This guide to help people acquire some of the more ‘esoteric’ achievements, quests and puzzles.
Mediterranean Diet (Tirso’s Questline)
So, I’ve seen a lot of people say that this achievement is bugged and i would like to beg to differ…
It’s not it triggers on bosses killed so as long as you get the healing items to Tirso before you killed any boss you can’t fail this achievement.
So feel free to talk to Tirso at the start of the game and he’ll tell you that he needs some healing supplies.
There is supposed to be two wounded here

Four wounded here

And two wounded here.

If your Albero doesn’t look like these screenshots then you will not be able to get the achievement…
Currently i do not have any routes in order to do this achievement however, I can at least offer some advice when going for this achievement.
As stated above basically there is no time limit it’s to do with bosses you’ve killed, theory: I have no idea how many healing items you need to ensure that everyone is safe so for instance if you give two healing items then kill piedad then maybe no-one will still die? Will need more testing but, if you want to play it safe just run through all the areas in the first part of the game and don’t kill any bosses until you have collected all 4 herbs and brought them to Tirso…
1st Herb: Incense Garlic can be found in Where the Olive Trees wither here.

2nd Herb: Bouquet of Thyme can be found in Albero when you portal there from any other portal you can use the portal rooms in either Mercy Dreams or Brotherhood of Silent Sorrow it doesn’t matter it’s literally on the floor next to the portal can’t miss it.

3rd Herb: Dried Clove you get this after you get to the other side of the moving bridge that’s above Jondo it’s in the Mountains of Endless Dusk and you’ll need the Blood Sand ability to get access to it.

4th Herb: Bouquet of Rosemary can be found in Jondo on the bottom right hand side if you ring the big bell and fall through the floor to Grievence Ascends you can access this this herb using the lever or you can go from the centre checkpoint and just keep heading down on the right side.

Once you have all four herbs return to Tirso and claim your rewards the first reward will be Linen Cloth then followed by Tears of Atonement please check my guide on Shroud of Dreamt Sins if you want access to that relic. If you’ve been following this guide and you haven’t killed any bosses yet you’ll not be able to use the Fountain to get to the salt world and talk to salty boy to bless your linen cloth yet however, now you are free to kill any of the bosses in the first part Dad who bakes pies, Burnt Face Woman, Three Anguishes and Ezdras be sure to not kill any other boss as this may fail the achievement.

So after you’ve beaten Ezdras the next herb you get is the Olive Seeds as with the previous section do not kill any bosses until you have acquired the last two remaining herbs otherwise it will forfeit the achievement…
The Olive Seeds is the Patio of Silent Steps just on top of a platform

The next ingredient Sooty Garlic you can find in The Sleeping Canvases just by some floating portraits

This is the last ingredient so take them back to Tirso and you’ll be rewarded with Tears of Atonement

Once you have given the last ingredient to Tirso just kill Bleeding Eyes Nope Baby, Lord Spookiton and Bootleg Slave Knight Gael (Quirce) and talk to Tirso again and he’ll reward you with a Knot of Rosary Rope and the Mediterranean Diet achievement!

Ludovico’s Questline (Debla of the Lights)
This is a pretty straightforward quest and can be completed at any point in the game you just need to find the three remains of Tentudia…
The one you are likely to find first is the Remains of Tentudia’s Hair this is the Where the Olive Trees Wither zone and you have to get past some pretty annoying jumpey bois and bell bois in order to get it… I have died to spikes too many times.

Next up is her Carnal Remains which you’ll need the blood sand power to gain access to. This is in Wasteland of the Buried Churches it is underneath the bridge.

Lastly, you’ll need to get her Skeletal Remains which requires both tree powers and sand powers to get there are some bell bois guarding it though so be careful…

Now you must return to Albero and talk to Ludovico the sentient window and he’ll give you tears of atonement for the first two and a new spell for the last one thus completing the questline!

Enjoy your new super saiyan powers

Viridiana’s Questline (Last Breath)
In order to get the Last Breath achievement you must speak with Viridiana and accept her help three times otherwise, you’ll not get the achievement!
However, this does not stop you from getting 100% if you choose not to take Viridiana’s help she’ll appear before the final boss and give you the miracle there. If you want the miracle sooner then you can accept her help to get access to it earlier.
You can use the map made by Demajen if you can’t find her but, honestly she is pretty obvious locations outside each boss fight so i highly doubt you won’t be able to find her when you first meet her choose Ascent and she’ll help you in the boss fight if you choose Dissent then you can change your mind later if you wish as long as the boss is still alive.

As she helps you she’ll get progressively older…

Once she has become super elderly she’ll appear after you’ve beaten the boss and she’ll tell you that her debt to you has been paid and she’ll give you the miracle Zarabanda of the Safe Haven and then fall over dead you can exit the room and renter if you want to see a snazzy particle effect.

