Little Goody Two Shoes – Endings Guide (Spoiler-Free)

This guide will attempt to describe how to obtain each ending while spoiling as little possible.

Ending #1: Moira

During the fair, have at least 4 hearts with Rozenmarine and choose to hang out with her. Pick the correct option during her date, which rewards you with the final offering.

During the night, place all 3 offerings correctly and be adamant about wanting your wish over anything else in the last stretch of the game.

Ending #2: Treacherous Rose

During the fair, have at least 4 hearts with Freya and choose to hang out with her. Pick the correct option during her date, which rewards you with the final offering.

During the night, place all 3 offerings correctly and be adamant about wanting your wish over anything else in the last stretch of the game.

Ending #3: Judas’ Kiss

During the fair, have at least 4 hearts with Lebkuchen and choose to hang out with her. Pick the correct option during her date, which rewards you with the final offering.

During the night, place all 3 offerings correctly and be adamant about wanting your wish over anything else in the last stretch of the game.

Ending #4: Apostasy

This ending requires some work throughout the entire game.

  • Pick up the note near the entrance of the church on the first day.
  • Go to the crossroads (the area where the game begins) and examine the rocks with the symbol in the north. Pick up two items, then avoid the baddie and examine the rock at the bottom to escape.
  • 2 days later the entrance at the old mill will open up. Inside is a puzzle with a doll and 3 holes in the wall
    • Hint: You can tear the doll apart inside your inventory. Place the correct body part into each of the 3 holes.
  • You’ll find a note and a key.
  • 2 days later, you’ll be able to examine the fish statue near the town’s well (room all the way to the right) and use the key on it. Inside is a puzzle you need to solve.
    • Hint: The wall and the candles are mirrored. Place your pendant on the last open space after solving it.
  • You’ll find another key. This one can be used inside the old mill, at a locked door near where you solved the doll puzzle. There you will find a note and the final key.
  • During the fair, you can go inside the church and the door to the right will be open. After examining all prompts, you can curl up the carpet and find a trap door. Use the final key here and go inside. The ending is yours once you examine something down there.

Ending #5: Star-Crossed

During the fair, have at least 4 hearts with Rozenmarine and choose to hang out with her. Pick the correct option during her date, which rewards you with the final offering.

During the night, place all 3 offerings correctly, but when you see the tree with gold around it, select options where you show concern for your partner and decide against moving forward.

Ending #6: Grape Jewel

During the fair, have at least 4 hearts with Freya and choose to hang out with her. Pick the correct option during her date, which rewards you with the final offering.

During the night, place all 3 offerings correctly, but when you see the tree with gold around it, select options where you show concern for your partner and decide against moving forward.

Ending #7: Bells of Dawn

During the fair, have at least 4 hearts with Lebkuchen and choose to hang out with her. Pick the correct option during her date, which rewards you with the final offering.

During the night, place all 3 offerings correctly, but when you see the tree with gold around it, select options where you show concern for your partner and decide against moving forward.

Ending #8: The Kiss

During the fair, hang out with Rozenmarine regardless of how many hearts you have with her.

During the night, place the first two offerings correctly, but the third incorrectly. Just put something else entirely on the third altar.

The ending is yours once you place it.

Ending #9: Auto-Da-Fe

During the fair, hang out with Freya or Lebkuchen regardless of how many hearts you have with them.

During the night, place the first two offerings correctly, but the third incorrectly. Just put something else entirely on the third altar.

The ending is yours once you place it.

Ending #10: Motherly Cocoon

During the night of the fair, place the first two offerings incorrectly, just put something else entirely on the altars.

The ending is yours once you place the 3rd item.

Two More Unlisted Endings

Some actions will give you a bad ending that is not listed in your room’s wardrobe, but do have achievements for getting them:


Have your suspicion plummet and be branded a witch. The event will happen the moment you advance time after working with 10 suspicion points. Be sure to save before getting the 10th to avoid a softlock.


During the final confrontation with the wish granting person, show concern for your chosen lady instead of staying quiet.

Helena Stamatina
About Helena Stamatina 1023 Articles
My first game was Naughty Dog’s Crash Bandicoot (PlayStation) back in 1996. And since then gaming has been my main hobby. I turned my passion for gaming into a job by starting my first geek blog in 2009. When I’m not working on the site, I play mostly on my PlayStation. But I also love outdoor activities and especially skiing.

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