GTFO – Terminal Guide (Useful Codes)

GTFO - Terminal Guide (Useful Codes)
GTFO - Terminal Guide (Useful Codes)

Most of what is explained in detail here is given a basic explanation within the Terminal itself, making it particularly easy to use. I hope this guide helps you use the terminal a little more efficiently without needing to watch 30 minutes of video on the matter.

For users already comfortable with the functions of the terminal a TL;DR of useful commands has been listed at the bottom of the guide.

The Terminal

The primary function of the terminal is to gather information. That information could be related to the primary objective, like the location of a reactor or hydrostasis unit, or other mission critical information such as zones and areas rich with resources crucial to your party surviving the next security door fitted with an alarm.


List is literally a list of items and typing only “LIST” will show everything on the map, far too much information to be managed at once and most of it not relevant to you or your party. Instead we need to apply filters to the command in order to narrow the search.

Filtering by zone is a good start and can be achieved by inputting “LIST ZONE_49”. This will give us a list of everything within Zone 49.

This is still a lot of excess information as it lists every door, every locker, every box and everything within those boxes and in a particularly large room it can be difficult to track down all the relevant items.

We can narrow things down even further by applying multiple filters, this time specifically for resources inside Zone 49. We do this by inputting “LIST RESOURCES ZONE_49”.

This list is now considerably easier to manage, letting us see precisely what resources can be found within specific zones.

This gives us the option of targeting specific zones for med kits or skipping over an unnecessary enemy filled zone as it lacks tool refills.

You can also use LIST to reveal all Keycards on the map and discover their locations without having to encounter the locked doors. Saving you time backtracking to collect a key you may have missed or giving advanced warning of how many security alarms will need to be defeated.

Using the List command and the many item filters wisely will save your party a lot of time and trouble unnecessary fighting/sneaking or being forced to backtrack to rooms you have already cleared to hunt down the missing Key.


Query is a much simpler command than List in that it has no filters and only one real use, to give information on a specific object with a specific ID.

Most often Query is used when attempting to locate the main objective or a mission critical item such as a Keycard.

In this mission the main objective is to find Hydrostasis Unit HSU_119 and retrieve a DNA core sample.

We can locate HSU_119 by inputting “QUERY HSU_119” which reveals that it is located in Zone 52.

Unfortunately Zone 52 is locked and requires KEY_YELLOW_140 to open it. Using “QUERY KEY_YELLOW_140” we can see that the Key is located in Zone 50.

Query can also be used to determine the “Capacity” of resources. Using our previous tip of Listing all resources in a given zone we can now use Query to determine whether or not it’s even worth the trip.

We can see here that Medipack_767 has a Capacity of 40% effectively meaning 2 charges, each restoring 20% hp.

It is important to remember that Query relies on a specific object ID. The objects shown in this guide may have a different ID from objects within your own game so pay attention to specific Key Colours and the Numbers at the end of object ID’s


Ping is even simpler than Query. The primary function of Ping is to help you locate items within specific Zone Areas.

Ping will give a more narrow idea of where an item is by noting the specific room (Area) it is in. It will also pinpoint the item location with an audible “ping” noise which will direct the player straight to the pinged item.

Here we can see the Ping function has narrowed down the location of Medipack_767 to Zone 49 Area B

Ping cannot be used to locate an item if the terminal you are pinging from is not in the same Zone as the item you are pinging.


Reactor Terminals are unique terminals related to missions involving Reactors as the main objective and currently only have two main commands used when dealing with them.

  • REACTOR_STARTUP which will start the reactor encounter


  • REACTOR_VERIFY which is used in combination with a password that you will be given by the game during the reactor encounter, example REACTOR_VERIFY EAST.

Failure to input the correct password in the allotted time will require you to repeat that reactor cycle again.

The Useful Codes (TL;DR)

LIST RESOURCES ZONE_# – Will list all resources within the specified Zone (ie. Zone_49).

LIST KEY – Will list all keycards on the map.

LIST ID Zone_# – Will list all ID cards within the specified Zone.

QUERY AMMOPACK_# – Will give Zone and Capacity info of a specific Ammopack.

QUERY MEDIPACK_# – Will give Zone and Capacity info of a specific Medipack.

Query TOOL_REFILL_# – Will give Zone and Capacity info of a specific Tool Refill.

PING item_# – Will give Zone and Area info of a specific item and audible ping on item location.

Helena Stamatina
About Helena Stamatina 1024 Articles
My first game was Naughty Dog’s Crash Bandicoot (PlayStation) back in 1996. And since then gaming has been my main hobby. I turned my passion for gaming into a job by starting my first geek blog in 2009. When I’m not working on the site, I play mostly on my PlayStation. But I also love outdoor activities and especially skiing.


  1. Resources-ES


    Medic bag-ME






    Security Door-DO


    sorry i forgot to copy and paste this

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