi’s YouTube channel, especially the “Beginner’s Guide – Who to Level Up.” Also check the Tacticus wiki and other content creators as well.
  • Unlock the key 3 characters for all campaigns ASAP – Eldryon/Archimatos/Gulgortz in the guild shop, the rest from campaigns.
  • Saturday = x2 gold, Sunday = x2 XP. Try to save salvage tokens for Saturday to get x2 gold, try to do campaigns manually with lightning victories for x2 gold x2 XP. It’s better to save a lot of arena tokens for Sunday to get the double XP.
  • Try to buy (with gold) at least all common, uncommon, and rare upgrades from the Daily Deals.
  • The premium battle pass + daily blackstone delivery are pretty good deals (if you want to spend some). With additional blackstones from these purchases + codes, you could use 50 and 110 energy refreshes almost on a daily basis.
  • Try not to level up your most used characters to their rarity cap in order to keep gaining XP from campaigns, arena, guild raids, onslaught, etc.

Always do 10 pulls, never single. Finish Indomitus ASAP, since you only need your team at Iron II or III. I recommend a few at Bronze I.

Don’t feel discouraged when this barely gets you to stage 4 in every other campaign; those are all significantly harder, and you won’t be able to do those for a while.

Definitely take advantage of the huge amount of energy you have early game, but don’t raid battles except for daily missions.

Save those raid tickets, and those XP books! You’ll thank yourself later, when you have a surplus of those that’ll last you the rest of the midgame and probably late game too, instead of wasting Guild Credits or Blackstone.

The most useful characters are healers. Getting incicus or if you’re lucky, Isabella, will make everything in the early game, as well as events later on, so much easier.

Tournament Arena Tips for Beginners:

Unlock and level up an artillery unit for it ASAP (I’d recommend Forgefiend). A not-so-bad starting roster could include the following characters: Bellator, Imospekh, Aleph-null, Snotflogga, Calandis, Haarken, Mataneo, Godswyl, Thaddeus, Sarquael, Revas, Shosyl. However, the most optimal roster still depends on the TA type.

For example, I’d say Snotflogga is better for the mode with Tyranids, Haarken is better for a mode with power-ups. If you lose a few battles at the beginning, you might want to adjust your roster according to your opponents’.

Always check the range of enemy heroes’ attacks (you can see this by selecting an enemy hero or using the button on the bottom right), and don’t let your heroes die due to bad positioning.

Quick Tips:

  • Bellator gets better than you expect and is worth early investment.
  • In Salvage Run the red ammo boxes and grots explode if overkilled but give rewards if just killed by a smaller margin. Check your characters dmg and devote one character a run to handling those boxes.
  • For the crit boxes, bring a Sister of Battle and don’t attack anything until the metal crit box, so her trait stacks and allows a guaranteed crit, or for xenos Calandis with two crit items next to Aethana is pretty consistent.
  • Chaos struggle, but double attacks like LTGB, Yaz swap, and Macer active all allow you a second chance to get that roll.
  • Often it’s best to focus overall on one track to max your gold rewards.
  • Use the 50bs a day for extra energy, it’s very useful and you won’t run out because you get more than 50bs a day.
  • In arena remember that power levels are based mostly on ability levels, so be careful of low gear rank characters with high power levels, they could be super strong summoners and have a lvl 50 revas active.
  • Save your rank ups for double coins days, and any extra energy you get for that day, because if you manual play and get lightning victory you earn 4 times the normal amount of gold coins. Also Dave a salvage coin for double coin day so you can do 3 in one day.
  • Got salvage pick a track and just do that one. You will only get one specific type of equipment, but the higher the level the higher level the equipment and gold coins. I wholeheartedly suggest picking imperial for the xenos salvage since It is so varied and there are so many great meta xenos characters.
  • You can reroll the initial few requisition pulls to try and fish for good characters (Eldryon, Ragnar, Isabella, Exitor, etc) before you link your account to Snowprint/Google Play to save your progress.
  • Skip the Yarrick offer you get, and you’ll get an offer to buy Isabella, who can resurrect a character (very useful for full completing campaigns).

