A complete walkthrough, helping the reader aiming for all Achievements Monstermon Cards, and Outfits.
About this Walkthrough
This walkthrough’s aim, is to guide you to achieve a 100% completion in Kindergarten 2.
This games route, can be played in almost any order as you wish, so this guide.
assumes you use a clean save file.
A new feature in Kindergarten 2 is the Monstermon battles. These can be quite annoying,
but should be doable with a beginner deck. If you use my deck (see the index),
almost all opponents can be beaten on the third day.
When it’s time to get Monster cards and/or outfits which deviate from the intended route,
I will notify you with a -MM/OF- notation.
Note: You do not loose the cards/outfits upon death or restart.
Under the chapter section is written if items are necessary (shortened) and the total of cards
you currently have. Also, successfully clearing a story line also gives you a card.
These cards, are not noted in the Walkthrough, except during the end rapports.
Have fun playing the game!
Day 1 – A tale of Two Janitors
[School Yard]
1. Pay Monty for handicap rampart access.
2. Get a card behind the school, next to the bush.
3. Get a card in forest (up,left,up,right,up,right,left,up)
4. Enter school for an outfit.
(MM/OF End)
1. Talk to left Janitor, start his Quest
2. Get name from right Janitor
3. Tell left Janitor the name
4. Deliver letter
5. Notify delivery
[Morning Time]
1. Take toy
2. Give toy to Nugget for card.
3. Restart room
(MM/OF End)
1. Leave the Classroom
2. Enter the Boys Bathroom and talk to Janitor
3. Try to go upstairs
4. Enter the Boy’s Bathroom and talk to Janitor
5. Talk to Stevie for outfit
6. Talk to Bob in the Girls Bathroom, get card
7. Examine the couch for another card
8. Talk to Monthy in the Science Class
9. Talk to Janitor downstairs
1. Pay Carla for a Distraction
2. Talk to janitor in the Girls Bathroom
3. Examine Bob for outfit
4. Enter Janitor’s Closet through the Boy’s Bathroom
5. There is a card in the yellow cleaning cart.
6. Take Chainsaw.
7. Deliver Chainsaw
[Study Hall]
1. Be quiet
2. Eat one apple
3. Get a toy car
4. Go outside and place the car on the stairs.
5. Drop the head in the bin in the Lunch Room
6. Tell Penny you where searching for the janitor, and that he’s upstairs.
7. Go back to your classroom, stand on the spot you started on and eat an apple.
1. Help Jerome against Carla, get card.
2. Restart room
(MM/OF End)
1. Help Carla against Jerome
2. Leave and enter your classroom.
3. Get card from the toy-box
4. Get Stevie’s body next to the cleaning cart in the Janitor’s Closet
5. Leave and get goo from the floor in the Hallway
6. Get to the janitor (through the Lunchroom and the gate inn the playground)
7. Bang on the dumpster
8. Give Goo
[School’s Out]
Obtained Items: Bob’s Toolbelt (BT)
Obtained Clothing: 3
Obtained Cards: 9
Day 2 – Flowers for Daisy
Items: None – Cards:09
[School Yard]
1. Talk to the Science Teacher, accept his challenge
2. Talk to Cindy and Carla about flowers
3. Pay Monthy for access to the ramp
4. Try to help Nugget
5. Ask the Principle for help
6. Got to the ramp area
7. Take the flower
8. Enter the school and go up the stairs
9. Take the Hall Pass and get outfit
[Morning Time]
1. Talk to Cindy, accept request
2. Deliver the letter to Felix in the Science Classroom
3. Enter the Girls Bathroom, and talk to Bob about flowers
1. Eat an apple
2. Ask the Lunchlady for something Vegan
3. Get the hidden card left from the Nugget-box behind the counter
4. Pay Carla to distract the monitor
5. Enter the Teacher’s Lounge, take the flower, place the blue one for a card
6. Ozzy left the Lunchroom, check his lunch for a card
7. Take the Salad
–Lunch Ends–
8. Give the Salad to the Dumpster Hag, take the cat
9. Give the cat to Cindy for a card and outfit
10. Restart from Lunch
(MM/OF End)
1. Ask the Lunch lady for something Vegan
2. Pay Carla to distract the monitor
3. Enter the Teacher’s Lounge, take the flower
4. Give the Salad to Felix
1. Place the Weed under the tree
2. Shake the Tree
3. Check the beehive for a card
4. Get the card on the climbing wall
5. Talk to Jerome about the swings
6. Solve the swings puzzle for a card (yellow,blue,blue,red,blue,red)
7. Take the Red Flower
8. Go to the Teacher’s Lounge for an Achievement
9. Sell Monthy the Weed, say that the price is not enough, to get a card.
10. Get the Green Flower next to the dumpster
11. Pay for Science Class
1. Feed Diana in the following order: blue,yellow,purple,red,green
[School’s Out]
Obtained Items: An A+ (A+)
Obtained Clothing: 2
Obtained Cards: 9
Day 3 – The Hitman’s Potty Guard
Items: A+ – Cards: 18
Note: You have enough cards to make a deck. This guide assumes you duel
everyone except Buggs. If you’re not confident, you can use my deck,
written after the walkthrough.
