Your villagers’ traits, needs, and relationships will effect everything from their skills and stats, to morale, to life expectancy. This guide will break down all of the effects you can and can’t control in the game, so you can set your village on the path to success!
Lakeburg Legacies has overlapping and complex systems that determine how your villagers work and interact with the other villagers around them. If you’re looking for more detailed information on how what different statuses do, and how you can get better effects for your villagers, you’ve come to the right place!
What can be affected by a villagers traits/feelings/relationships?
- Stat increase/decrease
- Skill increase/decrease
- Resources needed/used
- Needs (protection, entertainment, etc.)
- Production time
- Meeting chance (Only applies to random meetings, not ones that you initiate)
- Relationship chance by type (romantic, friendly, lustful, etc.)
- Life Expectancy
- Affinity
- Citizen experience gained
Personality & Congenital Traits
These traits are assigned to your villagers automatically. They are supposed to be passed down from parent to child and mentor to mentee, but that aspect doesn’t seem to be working properly as of right now. They can also gain or lose traits based on your choices during pop-up events. There is not a whole lot you can do to change a villager’s congenital and personality traits, so you will have to work around them as best you can.
- Ascetic: -1 vegetables, meat, and fish needed
- Beautiful: Charisma stat +2
- Boring: Stage performance skill -5%, meeting chance -5%
- Brave: Athletics skill +5%, Protection needs -1%
- Club Foot: Dexterity stat -2
- Coward: Leadership skill -5%, -1 wood every 120 days
- Depressive: Morale -10, meeting chance -5%, Friendly relationship chance -5%
- Devout: Knowledge skill +5%, -1 fish every 120 days
- Energetic: Athletics skill +5%, -1 tools every 120 days
- Frail: Life expectancy -50
- Funny: Meeting chance +10%, friendly relationship chance +10%, Affinity +6%
- Glutton: -1 fruit every 120 days, -1 meat every 120 days
- Greedy: -1 Gold every 120 days
- Hard-Working: Perception skill -5%, Production time -5%
- Humble: Meeting chance -5%, Jewelry resource needed -1, Painting resource needed -1
- Ill-Mannered: Precision Work skill -5%, Crafting skill -5%, -1 beer every 120 days
- Indecisive: Precision work skill -5%, friendly relationship chance +5%
- Kind: Nature skill +5%, Meeting chance +10%
- Lazy: Production time +10%, meeting chance +10%, friendly relationship chance +5%
- Mean: Persuasion skill +5%, Weapons mastery skill +5%, friendly relationship chance -10%, Affinity -3%
- Nimble: Dexterity stat +2
- Obstinate: Knowledge skill -5%, Stage Performance skill -5%
- Proud: Stage Performance skill +5%, -1 Jewelry every 120 days
- Resilient: Morale +10, Romantic relationship chance +5%, Leadership skill +5%
- Robust: Life expectancy +50
- Romantic: Meeting chance +10%, lustful relationship chance -5%, Affinity +5%
- Rowdy: Weapons mastery skill +5%, -1 weapons every 120 days
- Shy: Leadership skill -5%, Persuasion skill -5%, friendly relationship chance -5%
- Simple: Intelligence stat -2
- Smart: Intelligence stat +2
- Social: Persuasion skill +5%, Stage performance skill +5%, Affinity +6%
- Strong: Strength stat +2
- Ugly: Charisma stat -2
- Weak: Strength stat -2
- Well-Mannered: Precision work skill +5%, Crafting skill +5%, -1 Clothes needed
Annual Needs
A villager’s annual needs increase with their citizenship level. Every villager will (at max level) have 5 essential needs, 2 convenience needs, and 1 luxury need, which will be randomly chosen from the pool of possibilities. Illicit buildings will also drain your resources and make life harder for the villagers. When resources are scarce, they will be given first to Nobles, then Artisans, then Peasants.
New resources are not added to the pool until you have a source of them, so for example your villages will not have bread as an essential need until you build the bakery. These needs are evaluated at the end of the calendar year, so if you are running short you have until December to address it before getting stuck with the penalties for a full year. Essential needs will grant a positive effect if met and a negative effect if not met. Convenience and luxury needs will grant a positive effect if met, but have no penalty if they are not met.
