Command-line parameters for Titanfall 2 that can be used to gain performance boost or expirement with the game.
Launch Options
How to set Launch Options
- Right-click on the game title under the Library in Steam and select Properties.
- Under the General tab click the Set launch options… button.
- Enter the launch options you wish to apply (be sure to separate each code with a space) and click OK.
- Close the game’s Properties window and launch the game.
Best Launch Options
This are the ones you will need:
“-novid +fps_max 999 -console -dev +m_rawinput 1 -high”
(Do not copy the ” symbols).
List of Launch Options
-novid : Prevents the Valve startup movie from playing when loading up the game, speeding up startup time.
-noborder : When a game is run in Windowed mode, using this command will remove the borders around the game window.
-heapsize <Kilobytes> : This command tells the Source Engine to allocate more RAM to the system heap, where it can be accessed by the game to improve performance by caching more game information in RAM and hence reducing loading pauses. The default heapsize varies, but can be 256MB or less. If you have 2GB of RAM you may wish to increase this to 512MB (a heapsize of 524288). You can use higher values if you wish, but I don’t recommend exceeding half your physical RAM (e.g. for 2GB RAM, don’t set heapsize higher than 1024000). You can’t force the game to load completely into RAM, that’s not what this command does.
Note: More recent Source games may use the mem_max_heapsize command to determine the maximum possible heap size in MB.
-console : Speeds up the loading of a game by not loading up the background 3D graphics on the main menu and instead loading up a blurry background picture and the command console is open. Note you can close this console using the ‘~’ key or clicking the x at the top right of the box.
-dxlevel <version> : Using this command allows you to force the game into only using the specified DirectX version for shaders. For example, use -dxlevel 70 to force Hardware DirectX7.0 level support for shaders. This means a noticeable reduction in image quality but an increase in performance. Other values include -dxlevel 80 -dxlevel 81, -dxlevel90 and -dxlevel95. Note that this only works if you choose a DirectX version which is lower than the current one supported by your graphics card – see the Hardware DirectX Version option under the In-Game settings for more details. Note further that lowering the DirectX Level may also cause glitches and problems, so it should be used mainly as a last resort.
-width <pixels> -height <pixels> : Using these two commands you can set a custom resolution in Pixel Width x Pixel Height (e.g. -width 640 –height 480 starts the game with 640×480 resolution). Make sure you choose a resolution supported by your monitor and with the correct ratio of width to height.
-refresh <Hz> : Specifies the refresh rate the game will use upon loading. This is normally not required as your system should already use the optimal refresh rate at your chosen resolution. However if this is not the case you can force it to a specific refresh rate (e.g. -refresh 85). Make absolutely certain that the rate you are trying to apply does not exceed your monitor’s capabilities otherwise you may get a blank screen, especially if you change resolutions and forget to change this option.
-32bit : Forces the game to start in 32-bit mode, which is the default on 32-bit systems. This command is only useful if you’re running a 64-bit OS and wish to run a game in 32-bit for compatibility reasons.
-dev : Starts the game in developer mode, and usefully also results in the removal of the animated background in the main menu, speeding up startup times. However error/debug text will constantly be displayed on screen during play.
-threads : According to Mike Durand of Valve, the Source engine defaults to taking advantage of no more than three threads due to various issues. However a user can manually override this limitation by specifying -threads 4 (for quad core) on the command line. For anyone using an eight-core CPU, -threads 8 is also possible. Obviously if this causes any problems, remove this command.
-tvdisable : Disables all SourceTV features on this game server.
-tvmasteronly : SourceTV can only serve one client and can’t be used as relay proxy.
cl_showfps <0,1,2> – Draws a Frames Per Second (FPS) counter at the top of the screen. 0=off, 1=FPS, 2=Smoothed FPS. In general the smoothed fps counter is best for viewing framerates
cvarlist <string> – If entered by itself this command generates a list of all the command variables (cvars). If one or more characters are also entered, cvarlist will list all commands starting with those letter(s).
help <cvar> – Provides any available help text for the specified cvar.
find <string> – Finds cvars with the specified string in their name or help text.
differences – Shows all the cvars which are not at their default values, displaying which have been changed.
exec <configfilename> – Executes all valid commands within the specified configuration file. The file must be a plain text file with the name filename.cfg and reside in the same directory as config.cfg.
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