Find and water all of the sprouts (rubber flowers) in this guide to get the “Green Thumb” achievement. This guide has lots of pictures.
How to Obtain Green Thumb Achievement
About Rubber Flowers

Helianthis Dissultantis may not be an actual flower in real life, but Helianthus is actually a genus of sunflower plants.

Since there isn’t a real flash flood on the island (good thing, too!) Claire will have to simulate one for each sprout.

There are two places in the game where there is a bucket. Click on the sections titled “Bucket” or “Orange Islands Bucket” to locate them.

Fortunately, all sprouts can be reached without having to climb or flap wings after filling up a bucket.

Some sprout locations can be reached by gliding after jumping on a previously watered rubber flower.
Interactive Map
This guide uses the awesome interactive map created by the GitHub user Voxelse.

To view only the locations of the sprouts on the interactive map online, deselect the icons at the top of that page and select the icon that looks like a sprout.

Using this Guide
In this guide, each sprout/rubber flower location is named according to what is used in the interactive map. There are 27 sprouts in total. Each location will have two screenshots of a portion of the interactive map and at least one in-game picture. Some sprout locations may have descriptions but hopefully each sprout can be found solely with the pictures in the guide.
The in-game pictures either show a sprout or a rubber flower if the sprout had already been watered at the time the picture was taken.
Water all of the sprouts to receive the Green Thumb achievement.
Note: The locations are not necessarily listed in the fastest or most efficient order if someone were to use this guide as a route to go by each sprout. Rather, they are listed in somewhat relevant clumps (ex. sprouts located on the snowy portions of Hawk Peak are listed together one after the other).
(I am aware that at the time of creating this guide, the interactive map refers to one location as “South Waterlily Pound,” which is probably just a typo. I will be referring to said location as “South Waterlily Pond” in this guide.)
The sprout is located directly by the right side of Aunt May’s/Ranger May’s cabin.
Start Waterfall
This is the first waterfall encountered in the beginning of the game. The sprout is to the left of the waterfall, close to the bridge.
Beach Umbrella
Go up the path located a little bit beyond the multi-colored (pink, purple, blue, light blue, green, yellow, orange) beach umbrella.
Visitor Center
The sprout is located by the small pond that is in front of the Visitor Center.
South Waterlily Pond
The sprout is located right by a waterlily pond on the southern half of the island. The pond is can be reached by walking on Hawk Peak Trail, or by taking the long bridge that overlooks two camping trailers and an animal that has lost their watch.
Blackwood Forest
The sprout is directly to the right of the waterfall in Blackwood Forest.
Blackwood Waterfall
The sprout is on the cliff of the waterfall in Blackwood Forest, and is directly to the left of the water. One possible way to reach the sprout is to take a bucket of water, jump on the previously mentioned rubber flower (Blackwood Forest), and glide to the sprout.
Good Creek Path
The sprout is on a cliff that overlooks the Blackwood Forest waterfall and is one cliff down from Outlook Point. One possible way to reach the sprout would be to take a bucket of water and jump and glide using the Blackwood Forest rubber flower and the Blackwood Waterfall rubber flower. It can also be reached by taking Good Creek Path.
East Coast Bottom
East Coast Top
East Coast Boat
Meteor Lake Bottom
Meteor Lake Top
Stone Tower
Old Building 1

Old Building 2
One possible way to reach the sprout is to jump on the Old Building 1 rubber flower and glide.
Old Building 3
Hawk Peak 1
Hawk Peak 2
The sprout can be reached by first grabbing a bucket of water at the hot spring on the cliff above and dropping down. It can also be reached by gliding after jumping on the Hawk Peak 1 rubber flower.
Hawk Peak 3
Hawk Peak 4
North Beach
The sprout is by the area where Beachstickball is played. It can also be seen from the graveyard.
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