The miracle in action.

Righteous Riposte
So this achievement initially bugged the hell out of me since, I thought I was good at parrying I very much thought wrong…
So in order to get the 5 Righteous Riposte’s you must parry the enemy just as they are about to hit you if you succeed you’ll see a red lightning flash and you’ll be able to execute the enemy.

Best place to get this achievement is in The Holy Line which is the area which you reach after you beat the very first boss in the game. The wheel guys at least in my experience seem to be the easiest enemy in the game to get a Righteous Riposte on.

Optional: You can use Heart of the Unnamed Minstrel which you can get at Graveyard of the Peaks next to the top most part of the Elevator Room that’s adjacent to Covent of the Charred Visage you’ll need to cut yourself in front of the gate in order to gain access to the heart.

Tl’dr version talk to him without killing any boss to get the thimble, then you can kill the bosses in any order as long as you have the thimble…

The dreaded ‘timed’ event
It’s not timed it’s to do with if you’ve killed a boss or not… Now if you want to kill the dad of many pies first talk to Gémino before you do so. This is to ensure you get the thimble as if you don’t then you’ll have a frowny face and a tree man who thinks your too smelly to talk to… Once you have the thimble you can return to him at any point no matter what order you do the bosses in and he’ll still drop the frozen olive.
So if your tree man looks like this you dun goofed.

So it’s best to talk to him immediately upon starting the game you can find him here

He’ll whinge about his penance and blah blah blah holy sacrifice etc… and he’ll give you this

You’ll need to fill this with burning oil which I will show you where to get later in this section but, for now you are safe to complete the rest of the game in any order however, if you wish to get the lifesteal miracle (Saeta Dolorosa) early then please follow below…
Optional (Dried Flowers Miniquest to get Saeta Dolorosa early)
Warning this part is tricky since you have to fight burnt face women as the first boss and believe you me I hate having to fight her also… Now whether this is timed or not I have no clue I know on my speedrun character I managed to unlock the passage by leaving and exiting the area a couple of times once i finished Gémino’s quest now whether that has something to do with the progress of his affliction so if you give him the thimble later on when he’s fully treeified e.g. after two bosses then it may not open the way however, it’s not of any real concern as I’ll show you the alternate method in order to get the Saeta Dolorosa miracle however, it does mean you’ll be stuck with the dried flowers in your inventory and you won’t have finished the miniquest but, it also doesn’t matter for 100% completion so there really isn’t much of a worry here. Although, getting Saeta Dolorosa early may help with the Requiem Aeternam achievement (Beat all bosses without flask consumption). As that only refers to flask consumption so other healing such as Viridiana and lifesteal won’t forfeit the achievement? Not sure however, if the wording is literal then I don’t think it will.
So make your way through the Convent and when you reach the boss you’ll find the Dried Flower here.

If you are having trouble beating the Burnt Face Lady i’d recommend you pick up this miracle (Següiriya to your Eyes like Stars) it increases your attack speed and gives you extra damage and is very nice for this boss fight… You’ll need to fight a bunch of ghosts when you loot it but, they aren’t too hard.

Once you have beaten the burnt face lady interact with the font and get the burning oil because, i was tired when doing this I completely forgot to screenshot that part so i apologise I’ll fix it in my next playthrough

Once you got the boiling oil return to Gémino and give it to him.

Exit and leave the area just basically run to one of the rooms either side to spawn the item and he’ll have dropped the Frozen Olive on the ground to pick up.

If your Gémino looks like this an empty shell rather than a tree man that means you can follow up and do the optional part with the Dried Flower Bathed in Tears. If he has become a groot then you have missed out on this. This part isn’t needed for 100% completion but, it’s nice to do if you want the lifesteal miracle early.
Head on over to where you got the Incense Garlic earlier in this guide

The room will look bigger and you can give the grave the Dried Flowers and it’ll open a way down if you jump into the coffin it’ll lead to this area where you can get the lifesteal miracle (Saeta Dolorosa)

Three Gnarled Tongues (Tree Powers Activate Altasgracias Questline)
Ok… In all seriousness though this is a bit of a dousey and i’m quite impressed with myself that i managed to figure this out all by myself! This will allow you to gain the ability to grow vines in areas that you couldn’t access before like so…

Neat huh? They can also be scaled like the walls can…

So first off what you want to do is get here.

You want to buy the Torn Bridal Ribon from Candelaria for 800 Freedom Dollars as this is the first key item you need for this questline.

