My Summer Car – Proper Way to Brew Kilju

My Summer Car - Proper Way to Brew Kilju
My Summer Car - Proper Way to Brew Kilju

Instructions on sugar package translated and procedure explained so you get the right mixture every time.

Brewing Guide

There seems to be some confusion concerning how to correctly brew kilju. What I did Was followed the recipe on the sugar packet and got a perfect brew which I will now explain to you how to do.

On the side of the sugar packet it reads

  • 5 parts water
  • 1 part sugar
  • 1 packet of yeast

Given the information it’s now very simple to correctly brew kilju every time. Since the recipe calls for 5 parts water and 1 part sugar it means that for every packet of sugar you need 5x the ammount of water. In this case each packet of sugar is said to be 1 kg meaning that for every kg of sugar we need 5 litres of water. Since the bucket is a 30 litre bucket that means we need to take 30 and divide it by 5 and when we do that we get 6 meaning that we need to use 6 packs / kg of sugar in a 30 litre brew.

If you’re reading this guide I’m going to assume you’ve already went out to the island on your boat, collected the bucket and brought it back to your house. With that being said I will now walk you through the procedure of brewing.

The first thing you do is put your bucket under the faucet in the shower and let the water run until it reaches the top of the bucket and will not rise anymore. (Leave the water on until the water in the bucket is no longer rising)

The second thing you do is add your 6 packs of sugar (6 kg) into the water by picking up the sugar pack and dropping into the bucket. Do that for all 6 packs and then add the single packet of yeast the same way as you added the sugar in.

Thirdly, you want to put the bucket lid back on the bucket and shake the bucket around (you may also rotate it upside down over and over again, I don’t believe it will spill any) until you hear noises from the bucket, like bubbles. You then want to place the bucket in a dark place in your house (not sure if light will actually affect it or not, but I still do it anyway just to be sure) and leave it for multiple days (not sure of the exact number of days) until you hear the bubble noises stop coming from the bucket. Be warned that later in the brewing process the bubbles start to slow down and happen less frequently so make sure they are really stopped before you bottle it.

Bottling the Kilju – You will need to buy exactly 20 juice bottles to get every last drop from your 30L brew. This is because each bottle of juice is 1.5L which when divided from 30 will give you 20.

Also, just a little bonus. The juice bottles can be picked up again from the top of the garbage dump next to the outhouse (the dump is located by the drag strip / airport) after you have sold your Kilju.

Helena Stamatina
About Helena Stamatina 1519 Articles
My first game was Naughty Dog’s Crash Bandicoot (PlayStation) back in 1996. And since then gaming has been my main hobby. I turned my passion for gaming into a job by starting my first geek blog in 2009. When I’m not working on the site, I play mostly on my PlayStation. But I also love outdoor activities and especially skiing.

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