This is F2P guide for swordsman heroes that you can actually max out early on in the Age of Empires Mobile game just by playing it.
F2P Hero Guide (Swordsman)
So here’s my recommendation on the F2P march for Swordsman.
- Hero Order: Hammurabi (Main) King David + Josephine
Josephine – Even though underestimated many times just because you can get her for free from the start! But actually she is a powerful secondary support for Swordsman. You can upgrade her easily. You can get his tokens through playing battlefield survivor (challenge mode) also on Tavern’s Legendary Arrival! you’ll have a massive boost on stats and upgraded skills for her, She is the PEAK of F2P swordsman.
King David – A very strong Hero that can buff your heroes (max upgrade) and debuff your enemies at the same time! You can easily get King David through an event called “Giant’s Roar” which will give you the items Bronze Spear and Black Banner. Using those items will summon a hoard of giants which you’ll rally with your alliance mates, You can get King David tokens through it making it more POWERFUL Stats wise and skill upgrade He is a must-have for F2P PLAYERS because he is that viable in PvP and open-field battles.
Hammurabi – I call him personally as a complimentary hero for King David because they synergize through a debuff called “ROUT” Enemy with Rout debuff will be damaged overtime. And King David signature ability making the enemy take more damage is Insanely powerful. Also Hammurabi buffs your heroes might damage making it deal more damage to your enemy. You can easily get Hammurabi on Tavern’s “legendary arrival” you can also get Hammurabi on the 7day log-in event You can easily get this heroes for FREE just by playing the game and they’re extremely well on PvP.
Skill Medals
We will stay true on our F2P (Free to play) guide. Okay so first we need:
Earth Crush Medal
- You can get earth Crush Medal on a event called “Wishing Card” it has a bunch of skill medals there and it includes this awesome skill which synergies our Swordman heroes!
- It deals damage and route the enemy
- You’ll have more synergy if you give this skill medal on your King David.

Bloodthirst Medal
- You can get this medal by playing a game mode in expedition called “Lost Borderlands”.
- Playing it gives you a hero chest and a skill chest which include Bloodthirst Medal.
- it deals damage and recovers a portion of your troop.
- You’ll give this medal to Hammurabi to have a sustain for longer fights!

Skill Medal for Josephine.
Protected Battles Medal
- It will heal your troops for every 6 normal attacks your troop launches.
- It will be every 6 seconds in pvp, a hero attack take approximately 1 second each turn.
- It’s great to have but not to be priorities over Earth Crush this would be your SECOND wishing card medal.

Skill Medal for King David
Righteous Judgement Medal
- It’s a charging skill(this would disable your normal attack to specific hero with charging skill for 3seconds).
- It’s a very strong skill that deals might damage scaling with King David high might stats, also it debuffs your enemy reducing their might damage (- troop attack and might damage for skill of debuffed march).

I hope you found this helpful!
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