Horse Tales: Emerald Valley Ranch – A Ghostly Encounter Quest Guide

Awards (Blueprint: Neolithic Statue), and gives the Hidden Achievement: Paranormal Investigator.

How to Complete A Ghostly Encounter Quest

“A Ghostly Encounter” Quest

In dot points, here is how to obtain and complete the Quest “A Ghostly Encounter”, which rewards the Hidden Achievement “Paranormal Investigator” and gives “Blueprint: Neolithic Statue”.

  1. Have caught the Emerald Valley Devil (Near Main Storyline end there’s a quest to do so).
  2. Finished the Main Storyline.
  3. Talk to Matteo, ask “Spare Wood?”
  4. A new option will appear then where it was, asking about Elderwood.
  5. He’ll tell you there’s rumours of Ghosts there, and you’ll get the quest to investigate.
  6. To find the “Ghost”, head to the position marked on the map, in the small glade in Elderwood – it should be a cemetery.

Hint: If your path is obstructed by thickets, you can either a) mark (3) Thickets, rest, then come back and remove the (1) thicket needed, or simply b) find another route, as there are several ways you can enter the cemetery.

  1. Upon reaching the cemetery, you’ll find out the “Ghost” is actually a white horse. Upon approaching it, the horse will flee.
  2. The quest will then urge you to rest at the Estate – do so.
  3. After resting, return to the cemetery once more.
  4. The horse should be there again – this time you will be able to tame it. Approach it, staying crouched, and face it head on, then use the “Tame” prompt.
  5. Follow the taming quick-time event mini-game prompts, and successfully catch the horse.
  6. Viola! Done! Enjoy!
Helena Stamatina
About Helena Stamatina 1519 Articles
My first game was Naughty Dog’s Crash Bandicoot (PlayStation) back in 1996. And since then gaming has been my main hobby. I turned my passion for gaming into a job by starting my first geek blog in 2009. When I’m not working on the site, I play mostly on my PlayStation. But I also love outdoor activities and especially skiing.

1 Comment

  1. im by far not done with the main story line (just beat lily for the first time) but it still triggered for me. idk if thats a bug or not.

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