This is what worked for me. I am not sure if it will help you, but you should try.
How to Save Your Settings
This is Why Your Settings Son’t Save
Settings file should be in this path C:\Users\”your username”\AppData\Local\HaloInfinite\Settings and is called SpecControlSettings.json. If it’s not there, then this is why you couldn’t save your settings.
The reason behind missing settings file in my case was that my user folder used cyrillic characters, so changing your username to something without inappropriate characters should fix your problem.
This is How We’re Going to Fix It
Create System Restore Point Of Your Disk C:\ Before Continuing
There’s a chance this will cause additional issues even when you successfully renamed your user folder, so you should create system restore point before proceeding.
In my case local disk is called C.
I used this guide to rename my user folder. When you’re about to rename path in registry use latin letters(english) to name it. Also make sure your ProfileImagePath is “your local drive letter”:\Users\”your username you want to rename into” and not just your username. For example C:\Users\kok
The End?
That should do the trick. If you encounter issues during this process, let me know. I’ll try to help you as much as i can.
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