How to Deal with Anomalies
Antimatter Anomaly
- Antimatter 12 first clear (31 secs) – with more obtainable ships.
- Heliodor M4, Meiying B1, Sentinel B2, Butcher B3, Salvation B4
- Heliodor tanks and cleanses the bombs. Butcher/Meiying can be replaced with any skip or back targetting attackers.
- If you don’t have Sentinel, use Volk.
Boss dies fast – round 3 every time.

Chemical Anomaly
- Chemical 12 – First clear, 30 secs, with more obtainable ships.
- Valerian T2, Meiying M2, Salvation M3, Shepherd M4, Butcher B4.
- This boss takes full damage from corrosion, but note the affinity disadvantage Valerian has against him. For 100% on Lvl 12, think its 320 Hacking.
- Top Saboteur isn’t killed, but Valerian self heals.
If you don’t have Valerian, use Wisteria (and may want to use her instead anyway – no affinity disadvantage, so a lot less Hacking required).
The other two attackers can swap to any attackers with back or skip targetting.

Electric Anomaly
Here’s a different approach based on Oleander. This clears level 12 consistently.
- Meiying T4, Panguan M1, Oleander M3, Xcellence M4, Butcher B4.
- Formation dependent on Oleander’s heal range.
- Panguan back middle so her bombs help kill the top & bottom leeches. If you don’t have her, Valerian works just as well here.
Xcellence on his own to kill the middle leech – but has time because that leech skip targets and is hitting Oleander. Xcellence also bypasses bosses shield, hits hard. (Luxx is worth trying on this boss for same reason.
Meiying & Butcher can be swapped for any other attacker with Back or Skip targetting.

Thermal Anomaly
- Thermal 12 – first clear, 50 secs, with more obtainable ships.
- Butcher T1, Meiying M1, Shepherd M4, Valerian B1, Oleander B2
- Oleander heals everyone except Butcher and buffs Valerians Corrosion damage.
- Valerian (can use Wisteria instead) is hitting boss as well as bottom defender.
Meiying can be replaced by any back or skip targetting attacker (or Apex).

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