How to Turn Off Mouse Acceleration
If you’re like me, the first thing you noticed in the game is that there is heavy mouse acceleration. Here is how to fix it.
- C:\Users\YourUserName\Saved Games\TangoGameworks\GhostWire Tokyo (STEAM)\Saved\SaveGames\Config\WindowsNoEditor\Engine.ini
Add this line:
You can also add this to turn off Chromatic Abberation:
You can add this in Scability.ini to turn off Anti Aliasing and other stuff, just in case in game motion blur setting doesn’t completely turn it off. Doesn’t affect DLSS.
If you’re familiar with editing .ini files, you can do all your other stuff in the other files. I’m sure someone will soon release a config dump that helps performance.
so sad the game looks so Beautiful without the AA Imo, too bad the rain looks like garbage with it off.