How Much Costs All Railroad Tracks
Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic has 3 types of train tracks. The costs in workers and resources to build each type of track is broken out. Wooden rail can be upgraded to Concrete or Electric. Concrete can be upgraded Electric. The costs and some tips to help you plan out your rail network are included.
Types of Track
There are three types of track:
- Wooden rails.
- Concrete rails.
- Electrical rails.
Track speed limits
Wooden tracks are the slowest
- Wooden rails 70 km/h.
- Concrete rails 150 km/h.
- Electrical rails 150 km/h.
Concrete and electrical tracks have the same speed but they are limited to diesel or electrical locomotives.
Track Construction Costs
For a segment of train track of the same length, on a flat surface laid parallel to each other, here are the construction costs

The pricing in ₽ and $ are for comparison purposes. Pricing changes based on your game play, exports, imports and a global economic index.
Construction and Planning
Plan first, and then construct only when needed.
The Rail Construction Office (RCO) is a valuable part of your rail network. They build your train tracks, they help you save on costs. And they can mess up your rail network very easily if not used properly.
Some RCO tips
- RCO’s build out from the RCO.
- RCO’s don’t build track in the direction coming back.
- You can have multiple RCO’s.
- You can have 4 rail construction trains in a single RCO.
And a few tips to reduce your train track costs
- Plan out your design.
- Make room for switches.
- Trains and rail cars get bigger over time.
- Learn about blocks of track and add extra room for larger trains years later as your Republic grows.
- You don’t need to pack rails in on top of buildings and roads; leave room.
- Plan for double rails.
- Build rails one at a time as need.
Should I Build or Buy Track?
Good question.
The answer is always build.
If you are playing WRSR on easy mode with plenty of funds and you want to buy track, enjoy your game your own way.
As you progress to harder play styles and difficulty levels, you will have less and less resources. You cannot afford to lay down.huge lengths of track. It costs resources. It costs workers.
Those workers and resources could be better used to make your economic independent or generate a surplus. Over-building or buying your track doesn’t return anything to your funds account balance.
Most importantly, it is a game. Enjoy. So strike the above answer, and replace it with this one:
Play the game the way it is fun for you. If you want a bigger challenge, build your track with RCO’s and materials you make from structure’s you built with CO’s.
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