Of course, you could also duel them later if you want, but don’t get confused when your
card count differs from the guide.
[School Yard]
1. Talk to Felix
2. Talk to Teddy
3. Talk to Cindy
4. Talk to Teddy
5. Talk to Carla
6. Eat your last apple, go to the Smart Class
–School Yard Ends–
7. Eat 1 apple
8. Do the assessment and take the toilet paper
9. Leave and buy a Passbook with your Coupon
10. Return and eat your last apples
–Morning Time Ends–
12. Buy a Burger
13. Leave and eat two apples
14. Enter the Boys Bathroom, and give Ozzy the toilet paper. Get a card
15. Restart from School Yard
(MM/OF End)
1. Talk to Felix
2. Talk to Teddy
3. Talk to Cindy
4. Talk to Teddy
5. Buy a battery from Monthy
6. Talk to Carla, go to Normal Class
[Morning Time]
1. Give the battery to Ozzy
2. Talk to Teddy
3. Talk to Cindy
4. Steal the Inhalator and Weed
1. Buy a Hamburger
2. Leave
3. Give the Weed to the monitor
4. Go to the Boys Bathroom, an take the left seat
5. Go upstairs, and get the scissors with the Coupon
1. Duel everyone on the playground (somehow Cindy avoided Study Hall) for 7 cards
Note: Teddy doesn’t have a deck and either does Penny
2. Get the Green flower, and duel the Dumpster Hag for a card
3. Give your Burger to do Dumpsterhag for a cat
4. Talk to teddy
5. Talk with Carla
6. Unscrew Monthy’s chair.
–Recess End–
7. Help Carla
8. Go to the Playground and talk with monthy for a card
9. Go the Teacher’s Lounge and buy a Cherry Soda
10. Try to put your Cat in the Microwave, but refrain at the last warning for an Achievement
11. Give the Cat to the Monitor in upstairs for a Card.
12. Give the Cherry Soda to Buggs for a card
13. Restart
-(MM/OF End)
1. Sell the Inhalator to Monty
2. Get the Green flower
3. Talk to teddy
4. Talk with Carla
5. Unscrew Monthy’s chair
6. Go to Science
1. Take a slide.
2. Take a sample of the plant
3. Use the microscope for a card
4. Restart the room
5. Take a slide.
6. Take a sample of the water tank
3. Use the microscope for a card
4. Restart the room
(MM/OF End)
1. Examine the outlet in the upper right corner (do not use the fork!)
2. Talk to Cindy about an distraction
3. After the distraction, leave the classroom and take the Inhalator from the orange locker
4. Re-enter the class, and get the flower and outfit from Cindy
5. Give the Flower to Ozzy, get an outfit
[School’s Out]
Obtained Items: Prestigious Pin (PP)
Obtained Clothing: 2
Obtained Cards: 14 (only 12 shown)
Day 4 – Opposites Attract
Items: BT,A+ – Cards: 33
[School Yard]
1. Talk to Carla, get firecracker
2. Talk to Penny
3. Talk to Bugs
4. Talk to Penny,
5. Talk to Buggs
6. Talk to the Principle
7. Go to Smart Class
[Morning Time]
1. Talk to Penny
2. Do the Assessment, take Toilet Paper
3. Go outside, and clog one toilet in the Boy’s Bathroom
4. Talk to Cindy in the Normal Classroom
5. Talk to the Janitor in the Boy’s Bathroom for a card.
6. Give the Doll to Penny
1. Use your Pass to see the Principle
2. Check the calendar for an outfit
3. Check the left box for an outfit
4. Check the red book for a card
5. Unlock the left door
6. Use the computer and the printer for a printout
7. Talk to Buggs
1. Talk to Monthy
2. Open the gate, and use the door to enter the Principle’s Office
3. Enter the Girls Bathroom, and use air vent on the right
4. Change the class subject to Magnetics.
5. Return to the Playground (where the children are!) and eat your last apple.
6. Go to Science
1. Eat two apples
2. Go outside, and go to Buggs and Carla for two outfits
3. Restart
(MM/OF End)
