Here you can find info about how to activate and use console with all command list.
Console Commands List
How-To Cheats
To activate the console you need to press ´ / ö / ‘ / ñ / ù / ~ / ` during gameplay. Note that type of keyboard language changes activating button.
List of All Console Commands
Useful and Debug
- r_show_fps [0 /1/ 2] – Show you FPS mark (top left corner) mode 1 or 2
- r_max_background_fps [Number] – Allows the game to run with [Number] of frames when not in focus
- show_terrain_grid [0/1] – The ground gets a colored grid depending on type of block
- r_show_map_info [0/1] – Shows map information top left (Map seed, player position, current tile, terrain material)
- debug_mission_flow [0/1] – Shows the currently active mission flow for debugging
- r_show_entity_blueprints [0/1] – Shows entity blueprint information
- debug_spawn_entity [Blueprint] [ Y | Z | X ] – Spawns an object in-game (building/unit). If no Y/Z/X coordinates are given, it spawns at playerPos
- activate_mission_flow logic/weather/acid_rain.logic – Starts an in-game event depending on path chosen
- camera_enable_zoom [0/1] – The player can zoom with the mousewheel
- r_debug_rendering [vrs / occlusion / none] – Shows [variable rate shading / occlusion / no] debug overlay
- time_of_day_hour [Number] – Changes in-game time to input number
- time_factor [Number] – Changes in-game speed. E.g., time_factor 2 moves at double speed, time_factor .5 moves at half speed
- r_show_lua_names [0/1] – Shows in-game lua names
- debug_show_gui_hitboxes [0/1] – Shows GUI hitboxes
- debug_unlock_mission [name, def] – Unlocks a campaign mission
- building_speed_multiplier [decimal value] – Value sets building speed multiplier. E.g., 0.5 causes buildings to build 2x as fast. Does not affect buildings already being built.
- cheat_debug_difficulty [0/1] – Shows current difficulty parameters as text on screen.
- cheat_reveal_minimap [0/1] – Reveals the minimap
- cheat_enable_debug_menu [0/1] – Enables the sandbox menu; Press F11 to open
- cheat_god_mode [0/1] – Makes Riggs invincible
- cheat_set_player_health – Sets Riggs health
- cheat_remove_all_units [0/1] – Removes all units
- cheat_remove_visible_units [0/1] – Removes all units currently visible on the minimap
- cheat_add_all_items [0/1] – Adds all items to the inventory
- cheat_add_item [Item Blueprint w/ _item] [Count] – Adds a specific number of the same item to the inventory.
- cheat_add_resource [Resource] [Value] – Adds a specific amount of a specific resource to the player inventory.
- cheat_no_clip [0/1] – Riggs can walk through obstacles
- cheat_full_bestiary [0/1] – Unlocks the full bestiary
- cheat_increase_family_info_lvl [0/1] – Increases bestiary family level
- cheat_hud_visible [0/1] – Hides / Shows the HUD
- cheat_spawn_meteor [0/1] – Spawns a meteor
- cheat_full_loadout [0/1] – Gives Riggs an equipped heavy weapons loadout
- cheat_enable_research [0/1] – Allows research
- cheat_unlock_research [0/1] – Unlocks research
- cheat_set_player_invisibility [0/1] – Turns Riggs invisible
- cheat_enable_discoverable_system [0/1] – Enables the discovery of new species
- cheat_build_building_on_random_spot [Blueprint] [Count] – Spawns buildings on random spots
- cheat_unlimited_money [0/1] – Unlimited resources
- cheat_minimap_teleport_on_click [0/1] – Teleports to position on minimap (Open big minimap and click)
Graphics and Config
- r_ambient_occlusion [hbao / ray / none] – Changes view to [horizon based ambient occlusion / ray tracing / none] lighting implementation
- r_anti_aliasing [txaa / none] – Temporal anti-aliasing [enable / disable]
- r_cas [cas / none] – FidelityFX CAS (Contrast Adaptive Sharpening) [enable / disable]
- r_soft_shadows [pcss / none] – Soft shadows [enable / disable]
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