How to Find Locations with Coordinates
Here’s how to find locations: If you look at the bottom left of your HUD, you’ll see a set of five numbers, like this:
- 444:20:444 : 5 : 60
These numbers represent the following:
- X:Y:Z : Q : FPS
And here’s what they mean:
- X – Horizontal Coordinates (East to West)
- Y – Vertical Coordinates (Up and Down)
- Z – Horizontal Coordinates (North to South)
- Q – Quality setting in game ( Low = 0, Medium = 1, High = 2, etc. )
- FPS – Your current frames per second.
The first three numbers list a specific location in the game world. With those numbers, you can travel in-game until you’re at those coordinates and you’ll reach that exact location.
With that established, all of the points of interest in this guide are accompanied with coordinates.
The coordinates description is not accurate. Once you get the compass chip you will determine that:
X – Horizontal Coordinates (South to North)
Y – Vertical Coordinates (Up and Down)
Z – Horizontal Coordinates (East to West)