Aria Chronicle – Traits


No damage-accuracy modifier.

Small Monster Hunter
Extra DMG +10%, Accuracy +5% vs Small.
Extra DMG -5%, Accuracy -2% vs everything else.

Medium Monster Hunter
Extra DMG +10%, Accuracy +5% vs Medium.
Extra DMG -5%, Accuracy -2% everything else.

Large Monster Hunter
Extra DMG +10%, Accuracy +5% vs Large.
Extra DMG -5%, Accuracy -2% everything else.

Humanoid Monster Hunter
Extra DMG +10%, Accuracy +5% vs Humanoid.
Extra DMG -5%, Accuracy -2% everything else.

Beast Monster Hunter
Extra DMG +10%, Accuracy +5% vs Beast.
Extra DMG -5%, Accuracy -2% everything else.

Undead Hunter
Extra DMG +10%, Accuracy +5% vs Undead.
Extra DMG -5%, Accuracy -2% everything else.

Elemental Hunter
Extra DMG +10%, Accuracy +5% vs Elemental.
Extra DMG -5%, Accuracy -2% everything else.

Dragon Hunter
Extra DMG +10%, Accuracy +5% vs Dragon.
Extra DMG -5%, Accuracy -2% everything else.

Demon Hunter
Extra DMG +10%, Accuracy +5% vs Demon.
Extra DMG -5%, Accuracy -2% everything else.

Cryptid Hunter
Extra DMG +10%, Accuracy +5% vs Cryptid.
Extra DMG -5%, Accuracy -2% everything else.

Body Type

Survivor (exclusively locked to rescued characters)
Healing Received +20%, Harmful Effect Resistance +10%, Max HP +20%.

Max HP +20%.
Healing Received -10%.

Physical ATK +3.
Accuracy -5%.

Evasion + 5%.
Damage Multiplier -10%, Healing Received -10%.

Slim Legs
Speed +5, Evasion +3%.
Physical Resistance -10%.

Accuracy +30% vs Back Line enemies.
Accuracy -10%.

Accuracy +20% vs Front Line enemies.
Accuracy -10%.

Thick Neck
Stun Resistance +30%.
Mesmerize Resistance -20%.

Healing Received +20%.
Crit Rate -5%.

Vertically Challenged
Evasion +5%.
Crit Rate -5%.

Big Head
Max MP +20%.
Evasion -10%.


Key Person (exclusively locked to story characters)
No retreat or death after coma.

Heal POW +3.
Healing Received -20%.

Crit Rate +10%, Crit Power +20%.
Max HP -10%, Max MP -10%.

Speed +8.
Chance to lose control +10%.

Crit Rate +3, Damage Multiplier +10%.
Chance to lose control +30% when receiving damage.

Physical Resistance +10%, Magic Resistance +10%.
Speed -10.

After coma +Tenacity restoring HP per turn.
Evasion -15%.

Physical Resistance +10%, Magic Resistance +10%.
Harmful Effect Resistance -20%.

Healing Received +20%.
Gold Found -10%, Items Found -5%.

Extra DMG +20% when enemy is Bleeding, HP Drain +10%.
Heal POW -2.

Healing Received +20%.
Mental Control -20%, Mesmerize Resistance -20%.

Old Fogey (warning: bugged)
Targets Allies Damage Multiplier +10%.
Mental Control -50%.

Crit Rate +5%, Crit Power +20%, Damage Multiplier +5%.
Mental Control -50%.


Crit Rate +5%.
Damage Multiplier -10%.

HP +1 per turn.
Evasion -10%.

Gold Found +20%, Items Found +10%.
Accuracy -3%, Evasion -3%.

Mental Control +30%.
Max Armor -2.

Eye for an Eye
HP dropping below 50% +50% chance to gain buff Damage Multiplier +20%.
Max HP -10%.

Jiggling Legs
Mesmerize Resistance +15%, Debuff Resistance +15%.
Accuracy -3%.

Nose Picker
Crit Power +30%, Dark ATK +2.
Bleed Resistance -30%, Sullied Resistance -30%.

If HP below 60% regardless of heals gain Damage Multplier +20%.
Healing Received -50%.

Day: Speed +5, Damage Multiplier +10%, Effect Chance +10%.
Night: Speed -3, Damage Multiplier -5%, Effect Chance -5%.

Night: Speed +5, Damage Multiplier +10%, Effect Chance +10%.
Day: Speed -3, Damage Multiplier -5%, Effect Chance -5%.


All or Nothing
Crit Power +50%.
Accuracy -10%.

10% chance to recover from coma. Once per battle and effect does not stack.
Light Resistance -20%, Blind Resistance -20%, Mesmerize Resistance -20%.

Law of Luck
If ally goes into a Coma, recover HP +10, +Bad Luck a stacking buff that grants Gold Find +30%.
Gold Found -10%, Items Found -5%.

Slow Learner
More EXP after 3 rounds, less within 3 rounds.

Fast Learner
More EXP within 3 rounds, less after 3 rounds.

Murphy’s Law
Damage Multiplier +10%.
Crit Power -100%.

Gambler’s Fallacy
On missed attack cast Gambler’s Fallacy granting Crit Rate +50%, Accuracy -20%.

When taking a critical hit gain Action Points +1 if your HP is below 50%.
Mesmerize Resistance -50%.

Wrong Place at the Wrong Time
10% chance of taking an attack instead of your ally.

Punch Drunk
Physical Resistance +10%, Stun Resistance +10%, Bleed Resistance +10%.
Mesmerize Resistance -20%, Max MP -20%.

Helena Stamatina
About Helena Stamatina 1024 Articles
My first game was Naughty Dog’s Crash Bandicoot (PlayStation) back in 1996. And since then gaming has been my main hobby. I turned my passion for gaming into a job by starting my first geek blog in 2009. When I’m not working on the site, I play mostly on my PlayStation. But I also love outdoor activities and especially skiing.

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