Have you asked yourself about car parts condition? Should you repair up to 100% or 50% or 30%? Should you use all new bought parts or repair? How to get the most profit and spend less? Hope this investigation brings some light.
I’m going to repair every possible part to minimize expenses and maximize profit. I have all skills unlocked except part examining tree. Because I’m still working on getting the parts examine achievement.

Initial Car Condition
Ordinary Bolt Chapman F-Mill from the barn. It was selected because it has nearly 100% interior and body condition. To let us focus only on parts.
- Car price: $17,336
- Spent on restoration: $0
- Restoration bonus: $0
- Profit: $0

Repair with 30% (Orange) Minimum Parts Quality
- Car price: $23,550
- Spent on restoration: $3,862
- Restoration bonus: $0
- Profit: $23,550 – $17,336 – $3,862 = $2,352
Not bad, though 😉 But we want to maximize profit!

Repair with 50% (Yellow) Minimum Parts Quality
- Car price: $26,887
- Spent on restoration: $6,600
- Restoration bonus: $1,008
- Profit: $26,887 – $17,336 – $6,600 + $1,008 = $3,959
It brings 68% more profit than 30% minimum parts quality restoration!

Repair with 85% (Green) Minimum Parts Quality
- Car price: $30,600
- Spent on restoration: $8,303
- Restoration bonus: $2,295
- Profit: $30,600 – $17,336 – $8,303 + $2,295 = $7,256
It brings 208% more than 30% minimum parts quality restoration. It brings 83% more than 50% minimum parts quality restoration. Cool! Let’s see if 100% restoration worth it!

Repair with 100% (Green) Minimum Parts Quality / Sell Broken Items
- Car price: $31,381
- Spent on restoration: $8,661
- Restoration bonus: $2,353
- Profit: $31,381 – $17,336 – $8,661 + $2,353 = $7,737
It brings 229% more than 30% minimum parts quality restoration. It brings 95% more than 50% minimum parts quality restoration. It brings 7% more than 85% minimum parts quality restoration.
Selling all broken parts brought additional $959. Profit in total: $7,737 + $959 = $8,696. Finally!

- Fixing body parts up to 100%
- Car price: $31,896
- Spent on restoration: $240
- Restoration bonus: $2,392
($31,381 and $2,353) – are revenues for fixing parts (excluding body) up to 100%. Profit: $31,896 – $31,381 – $240 – $2,353 + $2,295 = $217 (for fixing body parts only).

Buying body parts to replace those yellow durability body parts that can’t be fixed.
- Car price: $32,065
- Spent on restoration: $382
- Restoration bonus: $2,404
Profit: $32,065 – $31,896 – $382 – $2,392 + $2,404 = -$201 🙁 (for buying body parts to replace YELLOW body parts only).

Fixing Interior Parts Up to 100%
There is no way fixing them, only buying new ones.
- Car price: $32,376
- Spent on restoration: $765
- Restoration bonus: $2,428
Profit: $32,376 – $32,065 – $765 – $2,404 + $2,428 = -$430 (for buying interior parts to replace YELLOW interior parts only).

- Do not buy new items to replace parts with more than 85% durability (green). It’s not cost effective.
- Fix everything at the workbench. Just spam buttons. Don’t try to hit range between 85% and 100%. It’s a time wasting.
- Do not buy body parts to replace YELLOW durability. Maybe orange or red makes sense.
- Fixing interior parts (buying new ones) is not worth it. Unless to get a feeling of 100% done car.
- Cleaning interior makes sense. As it costs only $100. In 90% cases it is imeediately payed back by increased car price and restoration bonus. The rest 10% can be ignore. So clean up interior every time.
- Welding frame may make sense only when frame durability is Yellow, Orange or Red.
- I’ve got level up during this guide preparation.
- Thanks to God it wasn’t V8 engine.
Do new parts increase car price more that 100% repaired parts?
No. 100% repaired parts add the same number of money to the car price as bought parts. But you spend less when buying broken part and fixing it.
The complexity here is how to achieve the best balance between stocking fixed items and using them for repairings.
Does adding oil increase car price?
Does painting increase car price?
No, it’s poinless wasting of $1000. It doesn’t affect price at all. But makes you car look pretty 😉
This is a very thorough guide, nicely done! I jist wanted to clarify a few things though. In summary, it is best to repair as much as possible to 100% and then only replace necessary parts that are either orange or red?