Guide to Lepic Build
Bossing Mod Setup
In total we need 11 polarized slots:
- 5xA: Front lines, Emergency Measures, Skill Concentration, Skill Insight and Fire Specialist.
- 3xM: Grapple slot, Technician, Maximize Conservation.
- 1xX: Dangerous Ambush.
- 2xR: Maximize Duration(or MP Accelerant), Skill Extension.

Firearm Master is a given; it basically gives us 39% skill power modifier as soon as we activate our ultimate as it counts as a weapon swap. You can bring this even further and reload right before activation because the range applies to the balls that remain after your ult hits the target.
Note: You can find even more builds for The First Descendant, and not only for it, on the Goblin Tips website. Just go to the Games menu and choose the game you are interested in from the huge list of titles.

We use Front Lines, Emergency Measures, Skill Insight and Skill Concentration to get up to a total of 46.155% skill crit chance and 4.0x skill crit damage. We’ll amplify our crit damage to ~4.4 with a reactor.
Technician and Fire Specialist are purely there to boost our base damage which automatically scales our crits.
Maximize Conservation, Maximize Duration(or MP Accelerant) and Skill Extension to make the ult last for a total of 14.1s as well as managing our mana issues.
Lastly we use Dangerous Ambush; Every single boss goes down as if their shoulder burst if you reach a certain HP threshold, usually around 80-90% of the red bar. This allows us to one phase the bosses as Dangerous Ambush supplies us with 50% more skill power.
The only debatable part here could be the last Rutile slot with Maximize Duration. Apparently Lepic does not care about its -21% skill power modifier due to its very high base scaling, it will affect the continuous damage though.
So if you run out of MP before your ultimate ends you might want to use MP accelerant instead of Maximize Duration.
Lastly, we do not need to throw an Onion Ring on our Firearm Master. Got enough capacity without it.
Farming / Mobbing mod Setup

Obviously we utilize our Lepic for boss kills mainly, so this will be brief. This also means that we have to adjust our farming setup according to the polarities used for bossing:
- 5xA: Emergency Measures, Skill Concentration, Skill Insight, Fire Specialist and Focus on Fire (for more Nade dmg + skill cooldown)
- 3xM: Grapple slot, MP Conversion and Nimble Fingers for skill cooldown
- 1xX: Dangerous Ambush or MP Collector, up to preference.
- 2xR: Skill Expansion and MP Accelerant for high range and a bit of duration for our traction grenade
Firearm Master is super useful for its reload buff giving you 45% skill range increase. Ideally you would run a weapon with a quick reload, shoot a single shot, reload, throw traction grenade and kill the pulled mobs with a Thundercage or your grenade. This setup’s grenade crits can hit for up to 800k dmg against lvl 100 enemies.
If you wish you can farm for a skill cd + range reactor on a tech base, makes your farming experience a little better.
The following bit of the guide refers to bossing again.

We definitely want the “Tech Skill Power Boost Ratio”. You can find these reactors via Map -> Difficulty Level Rewards -> Filter for Impact Rounds/General Rounds – Fire – Tech.

The reason why we want Tech is because Lepic’s ultimate has the Tech-tag:

Once you found a good spot to farm your reactor you DEFINITELY want Damage to Colossus, and at least purple or gold. Skill crit dmg is the best secondary modifier we can get, but Skill crit rate, Tech% or Fire% also works fine.
Weapon Choices
- You want to equip the weapon the reactor tells you to equip -> “[…] mounting”. Mounting means having it in your hand for the multiplier to take effect, so when you activate your ultimate you need to be on that exact weapon (In my case it’s the Thundercage)
- Theoretically impact rounds are a little better because Sharp Precision Shot counts up every 0.4 seconds compared to the 0.5s on every other weapon type, making you reach max stacks 20% quicker, or in 4 seconds instead of 5.
- Heavy weapons cannot use Sharp Precision Shot, so don’t farm a heavy weapon reactor.
For our components we use the slayer set over volcanic Because it provides us with 20% more skill power. Also, we cannot utilize the volcanic 4piece set due to us having to use a skill.
Below you will see the different components and which roll you REALLY want. I’m saying they’re mandatory. If I only mention one stat then feel free to choose the 2nd to your liking. Could be resistances, or like me, some MP recovery because it’s super convenient and usable for Bunny for example.
Aux: Max HP

Sensor: Max MP

Memory: MP Recovery Modifier

Doesn’t really matter tbf, some shield and resistance for survivability.

- You can cancel your ultimate activation by rolling.
- Utilize your Overclock ability for more burn damage and skill power modifier.
- This build can work perfectly fine for solo purposes on a 6 onion ring setup.
- Aiming for weakpoints can make them yellow for extended DPS phases in group play.
- Hold fire during the entirety of your ultimate for Sharp Precision Shot to stack up.
- Your ultimate inherits all fire rate modifiers of the weapon you swapped from, meaning SPS and Fire Rate mods will shorten the shot intervals.
- Consider equipping a Python to crack the boss’ weakpoints in case you can’t onephase them with your ultimate alone.
- Consider dying after your ult to reset it.
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