This guide will explain how to escape Center Perks 2.0 with all of the escapes.
Perimeter Breakout (Singleplayer)
- First, get your intelect up to 50.
- Find 3 files and 2 rolls of ductape.
- Craft filmsy cutters.
- Then craft the lightweight cutters.
- Get to evening rollcall early, as soon as it starts go to the northwest purple door (on the first floor).
- Go through the door and run to the fence.
- Wait intil Lights Out and start cutting the fence, watch out for the spotlights!
- Walk out of the prison.
Meet the Crew (Singleplayer)
- First quickly attend morning rollcall.
- Then get your intelect up to 50.
- Then find a broom and ductape.
- Go to the camrea crew lobby(Northwest on the 2nd floor)and go to the desk and open it.
- You will find a radio reciver and a civillian outfit.
- Using the broom, ductape and radio reciver craft the Sound Equipment.
- Go to the northwest corner on the first floor.
- Put on the civilian outfit and equip the sound equipment.
- Go to the door and press “E”.
- Escape.
The Last Post (Multiplayer)
- Raise your intelect to 50.
- Search or buy the following items: 3 pieces of Timber, 2 Nails, 1 Hammer, 1 Crate top, 1 Bracket, 1 Wire, 1 Circuit Board, crafting will be at the bottom of the page.
- Find 1 Postal address. This can be found on the west side of the map, on the upper floor.To get in you need a Cyan keycard.
- Alternatively you can avoid this step by going through the vent system, drop into the kitchen and bring a stepladder to get back out.
- Assemble the crate on the westen side of the map. Press “E” to escape.
- Crate Base: 2x Timber, 1x Nails.
- Crate Casing: 1x Crate Base, 1x Bracket.
- Crate Top: 1x Timber, 1x Hammer, 1x Nails.
- Crate: 1x Crate Base, 1x Crate Casing, 1x Crate Top, 1x Postal Address.
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