Black Desert – How to Easily Get World Bosses Knowledges

Here I’ll explain how to get the World Bosses Knowledges.

Knowledge Of “Kzarka, The Lord Of Corruption”

If you want to get the knowledge of Kzarka, first thing you need to do is to have over 50 amity with Hakkon. Right after that, if you talk with him, you’ll be able to get the knowledge of “Kzarka, The Lord Of Corruption”.

Knowledge Of “Nouver”

There is a Stable Keeper at the Ibellab Oasis called Eugene. That NPC will give you 3 Journal quests which are really easy to complete if you have a compass which can be bought from the Ellie for 1 Silver or from the Central Market. The last Journal quest will give you the knowledge of “Nouver” as a reward.

Knowledge Of “Ancient Kutum”

In order to get the knowledge of Ancient Kutum, you need to visit Scarlet Sand Chamber. You’ll see Desalam at the entrance. Now you have 2 choices. If you get more than 400 amity with this NPC, you can get the knowledge by talking with him. Or if you accept the quest called “Scarlet Sand Chamber” and the 2 following quests, you’ll get the knowledge of “Ancient Kutum” as a reward.

Knowledge Of “Karanda”

If you get more than 400 amity, you can get the knowledge of “Karanda” from Clarkster NPC who’s at the Karanda Ridge node.

Knowledge Of “Mirumok Watcher Offin”

You can get both “Mirumok Destroyer Offin” and “Watcher Offin Tett” knowledges from Anbelif if you have more than 300 amity.

Knowledge Of “Quint”

If you want to get the knowledge of “Quint”, you’ll need to have more than 300 amity with Vype Stoner. After you reach that, you can buy the knowledge from that NPC’s shop for 300,000 silvers.

Knowledge Of “Muraka”

The steps are completely the same with getting the knowledge of “Quint”.

If you want to get the knowledge of “Muraka”, you’ll need to have more than 300 amity with Vype Stoner. After you reach that, you can buy the knowledge from that NPC’s shop for 300,000 silvers.

Knowledge Of “Garmoth”

First of all, you’ll need to have “Garmoth’s Scale”x5. After that, if you go to Duvencrune and find Odelphin, you’ll see that he has a quest called “About The Crimson Dragon Garmoth”. Accept that quest and give the scales you have to Odelphin. He’ll give you the knowledge of “Garmoth” as a reward. Remember that this quest can be completed only once per family, so don’t forget this knowledge. If you do, you can get the knowledge back only by last hitting.

Helena Stamatina
About Helena Stamatina 1023 Articles
My first game was Naughty Dog’s Crash Bandicoot (PlayStation) back in 1996. And since then gaming has been my main hobby. I turned my passion for gaming into a job by starting my first geek blog in 2009. When I’m not working on the site, I play mostly on my PlayStation. But I also love outdoor activities and especially skiing.

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