Controls for Each Type of Input
The game will teach you the controls as you play but just in case any of you forgot, here’s a quick reminder.
Interact / Proceed Dialogue:
- E / Left Click (PC)
- A (Xbox)
- Cross (PlayStation)
- B (Switch)
- WASD (PC),
- Left Thumbstick (Xbox, PlayStation, Switch)
- Space (PC),
- B (Xbox),
- Circle (PlayStation),
- A (Switch)
- K / Left Click (PC),
- X (Xbox)
- Square (PlayStation)
- Y (Switch)
- L / Right Click
- Y (Xbox)
- Triangle (PlayStation)
- X (Switch)
Meditate / Speed Up Time (Only while in your Cult area):
- L (PC)
- Y (Xbox)
- Triangle (PlayStation)
- X (Switch)
Viewing Inventory / Stats / Quests:
- Tab (PC)
- Menu (Xbox)
- Press Touchpad (PlayStation)
- Minus (Switch)
Returning to Cult while in Dungeon (Only after getting the Focus upgrade):
- Q (PC)
- Left Trigger (Xbox)
- L2 (PlayStation)
- ZL (Switch)
- B (PC)
- Press Right Thumbstick (Xbox, PlayStation, Switch)
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