General Colosso Boss Guide
By Garren.
Here is an alternative version for budget colosso 15, it is consistent farming almost 2 mins tho…
Team: Ruiner – Los – Heliodor – Hayyan – Volk.
- Runier: MVP in the team composition, as the pattern allows you to debuff all backline enemies firing ( if they got +2 debuff, they cleanse rather than shoot you). It is essential that Ruiner always go before the enemy ( I think +104 speed) and has enough hacking (+240 for 100%) landing of debuff
- Los: Can be switched with any attacker which does not hit the enemies in the back. A decent judge would dramacitally decrease the time of the fight
- Volk: As I lack of heavy healer (just got Salvation, got no Hermes) he will have to do. If you have a better heavy healer with enough survivabilty, you can put it next to your tank.
- Heliodor: Heavy tank, if you have “easymode” yazid he is a much better choice, Any tank would do, as long as they can survive the blast from the boss (Pannon could be also neat here)
- Hayyan: Optimal, support healer/hacking buff just to be sure. Due to pattern, (can be placed anywhere) and cheat death, she can be your insurance policy.
If you have a strong healer and tank, this slot can be filled with anything.
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