New to the Vallis and wanna know where to go and what to look for? Maybe you just need quick access to some maps to look at. You’ve some to the right place.
Fish / Toroids / Cave Locations
Fish Locations
- 1P: Eye-Eye, Tink, Recaster
- 2P & 7P: Brickie
- 3P & 5P: Eye-Eye, Tink, Recaster, Tromyzon
- 4P, 10P, 11P, 12P, 13P: Eye-Eye, Brickie, TInk, Tromyzon, Recaster
- 6P: Eye-Eye, Brickie, Tink
- 8P & 9P: Eye-Eye, Tink, Tromyzon, Recaster
- 1L & 2L: Sapcaddy / (Echowinder, Kriller, and Longwinder during WARM Temperature)
Caves: Scrubber, Mirewinder, Synathid, Charamote.

All You Need to Know of the Orb Vallis

General Orb Vallis Map
- Only the Bounty location by Fortuna is permanent. Others are unlocked temporarily when you capture Corpus Outpost.
- K-Drive races currently active on the Orb Vallis. Races change daily at 0:00 UTC.
- All possible races locations.

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