Wood (Essential)
- Satisfied: +20 Morale every 20 days
- Not satisfied: Strength stat -1, Life expectancy -120 every 360 days, Morale -40 every 360 days
Vegetables (Essential)
- Satisfied: Dexterity stat +1, Charisma stat +1
- Not satisfied: Dexterity stat -2, Intelligence stat -2, Life expectancy -120 every 360 days, Morale -10 every 360 days
Meat (Essential)
- Satisfied: Strength stat +2
- Not satisfied: Strength stat -3, life expectancy -120 every 360 days, Morale -10 every 360 days
Clothes (Essential)
- Satisfied: Meeting chance +5%, Charisma stat +1
- Not satisfied: Charisma stat -4, -20 Morale every 360 days
Bread (Essential)
- Satisfied: Dexterity stat +2
- Not satisfied: Dexterity stat -3, life expectancy -120 every 360 days, Morale -10 every 360 days
Fish (Essential)
- Satisfied: Intelligence stat +2
- Not satisfied: Intelligence stat -3, life expectancy -120 every 360 days, Morale -10 every 360 days
Fruit (Essential)
- Satisfied: Charisma stat +2
- Not satisfied: Charisma stat -3, life expectancy -120 every 360 days, Morale -10 every 360 days
Weapons (Convenience)
- Satisfied: Strength stat +1, Intelligence stat +1
Tools (Convenience)
- Satisfied: Dexterity stat +1, Production time -2% every 360 days
Beer (Convenience)
- Satisfied: Intelligence stat -1, Morale +10 every 360 days, meeting chance +10%
Furniture (Convenience)
- Satisfied: Life expectancy +25 every 360 days, Morale +6 every 360 days, Intelligence stat +1
Jewelry (Luxury)
- Satisfied: +10 Prestige
Paintings (Luxury)
- Satisfied: +10 Prestige
Life Events – Feelings / States
Your villagers can also acquire feelings from events that happen in their lives. Possible triggers for these include marriage, divorce, homelessness, parenthood, widowhood, pop up events, forming relationships, and interacting with other villagers. During the pop up events you can mouse over the options to see what states your villagers will acquire from that selection, but it only gives the name of the feeling, not the actual effects of it.
There are two feelings that are permanent, one from being divorced, and one from being widowed. These two feelings persist even if the villager remarries.
- Divorced: +1% Faith needed, -10 morale
- Widowed: -1 Faith needed, Morale -20, romantic relationship chance -20%
The rest are temporary. You can see how much longer a villager will have a feeling by the colored circle around the icon.
- Amused: Morale +5, Entertainment needs -1%
- Bothered: Morale -5, Production time +2%
- Calm: Athletic skill -3%, Perception skill +3%, Faith needs -1%
- Charmed: Charisma stat +1, Persuasion skill -3%
- Confident: Charisma stat +1, Persuasion skill +3%, friendly relationship chance +5%
- Dejected: Morale -5, Precision work skill -5%, Stage performance skill -5%, Crafting skill -5%
- Disappointed: Entertainment needs +1%, Meeting chances -5%
- Disgusted: Stage performance skill: -3%, Food skill -3%
- Drunk: Charisma stat -1, Intelligence stat -1, Beer -1 every 120 days, meeting chance +10%
- Embarrassed: Morale -5 every 100 days, Persuasion skill -3%, Stage performance skill -3%
- Furious: Strength stat +1, Intelligence stat -2
- Grateful: Morale +5, Friendly relationship chance +5%
- Heartbroken: Morale -15, -2 Hearts every 120 days
- Homeless: Morale -20 every 90 days, Faith needs -2%, Life expectancy -50 every 90 days
- Impressed: Intelligence stat +1, Morale +2
- Inspired: Perception skill +5%, Stage Performance skill +5%, Crafting skill +5%
- Joyful: Morale +20, Affinity +3%
- Offended: Morale -5, Friendly relationship chance -5%
- Pleasantly surprised: Morale +5, Entertainment needs -1%
- Scared: Knowledge skill -5%, Weapons mastery skill +5%, meeting chance -10%, friendly relationship chance -5%
- Stressed: Knowledge skill -1%, Life expectancy -10, Perception skill +5%, Production time +5%
- Waiting for a stork: Parenthood chance -100%
- Young Parent: Parenthood chance -90%
Town Services
These effects are also temporary, and are gained from illicit buildings, the Bards’ House, the School, and depending on the status of your Needs gauges. Managing your illicit buildings is a balancing act, and you will have to find the sweet spot for your village. When your Needs gauges are very low your villagers run the risk of getting some very nasty effects, but if you make it long enough they will wear off. Later in the game you can unlock buildings that will combat the effects of the illicit buildings, but until you unlock them they can be trick to manage.