1. Go outside and talk with Buggs and Carla
2. Go inside and take Penny’s hidden Doll.
3. Give the Doll to Penny
4. Go outside and get the Gear
5. Give the Gear to the Teacher and get an outfit
[School’s Out]
Obtained Items: Penny’s Laser Beam (LB)
Obtained Clothing: 5
Obtained Cards: 3
Day 5 – If You Can Dodge A Nugget
Items: BT,PP – Cards: 36
[School Yard]
1. Buy a Lighter from Monthy
2. Talk to Nugget
3. Talk to Bob
4. Talk to Nugget
5. Talk to Bob and get a Flower
6. Talk to Nugget again
7. Let Carla hide the Lighter
[Morning Time]
1. Talk to Nugget
2. Steal a card from the a cubby.
3. Go to the Boys Bathroom and talk with the Janitor
4. Speak with Bob in the Girls Bathroom
5. Speak with the Janitor in the Boys Bathroom
1. Buy a Burger
2. Talk to Nugget
3. Talk to Felix
4. Get the Nuggets
5. Talk to Nugget
6. Talk to Nugget
7. Use the Microwave in the Teacher’s Lounge
8. Eat an Apple
–Lunch End
9. Give the Burger to the Dumpster Hag for a Passbook (deny the cat)
10. Get inside, and talk with Nugget for an outfit.
11. Go to the classroom an duel with Buggs
12. Restart from Lunch
(MM/OF End)
1. Buy a Burger
2. Talk to Nugget
3. Talk to Felix
4. Get the Nuggets
5. Talk to Nugget
6. Talk to Nugget
7. Use the Microwave in the Teacher’s Lounge
8. Talk to Nugget
1. Go inside and buy any Soda, and give it to the Teacher
2. Give the Nuggets to the Dumpster Hag, for a cat.
3. Give the Cat to Nugget for a card
4. Restart room
5. Go inside and buy any Soda, and give it to the Teacher
6. Talk to Nugget
7. Go inside the nugget cave and take the bloody leg, and money from the left skeleton
8. Go to science.
9. Examine the other leg, for a card
10. Restart room
(MM/OF End)
1. Go inside and buy any Soda, and give it to the Teacher
2. Talk to Nugget
3. Go inside the nugget cave and take the bloody leg
4. Eat your last apple
1. Do the Dodgeball Puzzle: Use Leg,up,back,throw,down
[School’s Out]
Obtained Items: A Monstermon Plush (MP)
Obtained Clothing: 1
Obtained Cards: 5
Day 6 – Cain’s Not Able
Items: PP,A+,LB – Cards: 41
Note: There are two ways to complete this story. We need to do them both for the 100%. Completion Rate we want to have. This guide start’s with the Felix router. And gives pointers for the Ted Route, since the differences are few.
[School Yard]
1. Buy Hand Sanitizer
2. Talk with Felix
3. Bring letter to Ozzy
4. Talk with Monthy
5. Talk with Felix
5. Talk with Monthy
6. Go to Smart Class
[Morning Time] – Felix Route
1. Talk with Monty for card
2. Talk with Felix
3. Do assement, choose Toilet Paper
4. Clog a toilet of the Girls Bathroom
5. Talk to Bob
6. Enter the vent using the ladder
7. Get the Spiders
1. Go to the Janitor for an outfit
2. Talk with Felix
3. Talk with Nugget
4. Talk with Carla
5. Go to the Janitor’s closet and get a Shovel
1. Trade your Burger with the Dumpster Hag
2. Talk with Felix
3. Go inside and take the Arm
1. Help Carla
2. Talk with Nugget
3. Talk with Felix
4. Get the Teacher’s Stick in the Normal Classroom and get an outfit
5. Go to Felix in the playground and get an outfit
Note: If you’ve already gotten the story line achievement from another save, you can restart
to “Morning Time” after getting the card.
If not, you need an extra day, to get both the Achievements.
Note: The differences in Teddy’s Route are…
[Morning Time]
Choose the Spray Bottle instead of the Toilet Paper
Show Teddy (in the Normal Class) the Contract
Get the spiders out of the Boys Bathroom
Eat your last apple in the Science Classroom
[School’s Out]
Obtained Items: Felix’s Strange Chemical (SC)
Obtained Clothing: 4
Obtained Cards: 3
Day 7 – Things that go Boom
Items: LB,MP,A+ – Cards: 44
[School Yard]
1. Talk with Carla
2. Talk with Cindy for Tissue
3. Talk with Jerome
4. Talk Carla
5. Free Nugget
6. Go to Smart Class
[Morning Time]