Focus on a salvage run to a much higher level to increase your gold rewards early, this will help with higher level upgrades later. I did not start this upon starting the game and regret it slightly:


Total cumulative experience required for G1 (Level 35): 200,200

  • (Legendary experience books 12,500 x 16.016 legendary books; 500 gold per book – approximately 8.5k gold)

Total cumulative experience required for G2 (Level 38): 387,200

  • (Legendary experience books 12,500 x 30.976 legendary books; 500 gold per book – approximately 15.5k gold)

Total cumulative experience required for G3 (Level 41): 682,200

  • (Legendary experience books 12,500 x 54.576 legendary books; 500 gold per book – approximately 27.5k gold)

Total cumulative experience required for D1 (Level 44): 1,290,200

  • (Legendary experience books 12,500 x 103.216 legendary books; 500 gold per book – approximately 52.0k gold)

Total badges required for skill Level 36:

  • Common: 12, Uncommon: 21, Rare: 21, Epic: 21, Legendary: 1
  • Total gold required for skill Level 36: Approximately 135k

Total badges required for skill Level 44:

  • Common: 12, Uncommon: 21, Rare: 21, Epic: 21, Legendary: 19
  • Total gold required for skill Level 44: Approximately 278k

Prime Guide:

Click to enlarge…

Helena Stamatina
About Helena Stamatina 1021 Articles
My first game was Naughty Dog’s Crash Bandicoot (PlayStation) back in 1996. And since then gaming has been my main hobby. I turned my passion for gaming into a job by starting my first geek blog in 2009. When I’m not working on the site, I play mostly on my PlayStation. But I also love outdoor activities and especially skiing.


  1. As a big fan of Warhammer 40,000 but only a casual player of Tacticus, I almost didn’t participate in this contest. If you want to be the best player, I don’t really have any tips for you. Well, maybe one — “Sit down and read through as many of the tips in this channel as you can before your eyes bleed.”

    But maybe I have one thing of value to add for the few players out there like me: a big fan of the lore with little to no interest in fielding “non-codex compliant” teams of units (if you know what that means, this tip is for you).

    If you’re wondering if this game can even be for you, the answer is yes, it absolutely can be. Probably under threat of exile to the Warp by Games Workshop, the single-player campaigns are true to form. And as for events, tournaments and the arena, just be patient, those lore-abiding lineups will be yours more swiftly than you think. And pay no attention to anyone who tells you to ignore legendary faction leadership units in favor of getting a meat-shield unit like Bellator to silver as quickly as possible. You don’t have to cheese it if cheesing it ain’t your thing. Many faction leadership units such as Varro Tigurius and Lord Abaddon the Despoiler have passive abilities you can level up that will absolutely carry your team if you focus on them. It will feel just like you’re leading true-to-lore 40K lineups to victory.

  2. My tip is to find characters you enjoy using! For me I find jaeger and neurothrope really fun for example. So using them in arena etc makes it more fun to work through all the battles. Definitely helps with burnout!

  3. Plan as much as you can, specially with Energy. Always use your first ad as a +50 Energy refresh. DON’T use Blackstone for anything else than Energy (unless you really really have to). Don’t buy items or upgrades with Blackstone. But buy as many upgrades from the Shop for gold that you can. You can also check on wiki and see if that particular Legendary upgrade will be needed for the characters you want to build up, so you’d know whether to invest or not. And buy and invest you should, even if you think you don’t think you’ll ever need 40 Weapon Anointment Oils or 27 Legendary Upgrades – you will and on that day you will be very happy you have them. Also, first concentrate on upgrading the 3 characters needed to finish each campaign. Some may be weak, some very expensive, some not particularly useful, but in all campaigns that are missions that only those 3 can fight. Also, if you see a faction you really like and want to play them? Concentrate first on finishing the campaign of their enemies (ie. you want the Templars? build up Orks and play Ork campaign), this way you’ll get the most shards and upgrades for the characters you really want. And finally, try opening the Elite Campaigns ASAP. Grinding them is really much more rewarding that the regular battles (short example: 10 attempts at a regular battle (6 Energy each, so 60 total) will give you 3 (sometimes 2) shards for a character, 3 attempts at an Elite battle (10 Energy each, so 30 total) will give you guaranteed 3 shards for half the energy! (and much more XP, too)!

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