Hello everyone. This guide will show you how to effectively setup your Amazon + Norsca team with the right skills.
Getting Started
Team Composition
- 5 or more Norsca Lineman.
- 1 Yhetee. (Optional, but personally I like having a heavy hitter available)
- 4 Amazon Blitzers.
- 1 Amazon Thrower.
Why this line-up?
- Norsca Lineman for their “Block” skill.
- Yhetee for his “Frenzy”,”Disturbing Presence”, and “Claws” skills.
- Amazon Blitzers for their highly effective Block+Dodge Combo.
- Amazon Thrower only because she can pass the ball and has the “Dodge” skill.
The Norsca Lineman

The Norsca Lineman
- The Norsca Lineman will be the backbone of your defence.
- Cheap to buy/replace so don’t worry too much if a couple of them get injured or killed.
- Starts with the “Block” skill preventing mishaps from the dice roll “both players down”.
Movement: 6
Agility: 3
Strength: 3
Armor Value: 7
The following skills you should give to them in order to make them effective are as follows:
Negates the enemies dodge skill from the dice roll “pushed back knocked down” “!”
This can and will screw over teams who rely on dodge like Gnobler’s, Skaven and even Amazon’s.
Mighty Blow
Add 1 to any armor or injury roll when the player knocks down his opponent during a block.
Closing Comments
Other than that, if your lineman survive long enough to reach these skills, if they roll high enough start adding the skills “Dodge” or any characteristic that ups things like Armour, Movement, or Strength.
The Amazon Blitzer

The Amazon Blitzer
- The Amazon Blitzer will be your star players, “your catch all / do all” characters.
- Starts with the effective yet deadly “Block + Dodge” combo.
- Not cheap to replace as they cost 90k, so do NOT let them get injured or killed.
Movement: 6
Agility: 3
Strength: 3
Armor Value: 7
These are the following skills you should give your Amazons:
Negates the enemies dodge skill from the dice roll “pushed back knocked down” “!” and from players trying to dodge when moving through your tackle zone.
This can and will screw over teams who rely on dodge like Gnobler’s, Skaven and even Amazon’s.
Mighty Blow
Add 1 to any armor or injury roll when the player knocks down his opponent during a block.
You choose the direction in which your player is pushed.
Closing Comments
You should always pick a upgrade from the “characteristic” tab if you roll high enough instead of picking a regular skill. They should be prioritized in this order:
- Agility
- Armor
- Strength
- Movement
With a agility of 4 or more your Blitzer’s will play like high elves and will excel at dodging out of tackle zones, picking up the ball, and catching the ball.
The Yhetee

The Yhetee
- Optional player if you want more gold to spend on other things.
- Used to smack other big guys and control the center of the pitch.
- “Claws” mutation will break armor on a knockdown roll of 8 or more.
- “Frenzy” to push back & disrupt your opponents defensive line.
- High cost at 140k.
Movement: 5
Strength: 5
Agility: 1
Armor: 8
These are the following skills your Yhetee should have:
(If you roll high enough to be able to select it). Prevents mishaps from the “both players down” dice roll.
Mighty Blow
Add 1 to any armor or injury roll when the player knocks down his opponent during a block.
Closing Comments
Just another reminder to always prioritize the “characteristics” tab if you roll high enough on the level up screen.
Teams to Play Against for Easy Wins and Quick Leveling (AI)
- Sure they may have very scary secret weapons, however almost every game I have played against them typically results in half their team being injured or killed. Always focus on the chainsaw guy and the ball carrier. Ignore the trolls unless you have a big guy to fight them.
- Ogre teams may appear difficult at first, but all you need to do is have your lineman take the beating while your Blitzers hunt down the Gnoblers and their ball carrier. Due to the Gnobler’s low strength and armor value a knockdown roll against them is almost always a guaranteed Stun, injury, or death.
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