Guide to Anomalies
Useful Tips
- Go slow. Some strange stuff takes time to disappear.
- Strange stuff only changes the pictures on posters, not the words.
- After dodging strange stuff, it won’t come back until you’ve seen all the other strange stuff.
- Losing to strange stuff means it can still come back later in the game.
Door that’s a little open
The door opens a bit and then shuts.

Open doors
The doors open while the train is going.

Crying out to the door
There’s a loud voice at the door. It states not to open the door on the display board. All you have to do is wait for the anomaly to disappear before exiting through the door.

A hand piercing the door
A hand is protruding through the car’s front and rear doors.

Broken windows
The windows break when you’re halfway through the car.

Car with fog
The whole car gets foggy. They say “Do not get off”. After a bit, the car stops and the doors open. Just wait until it starts moving again and the door to get out will open.

Playing hide and seek
The girl wants to play hide and seek. When you go to her, the car goes dark for a second. She’s gone and there’s a message on the floor. Now you gotta find her. She’s hiding behind doors or windows in the car.

Keep your eyes forward
Proceed through the automobile until you get to the door leading out. You will be caught by the invisible man if you turn around.

Find the weird thing
In this car, there’s a message on the door to get out. If you go through the door while the message is there, you start over at level 0 and it doesn’t count.

Each time you see the message, there’s a different weird thing. The weird things are:
- Poster with an eye.

- Poster with a girl.

- Train rules poster.

- Poster for veterinarians.

- A headless, suit-wearing figure.

The car is slanting backwards
It is up to you to dash through it and unlock the door. After you’ve done that, things will resume as usual.

Flooded car
The car is flooded. To get to the escape door, you have to sprint as quickly as you can.

Man chasing you
The man’s not in his seat. He’s at the back door. When you go to him, he chases you. You have to run away.

Handprints with blood
When you walk through the car, there’s bloody handprints everywhere. Just go out the exit door.

Car with lots of people
The car is crowded. Walk through the people.

Absence of light
You have to locate the door that is unguarded. That’s the way out.

Enormous heads
Just head toward the exit.

Sitting white mannequins
There are no more seats available for you on the crowded vehicle. Try it out by going to the exit door; one seat will then become available.

Take a seat.

Then there’s an open exit door.

Creepy woman
“Do not look away” is written on the display board. That means all you have to do is keep looking at her as you head for the exit.

Chasing woman
The lights have begun to flicker. The woman approaches you when the lights are off, and you have to rush to the escape door when the lights are on.

Being captured on camera
You are being recorded by the guy. Simply go to the exit door.

Man without a face
There is no face on the man. He’ll get you if you gaze at him.

Man without a head
Just get past him.

Moving hand straps

Red light
Simply move forward and open the door.

Light stay, dark move
The floor message says when the lights go off, move forward to find the exit. If you move when the lights are on, the girl catches you.

8-9-4 Code
Follow the arrows and open each door the number of times it says. Go right and try the door 8 times. Then go to the back and try that door 9 times. Finally, go to the front door and try it 3 times. It opens on the fourth try.

Tier List
- S: Car Tilting Backwards / Foggy Car / Blackout
- A: Chasing Man / Chasing Woman / Flooded Car / Giant Heads / White Silhouettes Sitting / Crowded Car / Hide and Seek / Don’t Look Back / Light Stay, Dark Move /
- B: No Face Man / Creepy Woman / Hand Poking Through Door / Windows Shattering /
- C: Headless Man / Opened Door / Opened Side Doors /
- D: Being Recorded / Ajar Door / Shouting at the Door (caveat of language barrier) / Find The Anomaly / Bloody Handprints
- F: Red Light / Code
I hope you found this useful!
Avoid clicking on people in a packed car, and try not to sprint as well, as this will cause the crowd to startle you and reverse your progress.
I think there’s another oddity. I think the signs say “amomaly 5” and “Please check electric signs” on the door.
The instructions on how to play this game are suggested by the sign. The most recent update included it. Additionally, a display indicating the number of anomalies you still need to find will appear once you reach the first ending, or final station L8.
TIER LIST that I created after finishing with a partner
This car is tilting backwards; it is foggy; it is blackout; it is chasing a woman; it is flooding; it has giant heads; it has white silhouettes. Light Stay, Dark Move / Hide and Seek / Sitting / Crammed Car / Don’t Look Back
B No Face Man / Unsettling Woman / Hand Peeping Through Door / Broken Windows /
C Shouting at the door (with a language barrier) / Headless Man / Opened Door / Opened Side Doors / D Being Recorded / Ajar Door / Look for the Bloody Handprints or Anomaly
F Code / Red Light
I have another one that is not on this list. I attempted to enter through the front door, which was already open, but the invisible man grabbed me, threw me to the back of the train, and killed me. I didn’t turn around, and the sign didn’t indicate not to look back.
The flood, what about it? Has anyone figured that one out?
simply sprint through to the door
Another oddity is the shaking of the strap handles. appears to be safe
Keep your back to the far door and don’t turn your head from the white figure. Then, glance at the door handle and pull it open.
Additionally, if you see a man with a fixed expression, look down and pass him by.
You should sit down and wait once you hear the guy and the next door becomes opaque (i.e., black).
Alright, so that guy behind the door of the next car will be saying “sumimaseeennn” in Japanese.
All you have to do is take a seat in a chair and remain still until he finishes speaking.
The puzzle ones are fun.
By the way. Is that girl poster on the ceiling is from the TRPG game?