Muse Dash has quite a bit of (very Nice looking) ladies that each have their own benefits.
In this quick guide- I hope you can obtain a bit of knowledge for getting a better score! (Honestly- most of these are common sense so if you have any add-ons and suggestions, please tell me! I will love to add it!)
High Score Setters
These characters will usually boost up your score dramatically with their own twists! There is of course a downside or a challenge for each character though….
These high setters are a bit easier and safer to use for higher scores.
Bunny Girl Rin
- This skin will give you a x3 Score from heart (when you have max HP), music notes, ghosts and saw blades.
- You will also have 200 HP.
Elfin’s that are good to be matched with this skin:
- Mio Sir
- Rabot-233
- Dragon Girl
Joker Buro
- This skin will give a score setting perk. The higher the combo is, the higher extra score points you get. It caps at The higher combo is, the higher extra score you get. It caps at 70 combo.
- You will also have 200 HP.
Elfin’s that are good to be matched with this skin:
- Mio Sir
- Rabot-233
- Dragon Girl
- Lilith
Magical Girl Marija
- You get a max fever of 100 (Default 120)
- You will also have 200 HP.
A lot of people may think this skin isn’t good for high scores- but fevers can raise your score pretty damn quick.
Elfin’s that are good to be matched with this skin:
- Mio Sir
- Rabot-233
- Little Witch Best elfin Match for this skin!
- Lilith
Little Devil Marija
- You will get a x1.25 score when knocking back enemies and boss (except [!] attacks)
- You will also have 200 HP.
- Minus 10 HP per second.
Elfin’s that are good to be matched with this skin:
- Lilith Best and only usable elfin Match for this skin!
Health Helpers
These characters will help you not die as easily as with other characters. Some of these levels are hard so no worries!
Bassist Rin
- You will have 300 HP.
Elfin’s that are good to be matched with this skin:
- Rabot-233
- Angela
- Thanatos
- Little Nurse
School Girl Buro
- You will have 250 HP.
- You will be invincible in fever mode.
Elfin’s that are good to be matched with this skin:
- Rabot-233
- Angela
- Thanatos
- Little Nurse
Zombie Girl Buro
- You will have 250 HP.
- When HP is 0, HP is set to 1 and you become invincible for 15 seconds.
- Can be activated again if you get a red heart after the invincibility ends.
Elfin’s that are good to be matched with this skin:
- Rabot-233
- Angela
- Thanatos
- Little Nurse
Maid Marija
- You will have 250 HP.
- You will get x2.5 HP and 2 seconds invincibility when getting a red heart while HP is less than 100 (activates once).
Elfin’s that are good to be matched with this skin:
- Rabot-233
- Angela
- Thanatos
- Little Nurse Best elfin Match for this skin!
Perfect Score Characters
These characters will help you get a perfect score on songs.
Bad Girl Rin
- You get 3 instantly used shields to change Great to Perfect 3 times. (You can’t control which notes you use the benefit on.) (Also this doesn’t count for long notes.)
- You will also have 250 HP.
Elfin’s that are good to be matched with this skin:
- Rabot-233
- Lilith
The Girl in Black Marija
- Damage area at the right side of saw blades is reduced by 30 milliseconds.
- Knock-back-enemy’s Perfect range is increased by 10 milliseconds on both sides.
- You will also have 250 HP.
Elfin’s that are good to be matched with this skin:
- Rabot-233
- Lilith
Just Good Characters to Play
These characters are just good to play for normal play and have their own benefits!
These characters are just good to play and have their own benefits.
Christmas Gift Rin
- Plus 5% accuracy if you get 90% accuracy or lower on result screen.
- You will also have 250 HP.
Elfin’s that are good to be matched with this skin:
- Every elfin is good.
Idol Buro
- EXP x1.5
- You will also have 200 HP.
Elfin’s that are good to be matched with this skin:
- Every elfin is good.
Violinist Marija
- Combo isn’t reset when Miss if combo is less than 100.
- You will also have 250 HP.
Elfin’s that are good to be matched with this skin:
- Every elfin is good.
Here are all of the benefits of the elfins to play with!
Mio Sir
- Fever lasts an extra 7 seconds.
- Each miss will only take off 6 damage.
- 2 seconds invincibility when getting damage or getting a red heart.
- Change Miss to Great 3 times.
Little Nurse
- Plus 10 HP per second when HP is less than 50 for 15 seconds (activates once).
Little Witch
- Score x1.2 for knocking back enemies and boss (except [!] attacks) while in fever.
Dragon Girl
- Score x1.3 for knocking back enemies spawning from boss and boss itself (except [!] attacks).
- Perfect score x1.05
- If used with Little Devil Marijia, +2 HP for each perfect and music note.
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