Being a DIK – Guide to Console Commands (Season 2 Specific Commands Included)

Ever get tired of finding out that you missed that one lewd scene because it’s locked behind a paywall? Or that you find out that your last save was all the way back at the local corner shop in Season 1 when you’ve already spent 2 hours skipping your way through exams and cutscenes only to realise that your dik affinity effectively ruined your entire playthrough? Or do you just simply want to ♥♥♥♥ around with the game and explore it (or exploit it) for all that it’s worth? Guide contains instructions on how to enable console and several console commands that have been found to work.

Console Commands Guide


Yes, welcome to the money generator guide. Some may ask that why a guide such as this is necessary; when the game prides itself on replayability and that money isn’t even that hard to grind in the first place. All very valid points. However this guide is merely created as an effort for those who wish to mess around with the game via console commands or explore the game in its entirety without wasting too much time replaying the entire thing again.

Disclaimer: Enabling the console will disable achievements. It is recommended that you disable the console before achieving a particular scene and then allow it to play it out if you are gunning for achievements such as unlocking all lewd scenes or artwork.

How to Enable Bad Console?

Being a ΔIK [BAD] runs on the RenPy Console, and enabling this particular console is very easy when it comes to BAD.

Step 1: Go to where ever BAD is installed. In this case; the games files would be located on your hard drive > Steam > steamapps > common > Being a ΔIK. Alternatively, one could also right click Being a ΔIK within your steam library, click properties, head to the local files tab, then click browse local files – and from there you will be presented with the games files.

Step 2: What you’re looking for is within the “renpy” folder, followed by the “common” folder.

Step 3: The particular file that we want is titled “00console.rpy”, NOT 00console.rpyc. The correct file is illustrated in the following image.

Step 4: Open this file using a software such as Notepad or Notepad++. Next press Ctrl+F and search for the following line: config.console = False.

Step 5: Finally to enable the console, simply change the “False” to “True”. Remember that doing this will disable achievements and it will need to be reverted back to False in order to enable achievements once more.

Congratulations, you now have access to to the command console and can now have some fun.

Step 6: In order to activate the console in-game, you have to press Shift+O and you will be greeted with a display such as this:

From here on, you may use the appropriate commands to whichever scenario you find yourself in.

Cheats That I Have Been Able to Find

Now lets get to the fun stuff; simply enter these commands within the renpy console display and the effects should take place immediately.

General Cheats

Changing your ΔIK status:

dk = [preferred number]

Influencing the amount of money you have:

money = 1-10

Influencing the amount of RP points you have:

RP[name] = [preferred number] e.g. RPjosy = 10

Note: I have read else where that these names are confirmed to work with the RP console command, this command may not work with characters such as Derek.

  • Josy
  • Maya
  • Sage
  • Isabella
  • Jill
  • diks
  • preps (season 2)

Season 2 Specific Cheats

Changing the amount of mansion money you have:

mansion_money = [preferred number]

Changing the stats of the DIKS crew in mansion mini-game:


mStatClean = [100,100,100,100,100,100,100,100,100]


mStatBuild = [100,100,100,100,100,100,100,100,100]


mStatWork = [100,100,100,100,100,100,100,100,100]


mStatSalvage = [100,100,100,100,100,100,100,100,100]

Changing the overall gamescore of the mansion minigame:

mansion_score = [preferred number]
Helena Stamatina
About Helena Stamatina 1023 Articles
My first game was Naughty Dog’s Crash Bandicoot (PlayStation) back in 1996. And since then gaming has been my main hobby. I turned my passion for gaming into a job by starting my first geek blog in 2009. When I’m not working on the site, I play mostly on my PlayStation. But I also love outdoor activities and especially skiing.


  1. Can anyone get any of these to actually work? I can open the console etc, but typing dk = 0 or 10 or whatever, changes nothing on my phone, still says the old numbers?

  2. minigames (shows whether minigames are enabled)
    minigames = True (will enable minigames)
    minigames = False (will disable minigames)

      • That’s great that you can get this to work. Obviously it’s not “can’t”, being that your comment was a total of five words, you certainly wouldn’t screw it up with a quick check of what you wrote, right?

      • End the string in an apostrophe. This will make the affinity command work

        Affinity = u’CHICK’


        • Just to follow up. The Affinity cheat DOES work (tested by me during affinity selections) – however NOTE you won’t see the changes on the phone stat menu. I.E it will remain the same on major affinity but it absolutely does change.

          Also note the difference between major affinity and DIK/CHICK status.


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