Quick Guide to Rogue Servitor Build
RS is paired with Remnants is OP, for guaranteed Ecu with unique districts for RS. That and it helps with early tech rush with archology blockers giving free techs but the Ecu sells it.

Focus on restoring it asap, have feeder colonies for energy/mineral and the ecu will produce more unity/science/alloys/cg’s than ring world thanks to insane stacking of bonuses to complex drone output from biotrophies (1% bonus per trophy) as you can put 100s in Ecu biotrophy districts. The math adds up quick.
Plantoid trophies let’s you take phototrophic, saves on having any farm districts and hydroponics farms on starbases will cover your needs. Docile is good alternative as phototrophic means extra energy requirements to take into consideration. Lithoid can save food all together but the malus to pop growth is not what you want, lots and lots of bios you want in that ecu, use lithoids when not doing Remnant as they are a good pairing with RS due to the ability to plop down on any world synchs with their machine servitors. You can also run phototrophic bio trophies if you want to abuse catalytic converters instead of rapid replicators 1st civic, take unyielding first accession and spam starbases with hydro bays, heaps of food for alloys and frees up mineral production for more alloy jobs.
Repugnant is a free 2 point pick on bios as they don’t produce amenities, traditional to boost unity production for your empire, incubators for 30% growth speed, keep plenty of bio housing available for growth, once you ecu districts provide a lot lot more housing than buildings, very easy to keep curve high.
If you diplomacy you’ll throw your weight around via trade, opinion is easy to sway and this build has a lot of resources to throw around and very desirable destination for migration, take diplomatic civic as third pick for extra envoys, becoming galactic custodian will usually happen by you being nominated by others, if you’ve manipulated everyone you are generally the most liked by all lol or just abuse favours. Pop growth early game, pops is power, Diplo mid game once the senate is up and running propper.
The extra Diplo will not stop the Fanatical Purifier and Devouring Swarm that spawned either side of your start location. Fleets from alloys from pops is the diplomacy that keeps your borders free from total war empire wipe outs early game whilst using the envoys you have to work the ones who aren’t genocidal.
Alternatively you become strong enough to take everyone’s pops by force to give them the pampering they deserve.
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