Today I would like to walk people through the start up and take off procedures on the Boeing 787-10 Dreamliner. This guide assumes you are starting at the gate with an IFR flight plan either pre-loaded or self programmed into the MFD. Today we are departing from Soekarno-Hatta International Airport (WIII) to Singapore Changi airport (WSSS). Please Buckle yourself up, listen to the safety briefing and have a wonderful flight.
Checklist to Take-off
- Battery on
- Overhead panel done and button brightness (set to preference)
- Lower panel (throttle quadrant) flood light (set to preference)
- Call for external power truck (ATC)
- External power buttons on (EXT PWR FWD L & R, AFT EXT PWR)
- Beacon light on
- Engine fuel cutoff 1 and 2 (set to on)
- APU start
- APU GEN L and R (ON)
- End external power supply (ATC)
- Retract (if applicable) Jetway (ATC)
- Tune to ATIS and set Altimeter
- Request IFR Clearance
- Input IFR Clearance altitude into Autopilot
- VNAV, LNAV, F/D, A/T buttons on the Autopilot set to on. AP Master switch stays off.
- All fuel pumps on.
- Request TAXI IFR (Remember taxi instructions)
- Parking brake off. Push back requested (choose direction when applicable)
- During push back start engines L and R
- Turn off APU
- Turn on all TAXI lights, NAV, LOGO and WING lights
- Taxi to and hold short of Takeoff Runway
- Flaps to 15 or 20 degrees
- Trims to center/takeoff position.
- Request take off
- Pull on to runway
- Take off
- Gear up, Flaps up
- Get to 2500ft or more and begin turn towards Flight plan route
- Activate Auto Pilot Master Switch
- Follow ATC for altitudes during flight (see next section for Auto Pilot procedures)
Auto Pilot Functions
- AP: auto pilot Master switch
- A/T: Auto throttle
- LNAV (Lateral Navigation): turns and following the GPS line
- VNAV (Vertical Navigation): altitude control
- F/D ON/OFF: Flight Director. Shows a cross on the instruments to help the pilot follow the GPS path
- LOC (Localizer): Helps guide the plane to the runway heading. Horizontal tracking only
- APP (Approach): auto flies the approach using both lateral and vertical controls this mode follows the glide slope onto the runway.
Boeing 787 Autopilot Use
- Before take off the pilot can turn on the VNAV, LNAV, A/T, and F/D buttons and set the altitude to what the tower requests you to climb to.
- Once airborne the Autopilot Master switch AP can be set to on. This will make the aircraft begin manuevering to follow the pre-set flight plan and altitude.
- Should ATC request the pilot change Flight Levels (altitude), this can be done by rotating the Altitude Hold selector to the proper altitude. Once the proper altitude is displayed you have to click on the top of the selector to engage that altitude.
- Coming into landing the Autopilot can be used to line up with the runway using the LOC/FAC button. Once lined up you can either land the aircraft manually or engage the APP(Approach) button to utilize the ILS system.
- If Utilizing the ILS, the pilot must put down the gear and lower flaps. The aircraft will respond to the changes and adjust the speeds appropriately.