Some of these overlap with the Feelings gained from life events, but I have listed them out here again so you can clearly see where each comes from.
Health (Rodent Nest/Hospital)
- Confident: Charisma stat +1, Persuasion skill +3%, friendly relationship chance +5%
- Cold: Life expectancy -60 every 85 days, -5 Wood every 29 days
- Flu: Life expectancy -640 every 175 days, Strength stat -1
- Cholera: Life expectancy -1220 every 265 days, Strength stat -2, Charisma stat -2
- Plague: Life expectancy -1800 every 355 days, -3 to ALL stats
Faith (Pleasure House/Church)
- Lustful: Intelligence stat -1, Morale -20 every 115 days, gold -1 every 115 days, meeting chance +5%, lustful relationship chance +5%
- Grateful: Morale +5, Friendly relationship chance +5%
- Atheist: Charisma stat -1, Intelligence stat -1, Citizen experience -10%
- Heretic: Life expectancy -50 every 265 days, Charisma stat -2, Dexterity stat -2, Intelligence stat -2
- Disbeliever: Life expectancy -100 every 355 days, -1 to ALL stats
Entertainment (Prank Shop/Theatre)
- Amused: Morale +5, Entertainment needs -1%
- Bored: Morale -50 every 175 days, Intelligence stat -1
- Despondent: Life expectancy -300 every 265 days, Morale -100 every 265 days, Affinity -10%, Intelligence stat -2, Charisma stat -2
- Suicidal: Life expectancy -600 every 355 days, Morale -150 every 355 days, Affinity -25%, Intelligence stat -3, Charisma stat -3, meeting chances -25%
Protection (Thieves’ Guild/Barracks)
- Joyful: Morale +20, Affinity +3%
- Worried: Morale -50 every 175 days, Dexterity stat -1, Strength stat -1, Meeting chance -5%
- Robbed: Morale -100 every 265 days, meeting chance -25%, Dexterity stat -2, Strength stat -2, Intelligence stat -2
- Deprived: Morale -150 every 355 days, -5 Furniture every 120 days, meeting chance -50%, -3 to ALL stats
Assassin’s Guild
- Injured: Life expectancy -120 every 175 days
Bard’s House
- Entertained: Morale +10 every 30 days, meeting chance +5%, Affinity +3%
- Educated: Intelligence stat +2, Citizen experience +5%
Intro to Relationships
Your villagers’ relationships can have an enormous impact on their skills, stats, and needs. This is the set of traits that you have the most ability to control, but it’s also the most complex. You can use hearts to end relationships with effects you don’t want. Marriage relationships are set when two villagers marry each other. Mentorship relationships are NOT automatically set when you assign a child to become an apprentice. They may occur randomly, or you can have the child and adult meet.
Adult/child relationships work differently than relationships between peers. When a child meets and adult they are not apprenticed to, they will form a friendship or enmity based on their affinity. However when a child meets and adult they are apprenticed to, they will form either a mentorship or an exploitation relationship. Mentorship is a great buff, but an exploitation comes with significant penalties. If you want to form a mentorship it is best to apprentice a child to an adult who shares their hobbies, as this makes then much more likely to form a mentorship when they meet.
The other types occur from random meetings (effected by their meeting chance), or when you have them spend time with each other. You can have a villager spend time with someone they don’t already have a relationship with by opening the villager pane at the bottom of the screen and dragging the one you want up to the spot.
Relationships offer two kinds of effects on your villagers. The first kind are the same kinds of changes to skills, stats, needs, and morale that traits can give. The second kind apply only when the villager interacts with the other person in the relationship. This includes Production time (when working together) and Romantic affinity (when going on a date). Their relationship will also effect the ambiance when working together, which impacts any other villagers working in the same building.
