It’s essentially a little life-hack (maybe I’m not the only genius) on how to stop shaking in fear of being without lights and fuel.
Wine Cellar
First of all, we need to get access to the wine cellar. Of course, you can find bottles all over the bunker, not only in the cellar, but right here is a storehouse: three boxes + a couple on the shelves.
So, all we need is a bolt cutter (located in prison) or a wrench (located in Brigadier Stafford’s locker).
Unscrew the grate / break the chain and get access to our beauties.

Fuel Storage
We are heading to maintenance, namely, to fuel storage. (To avoid problems with the beast, pre-feed the generator with a couple of cans).

Then, slowly, squatting (you can walk, but why do we need extra noise? :D) we quietly stomp towards the fuel depot.

Well, we begin the procedure.

That’s All!
For a few trips we will have a full supply of fuel, this will last until the end of the game.

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