So, you want to beat Frank to a pulp? Maybe you need access to booze, maybe you want the achievement(s), maybe you just hate this guys guts, as most do. (It’s Frank, you don’t really need a reason. You want to beat him up, I ask no questions.)
Let me tell you how!
This will explain how to beat Frank, without having to use exploits, without having to revert to previous versions (door exploit), without having to run around to find booze or whatever, and most importantly (if you want the achievement) no combat training.
This guide will work at any stage of any playthrough (in fact, it’s quite handy to bypass alot of nonsense, you want/need booze, well, help yourself now (just watch out for Leah though).
All You Need to Know
It’s really quite simple..
All you need to do, is to go and whack Frank where he sits. This will of course anger him, and now he will chase you to fight you.
Perfect, step into my web Frank.
Now, you will want to run outside (although, this can be done in the living room, I just prefer to give myself some more space in case I need it).
Get outside, turn around, and you will see Frank following.
The game plan, is to wait for him to approach you, then whack him ONCE, and SPRINT off to your RIGHT. Doesn’t matter if it’s hard right, or diagonally (NE).
Frank will almost always try to retaliate with a right hook, which will miss you, as you are running to HIS left.
So basically, give yourself as much room as you need/feel comfortable with, turn around, wait for him to approach, hit him and then SPRINT to YOUR RIGHT . You really don’t need to be running all over the yard/house, a few steps or so will be fine. The longer you run, the longer the fight drags on for.
Rinse and repeat.
Utilising this strategy, Frank may hit you once, or even twice if you are unlucky, but you will not be knocked out.
It may take some practice, one or two runs at most, but once you have this down, you will NEVER need to worry about Frank AGAIN.
Beating Frank, without any training, will give you the The Harder They Fall.. Dood achievement. Once you have knocked Frank out, go and raid the booze cabinet (again, watch out for Leah) this will give you the Do You Smell Blood? achievement.
You’re welcome.
Just FYI
This is my first ever guide.
I decided to create it, as there really aren’t any guides that show/tell you how to do this properly.
It is very rough, but gives you all the info you need. I may update this with screenshots or a video to better illustrate the strategy, but for now, I think this will suffice.
I didn’t want to use exploits, or cheese it in some way (ok technically, I suppose this is cheesing, but it’s the only way to take Frank on without training, so is that really cheesing?)
Also, I don’t see much merit in drinking and then fighting, just go beat his face dood. (Trust me, booze is King in this game, you don’t want to waste it).
Wow. I can’t believe how little thought anyone has put into this. The intended method is so obvious. Beating Frank, WITHOUT any training to get the achievement IS EASY!
And no, don’t use that ridiculous guide mentioned earlier. It’s crap compared to this.
Simple, method: Do the “Deck the Balls” quest. Take the photo required for the quest, then, before Frank gets down from the stool, just punch him once in the nuts.
That’s it. Frank falls, out fucking cold. Achievement unlocked.
Holy shit. Why does no one think to hit the man in the balls? All he does is brag about how big they are!