Guide to Fix Stuttering
The Most Important Thing
The game compiles shaders during runtime (A similar problem that Elden Ring suffered from at launch). You can fix this by doing the next thing:
Open the file located at “%localappdata%\CallistoProtocol\Saved\Config\WindowsNoEditor\Engine.ini” and at the end of the file add the following text:
This will compile the shaders during load, making the load screens a little bit longer but avoiding the stuttering present. Now this won’t get you +60 FPS all the time but it will produce more consistent framerate and avoid those random fps drops.
Another important setting is explained below in the advanced tab of the graphical settings
In the Graphical Settings
Under General
- V-Sync (Depends on your monitor but generally if you got a monitor with +100 refresh rate you want this off). Enable it if you are suffering from screen tearing.
- Framerate Limit (Set it to something equal or above your refresh rate)
- DirectX There’s been some players that saw improvements by switching to DirectX 11 (You need to restart the game to test this). I recommend checking this for yourself (Enable the steam fps counter and check the performance with the “Run Benchmark” option in the graphics menu with the same settings in both 12 and 11 – Remember that the raytrace options under Lightning won’t work on 11, so make sure to test this with this options disabled).
Under Display
- The most important thing here is Fullscreen or Fullscreen Borderless. Borderless will make it easier to Alt+Tab, the only thing i would check is the resolution (Which is only displayed in the Fullscreen option) by default the game recognized my monitor as a 4k in fullscreen instead of a 2k, so i had to change the resolution there and make sure i was getting the same performance on fullscreen and fullscreen borderless, so check just in case.
Under Lightning
- You may tweak the values here for better performance but the most important thing is to have the Ray-Traced Options (Ray-Traced Shadows and Ray-Traced Reflections) disabled (This option is only available in DirectX 12). This is a huge performance tanker and considering the game looks great without it and is already hard enought to run it i believe it isn’t worth it.
- Shadow, Volumetrics and Particle Quality options do have an impact in performance so you may want to reduce them if you have low framerate (Physical Refractions and Screen Space Reflections less so).
Under Effects
- You may disabled Depth of Field, Motion Blur and Film Grain for some almost none-existent performance difference (Depends on your hardware), it is more of a personal preference.
- The Anti-Aliasing option it also depends on your taste: None and FXAA will make the game look sharper but the serrated edges of the objects will be more noticeable. TAA will make it more clean but also more blurry, this depends a lot of the resolution you are playing the game at.
Under Advanced
- One huge important setting is Upscaling. Enabling AMD FSR 2 gives a noticeable performance boost, depending of your resolution this could make the game blurry or not (This also depends of your DirectX version, it may look more blurry in 11). I would recommend to set “FRS2 Quality Mode” to “Performance” and if it is too blurry change it to either “Balanced” or “Quality”
- The Mesh and Texture Quality options do have an impact in performance so you may want to reduce them if you have low framerate (Texture Filter less so).
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