Level 1 Loveless Marriage
- Morale -10
- Production time +7%
Level 2 Infatuated
- Morale +5
- Production time -7%
Level 3 In Love
- Morale +10
- Production time -7%
Level 4 Madly in Love
- Morale +20, Paintings needed -1, Jewelry needed -1
- Production time -14%
Level 1 Acquaintance
- Morale +5
- Production time -7%
Level 2 Friend
- Morale +10
- Production time -7%
Level 3 Close Friend
- Morale +5, Jewelry needed +1
- +30% relationship affinity, Production time -14%
Level 4 Best Friend
- Morale +10, Jewelry needed +1
- Relationship affinity +30%, Production time -14%, date will start with existing love
Level 5 Friend for Life
- Morale +10, Jewelry needed +1
- Relationship affinity +30%, Production time -21%, date will start with existing love
Level 1 Insignificant
- -3% relationship affinity, Production time +7%
Level 2 Disliked
- Morale -5
- Production time +7%, Relationship affinity -3%
Level 3 Rival
- Morale -10, Citizen experience -3%, Weapons needed +1
- Production time +14%, Relationship affinity -3%
Level 4 Enemy
- Morale -5, Citizen experience -3%
- Production time +14%, Relationship affinity -3%, dates are less likely to succeed
Level 5 Sworn Enemy
- Morale -10, Citizen experience -3%
- Production time +14%, Relationship affinity -3%, dates are less likely to exceed
Level 1 Crush
- Morale +5
- Production time -7%, date will start with existing love
Level 2 First Kiss
- Morale +5
- Production time -7%, Relationship affinity +3%, date will start with existing love
Level 3 Romantic Relationship
- Morale +10
- Production time -14%, Relationship affinity +6%, date will start with existing love
Level 1 One-Night Stand
- Morale +10
- Production time -7%
Level 2 Bed Friend
- Morale +10
- Production time -14%, Relationship affinity +3%
Level 3 Friend and…a tad more
- Morale +10
- Production time -21%, Relationship affinity +3%, date will start with existing love
Level 1 Mentor and Student
- Morale +5
- Production time -7%
Level 2 Mutual Enrichment
- Morale +15, Citizen experience +5%
- Production time -14%
Level 1 Master and Servant
- Morale -20
- Production time -7%
Level 2 Captive Serf
- Morale -20, Citizen experience -10%
- Production time -14%
Level 1 Secret Crush
- Production time +7%, Marriage affinity -3%
Level 2 Secret Flirt
- Clothes needed +1
- Production time +7%, Marriage affinity -5%, date will start with existing love
Level 3 Adulterers
- Clothes needed +1
- Production time +14%, Marriage affinity -10%, date will start with existing love
Managing Relationships
All villagers have a level of affinity towards each other even before they interact, based on shared interests. If they share hobbies they will have a positive affinity, and if they dislike each others’ hobbies they will have a negative affinity. This is not shown in the game (unless they go on a date or have an existing relationship) but you can still check their hobbies to predict it. Before having two villagers meet, make sure to also check if they have other traits that incline them to a certain kind of relationship, or you may wind up with unexpected results.
Once two villagers have established a relationship, that will change their affinity. However shared interests still matter, especially for low level relationships! Make sure to check carefully, as low level friends can still tend towards a negative relationship if they dislike each others’ hobbies, or have other penalties towards friendly relationships. Their overall score for each other is listed at the top of the relationship window. That affinity is specifically to the other person on the relationship, and does not effect any other relationships a villager has.
When two villagers interact, they may gain a feeling depending on their relationship (see Feeling section), or their relationship may change. Feelings are temporary traits, but can be a good way to give a villager a boost. Villagers who share a maxed out relationship and strong affinity in that direction are very likely get a feeling when interacting. So a couple who is Madly In Love and has a high affinity for a positive relationship is very likely to get a positive feeling when they interact. Likewise Sworn Enemies with a high affinity for a negative relationship are very likely to get a negative feeling. If the villagers share a weak relationship and a contrasting affinity, such as Acquaintances with an affinity for a negative relationship, their relationship may end when they interact.
If you’ve made it this far, thanks for reading! I want to add that this guide was written during version of the game. I compiled these lists from notes I took during my own playthroughs and experimentation, trying to better understand how these systems work. Some things may be incorrect, or may change in later versions of the game. The lists are not guaranteed to be complete, as it’s impossible to say for sure if I’ve found everything.
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