Mist Survival – Beginner’s Guide

Mist Survival - Beginner's Guide
Mist Survival - Beginner's Guide

Here we’ll be going through the simple things and possibly most of the things I can think of about this game.

The Map

Up top is a Map of the entire Mist Survival Location. Feel free to use this whenever your in a tight spot and need some help wandering where you are!

Some Basic Information

First off when you start playing this game your going to need to move quickly. Most likely everywhere you spawn there will be a bear waiting to maul you.

This is an example of what I have done.

The reason I went in the direction of the arrows is because along the road is a shack you can start in. I pretty nice cabin.

But after that there is a motel you can loot in to get car parts that you’ll need to create a car (fix one) You will need a list of things.

  • Wheels X4 You can find around the place (Near cars or buildings)
  • SparkPlug X1 You can find around the place (Near Cars or in Cars)
  • Engin X1 You can find around the place and in locations such one of the garages around the map! 
  • There is one on the way across the arrow that I followed.
  • Battery X1 You can find this in cars and around place.
  • Fuel You can find these.. you guessed it, in cars! but you’ll need a gas can to hold the fuel!

Anyway back to the map!

You see the circular gear looking thing on the map along the arrow? That’s one of the garages you can search in! Inside are some lockers, a possible car part or parts and some materials around and inside you’ll need to progress into the game. It’s good to use this as your first starter base. I used a shack I made beside it to start off.

After that I ended up moving along more and ended up at that white house with the watertower icon. This is a good location because It has a garage for your car, a water tower (Not sure what to do with that yet) and inside the house is already a set king sized bed with a kitchen full of shelves,it’s also a place you can set as your base (a book item must be beside the front door).

The Mist / Cooking

When the Mist appears you’ll need to sleep through it or if your feeling dangerous you can simply use these moments to try and kill off some zombies, killing them you’ll most likely get a few gun powders which you can use to create bullets for guns such as:

  • The Rifle
  • The Sniper
  • The Shotgun
  • The Pistol

An interesting fact! You can break apart these weapons for materials such as scrap and componants.

You can also sleep while the mist is around which usually lasts between 1 to 4 hours ingame time.
If you’re having trouble making a bed (if your not at a house with one you can use to sleep in) then you can simply press 7 to sleep on the ground. You can also hide in a car to be safe. If you want to wait a while for the Mist and have no choice, it’s time to get a cuppa!

Like I said before you’ll encounter quite a few bears (one at a time usually) Once you kill it which could be one or 2 shots to the head with a shotgun (if you have it) Once the bear is dead you can skin it and gun it. You’ll get animal fat which you can boil and turn into fuel for fires or the generator, meat which you can cook but wait! Don’t just simply cook the meat. If you wish to make the most out of the meat you should try and salt it before you cook it. Once you salt it you’ll need to make strings of meat and dry it on the drying rack. This is where you try the guts as well.

An interesting fact! Have you ever found it annoying where you can’t get enough bark from trees? (I’m serious) and you keep breaking down trees for them? Well have no fear! You can simply… hit the tree with a knife. This will get you bark almost every single hit!

The Mine

This is one of the hardest places to find in the Mist Survival, but if you know where to look then you know where to go so let’s get you to the mine!

If this image of the map and the mine location doesn’t really help you then when your at the Farm (on the side of the map) you can’t miss it! Simply look for the wind turbines lined up and you’ll see a path going up a hill. When you go up this hill you’ll come across another white house with some zombies inside. If there isn’t any then good for you! Go behind the house and you’ll see a military settlement there.

Go down the hill and you’ll see a cave looking area, go inside there and you’ll see the mine! But first you’ll need to create a pickaxe, you can make these will metal bars you can smelt from scrap metal and some componants or parts! There is a furnace at the farm.


The max amount of survivors are 3.

  • Kate
  • Rachel 
  • Scott

The survivors don’t do much except fight against the survivors, They don’t fight against the bandits as far as I noticed. Although I haven’t been raideded by them yet so unsure!

You can equiped the survivors with weapons they can use to defend with and are also places where you can store stuff if you have no room anywhere else. Although the thing is they’re guarded by bandits, atleast 4-5 of them atleast, so you’ll need to be careful when attempting to attack them and save a hostage/survivor!

Helena Stamatina
About Helena Stamatina 1024 Articles
My first game was Naughty Dog’s Crash Bandicoot (PlayStation) back in 1996. And since then gaming has been my main hobby. I turned my passion for gaming into a job by starting my first geek blog in 2009. When I’m not working on the site, I play mostly on my PlayStation. But I also love outdoor activities and especially skiing.


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