Cloud Meadow – Essence Market or How to Get Money

In here I’m going to describe how the essence market currently works and how to use it to easily make money.

The Essence Market / Money Tips

The essence market is found in the building next to the wizard’s house in the main town, it is a unique doorway, and inside you talk to the stork to get to the essence market.

Using this you can buy and sell monster essence of the 11 types of monsters on your farm. These values change every day so it is a really good way to get money.

The Cat, Centaur, Wolf, and Holster range is from 5-15, Harpy is 15-25, Lamia, Demon, and Cyclops is 25-35, Crab is 35-45, And Chimera and Dragon is 45-55. (These are the values i Found, if you find one outside these take a screen shot and tell me so i can change it).

So the best way to use this is to buy the Cat, Centaur, Wolf, and Holster whenever they are buy-able from 5-9 and sell them whenever they are 11-15 to maxamise profits.

You can buy and sell the more expensive essence, but you wont be able to buy as much with the same amount of money as the four cheapest because you can only ever make a maximum profit of 10 from all the essence including the dragon.

Helena Stamatina
About Helena Stamatina 1023 Articles
My first game was Naughty Dog’s Crash Bandicoot (PlayStation) back in 1996. And since then gaming has been my main hobby. I turned my passion for gaming into a job by starting my first geek blog in 2009. When I’m not working on the site, I play mostly on my PlayStation. But I also love outdoor activities and especially skiing.

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