In this guide you will find all the current free loot codes that still work.
How to Use The Codes
Press ‘ESC’ while you are in-game, click the shopping cart icon (it is placed at the bottom right of the screen), and then click in ‘Redeem code’ and write it in there:
The Codes
These are the loot codes that still work and what they do:
- PSUARMORDECAL: This code unlocks a PSU themed armor decal.
- PSUVEHICLEDECAL: This code unlocks a PSU themed vehicle decal.
- 5YEARSPS2: This code unlocks a special PlanetSide 2 decal celebrating the game’s 5th anniversary (it works for vehicles and armor).
- 6YEARSPS2: This code unlocks a special PlanetSide 2 decal celebrating the game’s 6th anniversary (it works for vehicles and armor) and also a weapon, the NSX-P Naginata LMG.
The next code will only work in one character, so use it in your main one.
- MLGREPORT: This code unlocks a MLG themed decal (it works for vehicles and armor), and also 1 hour 50% boosts for XP and Resources.
- PS2WELCOMEBACK: This code unlocks a weapon, the NSX Tanto and also a platinum NS helmet.
Well, these are all the loot codes that still work nowadays.
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