Teardown – How to Unlock Everything (Cheat)

A simple tutorial to skip the campaign and go strait to sandbox.

Where to Find Save File

To find the Teardown save file you will need to go to:

  • C:\Users\%username%\AppData\Local\Teardown

Which you will then find savegame.xml open that in any text editor.

How to Give Yourself Infinite Cash

Nice and simple, in savegame.xml go to the bottom and you will find <cash value=”x”>, x will be a number and you just change it to what ever.

Full Savegame.xml Example

<registry version="0.5.2">
				<enabled value="1"/>
				<enabled value="1"/>
				<enabled value="1"/>
				<enabled value="1"/>
				<ammo value="96"/>
				<range value="60"/>
				<damage value="5"/>
				<enabled value="1"/>
				<ammo value="24"/>
				<damage value="5"/>
				<enabled value="1"/>
				<ammo value="36"/>
				<damage value="4"/>
				<enabled value="1"/>
				<ammo value="36"/>
				<range value="100"/>
				<damage value="3"/>
				<enabled value="1"/>
				<ammo value="36"/>
				<damage value="6"/>
				<enabled value="1"/>
				<ammo value="60"/>
				<enabled value="1"/>
				<ammo value="64"/>
				<width value="5"/>
				<length value="64"/>
			<boss_intro value="2"/>
			<mall_intro value="2"/>
			<boss_busted value="2"/>
			<lee_computers value="2"/>
			<lee_login value="2"/>
			<boss_coffee value="2"/>
			<lee_safe value="2"/>
			<caveisland_computers value="2"/>
			<mansion_race value="2"/>
			<caveisland_dishes value="2"/>
			<marina_demolish value="2"/>
			<dev_thanks value="2"/>
			<lee_safe_done value="2"/>
			<marina_cars_reminder value="2"/>
			<boss_encourage_1 value="2"/>
			<mansion_art value="2"/>
			<lee_powerplant_done value="2"/>
			<frustrum_chase value="2"/>
			<marina_tools value="2"/>
			<boss_encourage_2 value="1"/>
			<mall_intro value="1">
				<score value="1"/>
				<timeleft value="-1.0"/>
				<missiontime value="1.1"/>
			<lee_computers value="1">
				<score value="3"/>
				<timeleft value="-1.0"/>
				<missiontime value="4.8"/>
			<lee_login value="1">
				<score value="3"/>
				<timeleft value="-1.0"/>
				<missiontime value="2.3"/>
			<lee_tower value="1">
				<score value="3"/>
				<timeleft value="-1.0"/>
				<missiontime value="4.8"/>
			<lee_safe value="1">
				<score value="3"/>
				<timeleft value="-1.0"/>
				<missiontime value="4.8"/>
			<lee_powerplant value="1">
				<score value="3"/>
				<timeleft value="-1.0"/>
				<missiontime value="4.8"/>
			<lee_flooding value="1">
				<score value="3"/>
				<timeleft value="-1.0"/>
				<missiontime value="4.8"/>
			<marina_gps value="1">
				<score value="3"/>
				<timeleft value="-1.0"/>
				<missiontime value="2.3"/>
			<mansion_fraud value="1">
				<score value="3"/>
				<timeleft value="-1.0"/>
				<missiontime value="2.3"/>
			<caveisland_dishes value="1">
				<score value="3"/>
				<timeleft value="-1.0"/>
				<missiontime value="2.3"/>
			<caveisland_propane value="1">
				<score value="3"/>
				<timeleft value="-1.0"/>
				<missiontime value="2.3"/>
			<frustrum_chase value="1">
				<score value="3"/>
				<timeleft value="-1.0"/>
				<missiontime value="2.3"/>
			<mansion_race value="1"/>
			<caveisland_computers value="1"/>
			<lee_safe value="1"/>
			<marina_demolish value="1"/>
			<mansion_art value="1"/>
			<marina_tools value="1"/>
		<lastcompleted value="lee_computers"/>
			<score value="34"/>
			<hub2 value="1"/>
			<hub14 value="1"/>
			<hub16 value="1"/>
			<lee_whisky value="1"/>
			<lee_screwdriver value="1"/>
			<lee_tilecutter value="1"/>
			<lee_cash3 value="1"/>
			<lee_painting4 value="1"/>
			<hub_banana value="1"/>
			<marina_cashbox value="1"/>
			<marina_lubrication value="1"/>
		<cash value="999984670"/>
			<enabled value="1"/>
				<score value="613323908.0"/>
				<stars value="5"/>
				<scoredetails value="613323908 voxels"/>
				<score value="613323908.0"/>
				<stars value="5"/>
				<scoredetails value="613323908 voxels"/>
				<score value="613323908.0"/>
				<stars value="5"/>
				<scoredetails value="613323908 voxels"/>
				<score value="613323908.0"/>
				<stars value="5"/>
				<scoredetails value="613323908 voxels"/>
				<score value="613323908.0"/>
				<stars value="5"/>
				<scoredetails value="613323908 voxels"/>
Helena Stamatina
About Helena Stamatina 1023 Articles
My first game was Naughty Dog’s Crash Bandicoot (PlayStation) back in 1996. And since then gaming has been my main hobby. I turned my passion for gaming into a job by starting my first geek blog in 2009. When I’m not working on the site, I play mostly on my PlayStation. But I also love outdoor activities and especially skiing.


  1. If you want Evertides mall without doing the side mission here is the part for that..
    [mall_foodcourt value=”1″/]
    Just add it under the [marina_tools value=”1″/] in the mission section for it to unlock..
    P.S. Replace [ ]

  2. Upgrade notice
    TESTED THIS 19/6/21 and it worked. Note that the file has moved.

    Teardown 0.6.0 uses the AppData folder instead of Documents to store progress files. Local mods are still placed in Documents/Teardown/Mods. Your progress files have been moved to the following location:


  3. This is utter rubbish! I added this in place of what is in the same position but it makes no difference. It seems the only way to make it to the end is to buy an expansion as I was told in a response on a YouTube video where I asked how you get through one of the missions I can’t do.

  4. I corrected the plant to plank and changed the quotations but it still resets my save, what am i doing wrong?

  5. The only reason why this above code doesn’t work it because in the weapons part there is a typo.

    At the bottom it says

    As you can see is typed as at the bottom. Correct this to and it should work fine.

  6. Open file with notepad++
    Press ctrl-h to replace ″ with ” (the quotations on the site is different from quotations on the keyboard)
    Replace all
    Save file
    Play game!

  7. Yeah the above does NOT work. Tried and formatted it correctly but still resets the game. Make sure you BACKUP your savegame file first!

  8. Copied and pasted full savegame into svaegame, and everything was reset back to the start of the game, getting left by a bus. Didnt work for me and now ive gotta restart. Karma for wanting to cheat i guess.

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