So this area is where you’ll eventually take the deformed egg to but, first time you get here you’ll be fighting a miniboss now if you lose to this boss, this boss will disappear and will only reappear when you fight Ezdras
Theory: I believe if you kill Perpetuva during the Ezdras fight you’ll still get Perpetuva’s Protection however, you may still just get it for just beating Ezdras someone will have to test that for me or I will at some point
Now this boss isn’t particularly hard as you can see i did this with a fresh character without any real upgrades and i beat her. The trick is just to be patient and don’t panic when you see the lightning bolts start to form just move from side to side to dodge them there will be one that is fairly easy to avoid which is a yellowish colour that spawns on top of you when she swings her sword just dodge out of the way. The attack you really need to look out for is her charge she’ll start to swoop downwards towards you and then she’ll thrust her sword in front of her and charge at you now you can parry this if your confident at parrying like me or you can simply just over her. She can be difficult if you are unprepared for her but, if this is like your second or third playthrough she’s a cakewalk

We’ll need to come back here once we have the egg.

Blood Perpetuated in Sand
Now if you want to see the far worse and sub-par explanation done by me on what to do then feel free to continue reading…
So first you want to head on down and go talk to everyone’s favourite Candelaria and buy the key on sale this one is in Mercy’s Dreams

Once you have this key you’ll need to go back to the starting area Brotherhood of the Silent Sorrow you can get there either by the backdoor via the Mountains of Endless Dusk

Or you can simply just backtrack the normal way, you’ll need to get to this room.

Once you reached this area open the doors with the key.

Then just smash the glass and grab the relic!

This will now allow you to jump on those red particle effects such as this one…

However, when jumping be mindful that although any platforms that form at the start are permanent any platforms that are formed as you are jumping from between them are temporary.

Redento (Nail Covered in Dirt, Toes)
So for this quest it’s relatively straight forward until you get to the end which i must admit i had to ask for help on that part thanks Yemeth…
So first time you meet Redento he is on the bridge above Jondo which you can reach after going through the Mountains of Endless Dusk this bridge connects to The Brotherhood of the Silent Sorrow.

He’ll whinge about how his feet hurt and how he has to look down at the ground and that he’s from a long line of whinging travellers that make this pilgrimage.

Make sure you exhaust his dialogue.
If you go through Jondo when you reach the left side just keep heading up and you’ll reach the lever which operates the moving bridges

If you have the blood sand relic you can get a free flask upgrade at the centre of this bridge… Once you’ve made it back to the other side he’ll give you quite literally the best bead in the game (In my opinion) Fourth Toe made of Limestone i’ll let you discover what it does.

Now go back over the other side yeah i know back and forth back and forth.
But, this is where you find Redento again back in The Brotherhood of the Silent Sorrow where if you read my guide on how to get the Blood Sand powerup i mentioned this was one of the ways you could gain access to this area. This backdoor holds a Mea Culpa shrine, The Rosary Knot Ghost that improves your Rosary Beads, A teleport room, A confessor and Redento himself

Basically what you have to do is go in through the door that is next to him and you’ll be transported to a mini jumping puzzle dungeon that isn’t too difficult once you’ve finished it you’ll be taken to the other side of the wall.

Here you can smash the mechanism that brings the ladder down and gives you access to the rest of the area, you will also be able to smash the wall down preventing Redento from travelling and after doing so just talk to him again until you exhaust his dialogue

Next time we find our noob he’s stuck because he can’t be bothered to push down a tree trunk i mean come on minecraft taught us that wood is weak to punching…

Chat him up again and go do his dirty work just go forward a bit and jump down and you’ll see these tree trunks which you can hit and they’ll make a bridge

In the middle there is a woman riding a giant (Dirty mind) and after memeing on her you can progress forward and help Redento

After you push the tree down talk to Redento and exhaust his dialogue and you’ll get the Little Toe made of Limestone

Redento 2: Icicle Tricycle
So after you have helped the noob and you have killed Ezdras you’ll find him just before reaching the Mother of Mothers when you talk to him he’ll say he is sacred and needs a daddy big strapping lad the player to kill the enemy in front of the church.

The fireball spitting dog enemy can be quite annoying to deal with but, once it’s dead you can talk to him and he’ll give you the Big Toe of Limestone (Warning: This will prevent you from getting the Crossing Souls achievement if you wish to get that achievement then just continue forward without talking to him again if you do he’ll move onto the next part of his questline and you’ll forfeit the achievement…)
Either after finishing the Crossing Souls achievement or if you don’t need the achievement he’ll give you the Big Toe of Limestone and move on.

You’ll next meet him inside the Mother of Mothers prostrating in front of a statue simply speak with him and then stand next to the statue with all the toe items you have gathered equipped.

The statue will then move revealing a hidden area speak with Redento again. You’ll then see that the area houses the Nail uprooted from Dirt this relic allows you to move normally in muck like in The Holy Line or in the Desecrated Cistern.

Once leaving you’ll hear Redento whining and after he has done whining return to the hole in the wall and you’ll discover his corpse as well as a Knot of Rosary Rope for your trouble.

And that’s the end of his questline!
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