Idol Manager – Optimizing Stamina Use

This guide provides data on how every activity in the game impacts stamina. Idols only have a limited amount of stamina each day, so you have to know how to use it efficiently.

Importance of Stamina

Efficient use of stamina is the key to success in Idol Manager. Each idol gains 1 stamina each day naturally, and a bonus +5 if there is a breakroom that they can use. This means you have 42 stamina to allocate that is passively gained each week. This guide will help you choose the activities that maximize your growth.


The numbers in this guide are assuming the game is being played in hard mode (unfair). You can use it as a rough guideline for other difficulties. I don’t really see the need for min-maxing in easier modes.

Several assumptions and approximations have been made in the processes of making these calculations. The actual values will greatly vary depending on your specific situation. Use this as a suggestion only. These assumptions will be described at the end of the guide.

Activities Sorted by Fans per Stamina

ActivityFans/stam1K Yen/stamFame/stam
Single w/ Ad Campaign (1M fans)59343972
Promotion (level 9)50
Single w/ Ad Campaign (100k fans)137.83972
World Tour (Max Level)13-1923
Drama (Level 10)1025500
Variety Show (Level 10)840228
Photoshoot (Level 10)4.814120
TV Show (10 Fame)4.26.970
Radio Show (10 Fame)411209
Internet Show (10 Fame)2.34.9104
Sister Group SingleVery High (varies)Same as normal singleSame as normal single

Activities Sorted by Money per Stamina

ActivityFans/stam1K Yen/stamFame/stam
Concert (1M fans)1878
Theater Stream (1M fans)1207
Concert (100k fans)188
Theater Stream (100k fans)121
Advertisement (Level 10)50
Variety Show (Level 10)840228
Theater (1M fans)35
Single w/ Ad Campaign (1M fans)59343972
Drama (Level 10)1025500
Photoshoot (Level 10)4.814120
Theater (100k fans)13
Radio Show (10 Fame)411209
Single w/ Ad Campaign (100k fans)137.83972
TV Show (10 Fame)4.26.970
Performance (level 9)6
Internet Show (10 Fame)2.34.9104
Sister Group SingleVery High (Varies)Same as normal singleSame as normal single

Activities Sorted by Fame per Stamina

ActivityFans/stam1K Yen/stamFame/stam
Single w/ Ad Campaign (1M fans)59343972
Single w/ Ad Campaign (100k fans)137.83972
Drama (Level 10)1025500
Variety Show (Level 10)840228
Radio Show (10 Fame)411209
Photoshoot (Level 10)4.814120
Internet Show (10 Fame)2.34.9104
TV Show (10 Fame)4.26.970
Sister Group SingleVery High (varies)Same as normal singleSame as normal single

Main Takeaways

When choosing what activities to have your idols do, I recommend considering 3 broad categories: (1) Daily activities, (2) Secondary activities, and (3) Cooldown-limited activities.

  1. Daily activities are the primary activities your idols will do to generate resources each day. These can be passive like theater performances or active like the promotion daily. Most of the idol’s stamina will be spent on these activities.
  2. Secondary activities are things you can assign your idol when they have extra stamina. Again, these can be passive like training and cafe work, or it can be active like one-off variety shows and photoshoots.
  3. Cooldown-limited activities are those that can be done intermittently to give a large boost of resources. These are the singles or special events.


For maximizing fans, your daily activities should be promotions and drama contracts. Promotions take up 21 stamina per week, which leaves 21 stamina left for dramas. Be sure to only accept deals that are favorably negotiated. Secondary activities should be variety show contracts when you have extra stamina. Be sure to release singles regularly. If you can afford the risk, viral marketing will on average garner more fans than safer methods. Note also that elections can generate more new fans from singles without stamina cost.


For maximizing money, your daily activity will be theater shows with streaming. If you don’t have it unlocked yet, then advertising contracts that are favorably negotiated will be your best option. Your secondary activity should be variety shows. As for cooldown-limited activities, take advantage of concerts as much as possible. Note also that cafes can generate money without any stamina cost if you have extra research points, and elections can generate more single sales without stamina cost either.


For maximizing fame, your daily activity should be drama contracts. The best secondary activity will be variety shows. Be sure to release singles as often as possible putting the girl you want to grow as center. Note also that elections can generate large amounts of fame without stamina cost, especially if you rig 1st place. Maximizing fame is important for getting any new joiners up to speed with the rest of your group.


  • Only hard mode numbers are used.
  • All group activities assume there are 10 members total. You can easily scale the numbers for different sized groups.
  • It’s assumed that there are no scandal points, and that fatigue/cooldown is respected (e.g. singles once per month, world tour countries once per year)
  • Sister group singles are one of the best methods for gaining fans. Probably the best in the game. However, the leveling system of sister groups makes it difficult to calculate a standard fan acquisition rate so I couldn’t give any numbers.
  • Single sales and new fans are highly dependent on appeal. I’ve chosen a total appeal of 100%. Total appeal is the sum appeal percentages of the 3 categories age group, hardcoreness and gender for each of your fan types given a single senbatsu. It is also assumed that group and senbatsu fame level is 10.
  • Concerts are assumed to have maxed out ticket prices of 100,000 yen. It is also assumed you use the full set list with 200% hype and with 60% casual fans.
  • World Tour is assuming 5 stars per country and max group fame level.
  • Theater shows and streams are assumed to run 4 days per week with performances (40 stamina per week), and with the audience set to a target gender. This is usually the optimal way to do it, unless you have many hardcore fans, then you can target them and do manzai. It is assumed that tickets are priced for 100% attendance, and subscriptions are priced at 3500, which is usually around the optimum. It assumes a 50/50 split of fan types.
  • Cafe revenue is assuming 3 members working a day with 70 as their highest stat.
  • One-off business contracts assume an average 1.2x bonus from negotiation with a 10 star manager, given the manager uses all of her negotiations each time.
  • Weekly business contracts assume a 1.5x bonus from negotiation. Managers have a 1% chance to get the 1.5x bonus each time and it’s assuming you only assign contracts to idols if you get the bonus.
  • TV Shows assume you cancel and remake the show after fatigue reaches 100%. This duration is 20 weeks. Radio and Internet Shows assume you cancel after 20 weeks to align with the effort required for TV shows for better comparison. If you don’t reset after 20 weeks then the average numbers for new fans and revenue will drop significantly. All shows assume cast and group fame level of 10 with no MCs.
Helena Stamatina
About Helena Stamatina 1519 Articles
My first game was Naughty Dog’s Crash Bandicoot (PlayStation) back in 1996. And since then gaming has been my main hobby. I turned my passion for gaming into a job by starting my first geek blog in 2009. When I’m not working on the site, I play mostly on my PlayStation. But I also love outdoor activities and especially skiing.

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