1. Talk with Carla
2. Take Assessment, take whichever item.
3. Go outside via the ramp, and enter the basement via Nugget’s old prison.
4. Use the Monstermon Plushie at the right box, and get an outfit
5. Check the right box for a card
6. Return to your class and talk with Jerome.
1. Get a Burger
2. Talk to Buggs
3. Go to the Girls Toilet and examine the right stall.
4. Go the Science room via the vent.
5. Change the Lesson Plan to Robotics
[Study Hall]
1. Be silent
2. Eat an apple
3. Retrieve your bomb
4. Depending on your “price” go either to the Boys Restroom, or lunchroom
5. Talk to the Janitor in the Girls Bathroom
6. Retrieve your bomb from the Cleaning Cart in the Janitor’s Closet
9. Return to your seat in the classroom
10 Eat an apple, choose Science
1. Talk to Carla
2. Talk to Monty
3. Talk to Carla
4. Talk to Monty
5. Lay your Bomb on the machine
6. Push to button
[School’s Out]
Obtained Items: Carla’s Laser Bomb (CB)
Obtained Clothing: 2
Obtained Cards: 2
Day 8 – Breaking Sad
Items: SC,MP – Cards: 46
[School Yard]
1. Annoy your Teacher
2. Annoy Cindy
3. Get a Firecracker from Carla
4. Pay Monty the entrance price
5. Put the Firecracker into your cubby (most left one)
[Morning Time]
1. Pop the Firecracker
2. Leave to classroom and talk to your Teacher
3. Talk to monty in the Science Class
4. Buy Scissors
5. Report to your Teacher
1. Buy a Burger
2. Talk to Carla
3. Leave and take the elevator
4. Use the Plushie
1. Leave and take the elevator
2. Move to the far right for an outfit
(MM/OF End)
1. Leave and take the elevator
2. Examine both body parts for hair and an outfit
3. Go to your Classroom and steal the money
4. Go back to the Playground and give the Lift Key back to Monthy
5. Give the scissors to your Teacher
6. Go to science
1. Talk to Monthy
2. Give the Flower to Ozyy, the Gem to Cindy and the Doll to Penny
3. Let Monthy use either the Green or Purple one for an outfit
(MM/OF End)
1. Talk to Monthy
2. Give the Flower to Ozyy, the Gem to Cindy and the Doll to Penny
3. Let Monthy use the red one, and get a card
[School’s Out]
Obtained Items: Faculty Remote (FR)
Obtained Clothing: 3
Obtained Cards: 1
Day 9 – Creature Feature
Items: CB,FR,MP – Cards: 47
[School Yard]
1. Buy a Battery from Monthy
2. Use the Remote on Penny
3. Talk with Nugget.
4. Get Billy and Lily
5. Get the Lunch Pass from the Principle
[Morning Time]
1. Talk with Billy
2. Talk With Cindy, green, yellow
3. Talk with Buggs, green, blue
1. Give the Drill to Nugget
2. Enter the Hole
3. Plant the Bomb under the Table
4. Leave and go to the Principle
5. Go to the Girls Bathroom and do the deed
Note: Go get the green flower, and place it on the Nugget Altar in Nugget’s Cave
for an Achievement. Restart the room after getting it.
1. Enter the Nugget Cave
2. Use the remote on Penny
3. Talk to Carla next to the Dumpster
4. Go to the Teacher’s Lounge, and check the body for an outfit
5. Enter the hole, and talk to bob
6. Go to the Boys Bathroom and give the lighter to the monitor. You’ll get a card
7. Go to the Classroom and get a doll.
8. Check your teachers corpse for an outfit
9. Give the Doll to penny in the Nugget Hole
[Secret Lab]
1. Press Green, get outfit
2. Use Penny’s Head, get outfit
3. Move Blue Left, Press Blue, get outfit
4. Examine broken glass, get outfit.
5. Examine lower left corner, get card
6. Press Red
7. Move Green left, press Green
8. Move Red left twice, press Red
[School’s Out]
Obtained Items: All Monstermon and Outfit Locations Revealed
Obtained Clothing: 6
Obtained Cards: 3
Day 10 – Secret Ending
Cards: 50
And you thought it was over? Almost.
First, if you didn’t do it earlier, change your clothing for an Achievement.
As you noticed, there is only one missing. How to get it? Push the button
next to you Monstermon Card cabinet. If you have all the 50 cards (which you should). You’ll get a Secret Ending, the last outfit and the last Achievements.
Monstermon Deck
Blue Cards:
Hard Boogar
Sand Castle
Red Cards:
Chair of Spikes
Cyclops Duckling
Dab Hero
Green Cards:
Gnome of Garden
Mystical Tomato
Legendary Sword
Yellow Cards:
Zen Octopus
Pot of Greese
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